cpp.aux revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!./perl -l
# There's a bug in -P where the #! line is ignored. If this test
# suddenly starts printing blank lines that bug has been fixed.
print "1..3\n";
#define MESS "ok 1\n"
print MESS;
#ifdef MESS
print "ok 2\n";
print "not ok 2\n";
open(TRY,">Comp_cpp.tmp") || die "Can't open temp perl file: $!";
($prog = <<'END') =~ s/X//g;
X$ok = "not ok 3\n";
X#include "Comp_cpp.inc"
X#ifdef OK
X$ok = OK;
Xprint $ok;
print TRY $prog;
close TRY or die "Could not close Comp_cpp.tmp: $!";
open(TRY,">Comp_cpp.inc") || (die "Can't open temp include file: $!");
print TRY '#define OK "ok 3\n"' . "\n";
close TRY or die "Could not close Comp_cpp.tmp: $!";
print `$^X "-P" Comp_cpp.tmp`;
unlink "Comp_cpp.tmp", "Comp_cpp.inc";