split.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
unless ("A" eq pack('U', 0x41)) {
print "1..0 # Unicode::Normalize " .
"cannot stringify a Unicode code point\n";
exit 0;
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
chdir('t') if -d 't';
@INC = $^O eq 'MacOS' ? qw(::lib) : qw(../lib);
use Test;
use strict;
use warnings;
BEGIN { plan tests => 14 };
use Unicode::Normalize qw(:all);
ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok.
sub _pack_U { Unicode::Normalize::pack_U(@_) }
sub _unpack_U { Unicode::Normalize::unpack_U(@_) }
our $proc; # before the last starter
our $unproc; # the last starter and after
# If string has no starter, entire string is set to $unproc.
# When you have $normalized string and $unnormalized string following,
# a simple concatenation
# C<$concat = $normalized . normalize($form, $unnormalized)>
# is wrong. Instead of it, like this:
# ($processed, $unprocessed) = splitOnLastStarter($normalized);
# $concat = $processed . normalize($form, $unprocessed.$unnormalized);
($proc, $unproc) = splitOnLastStarter("");
ok($proc, "");
ok($unproc, "");
($proc, $unproc) = splitOnLastStarter("A");
ok($proc, "");
ok($unproc, "A");
($proc, $unproc) = splitOnLastStarter(_pack_U(0x41, 0x300, 0x327, 0x42));
ok($proc, _pack_U(0x41, 0x300, 0x327));
ok($unproc, "B");
($proc, $unproc) = splitOnLastStarter(_pack_U(0x4E00, 0x41, 0x301));
ok($proc, _pack_U(0x4E00));
ok($unproc, _pack_U(0x41, 0x301));
($proc, $unproc) = splitOnLastStarter(_pack_U(0x302, 0x301, 0x300));
ok($proc, "");
ok($unproc, _pack_U(0x302, 0x301, 0x300));
our $ka_grave = _pack_U(0x41, 0, 0x42, 0x304B, 0x300);
our $dakuten = _pack_U(0x3099);
our $ga_grave = _pack_U(0x41, 0, 0x42, 0x304C, 0x300);
our ($p, $u) = splitOnLastStarter($ka_grave);
our $concat = $p . NFC($u.$dakuten);
ok(NFC($ka_grave.$dakuten) eq $ga_grave);
ok(NFC($ka_grave).NFC($dakuten) ne $ga_grave);
ok($concat eq $ga_grave);