6947865 format is showing incorrect value for Total disk sectors available for EFI labeled disks
6830697 format fails to select a partition with 0-block slices
PSARC/2008/336 Extended VTOC 6708609 Support booting on disks > 1TB (phase 1) 6672960 cmlb: default minor nodes for disks > 1TB is not EFI/GPT style 6727240 When a fat32 partition created in the part of the disk after 1TB, block I/O and umount fail
PSARC 2006/373 Dynamic Lun Expansion 6241086 Format should allow label adjustment when disk/lun size changes 6430818 Solaris needs mechanism of dynamically increasing lun size
6268939 cmd/addbadsec and gcc don't get along 6271029 gcc and cmd/diskscan don't get along 6271084 gcc and cmd/format don't get along
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