pack.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!./perl -w
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require './';
plan tests => 5852;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
my $Is_EBCDIC = (defined $Config{ebcdic} && $Config{ebcdic} eq 'define');
my $Perl = which_perl();
sub encode_list {
my @result = map {_qq($_)} @_;
if (@result == 1) {
return @result;
return '(' . join (', ', @result) . ')';
sub list_eq ($$) {
my ($l, $r) = @_;
return 0 unless @$l == @$r;
for my $i (0..$#$l) {
if (defined $l->[$i]) {
return 0 unless defined ($r->[$i]) && $l->[$i] eq $r->[$i];
} else {
return 0 if defined $r->[$i]
return 1;
# Here starteth the tests
my $format = "c2 x5 C C x s d i l a6";
# Need the expression in here to force ary[5] to be numeric. This avoids
# test2 failing because ary2 goes str->numeric->str and ary doesn't.
my @ary = (1,-100,127,128,32767,987.654321098 / 100.0,12345,123456,
my $foo = pack($format,@ary);
my @ary2 = unpack($format,$foo);
is($#ary, $#ary2);
my $out1=join(':',@ary);
my $out2=join(':',@ary2);
# Using long double NVs may introduce greater accuracy than wanted.
$out1 =~ s/:9\.87654321097999\d*:/:9.87654321098:/;
$out2 =~ s/:9\.87654321097999\d*:/:9.87654321098:/;
is($out1, $out2);
like($foo, qr/def/);
# How about counting bits?
my $x;
is( ($x = unpack("%32B*", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\377")), 16 );
is( ($x = unpack("%32b69", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\017")), 12 );
is( ($x = unpack("%32B69", "\001\002\004\010\020\040\100\200\017")), 9 );
my $sum = 129; # ASCII
$sum = 103 if $Is_EBCDIC;
my $x;
is( ($x = unpack("%32B*", "Now is the time for all good blurfl")), $sum );
my $foo;
open(BIN, $Perl) || die "Can't open $Perl: $!\n";
sysread BIN, $foo, 8192;
close BIN;
$sum = unpack("%32b*", $foo);
my $longway = unpack("b*", $foo);
is( $sum, $longway =~ tr/1/1/ );
my $x;
is( ($x = unpack("I",pack("I", 0xFFFFFFFF))), 0xFFFFFFFF );
# check 'w'
my @x = (5,130,256,560,32000,3097152,268435455,1073741844, 2**33,
my $x = pack('w*', @x);
my $y = pack 'H*', '0581028200843081fa0081bd8440ffffff7f8480808014A0808'.
is($x, $y);
my @y = unpack('w*', $y);
my $a;
while ($a = pop @x) {
my $b = pop @y;
is($a, $b);
@y = unpack('w2', $x);
is(scalar(@y), 2);
is($y[1], 130);
$x = pack('w*', 5000000000); $y = '';
eval {
use Math::BigInt;
$y = pack('w*', Math::BigInt::->new(5000000000));
is($x, $y);
$x = pack 'w', ~0;
$y = pack 'w', (~0).'';
is($x, $y);
is(unpack ('w',$x), ~0);
is(unpack ('w',$y), ~0);
$x = pack 'w', ~0 - 1;
$y = pack 'w', (~0) - 2;
if (~0 - 1 == (~0) - 2) {
is($x, $y, "NV arithmetic");
} else {
isnt($x, $y, "IV/NV arithmetic");
cmp_ok(unpack ('w',$x), '==', ~0 - 1);
cmp_ok(unpack ('w',$y), '==', ~0 - 2);
# These should spot that pack 'w' is using NV, not double, on platforms
# where IVs are smaller than doubles, and harmlessly pass elsewhere.
# (tests for change 16861)
my $x0 = 2**54+3;
my $y0 = 2**54-2;
$x = pack 'w', $x0;
$y = pack 'w', $y0;
if ($x0 == $y0) {
is($x, $y, "NV arithmetic");
} else {
isnt($x, $y, "IV/NV arithmetic");
cmp_ok(unpack ('w',$x), '==', $x0);
cmp_ok(unpack ('w',$y), '==', $y0);
print "# test exceptions\n";
my $x;
eval { $x = unpack 'w', pack 'C*', 0xff, 0xff};
like($@, qr/^Unterminated compressed integer/);
eval { $x = unpack 'w', pack 'C*', 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
like($@, qr/^Unterminated compressed integer/);
eval { $x = unpack 'w', pack 'C*', 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
like($@, qr/^Unterminated compressed integer/);
eval { $x = pack 'w', -1 };
like ($@, qr/^Cannot compress negative numbers/);
eval { $x = pack 'w', '1'x(1 + length ~0) . 'e0' };
like ($@, qr/^Can only compress unsigned integers/);
# Is this a stupid thing to do on VMS, VOS and other unusual platforms?
skip("-- the IEEE infinity model is unavailable in this configuration.", 1)
if (($^O eq 'VMS') && !defined($Config{useieee}));
skip("-- $^O has serious fp indigestion on w-packed infinities", 1)
if (
($^O eq 'mpeix')
($^O eq 'ultrix')
($^O =~ /^svr4/ && -f "/etc/issue" && -f "/etc/.relid") # NCR MP-RAS
my $inf = eval '2**10000';
skip("Couldn't generate infinity - got error '$@'", 1)
unless defined $inf and $inf == $inf / 2 and $inf + 1 == $inf;
local our $TODO;
$TODO = "VOS needs a fix for posix-1022 to pass this test."
if ($^O eq 'vos');
eval { $x = pack 'w', $inf };
like ($@, qr/^Cannot compress integer/, "Cannot compress integer");
skip("-- the full range of an IEEE double may not be available in this configuration.", 3)
if (($^O eq 'VMS') && !defined($Config{useieee}));
skip("-- $^O does not like 2**1023", 3)
if (($^O eq 'ultrix'));
# This should be about the biggest thing possible on an IEEE double
my $big = eval '2**1023';
skip("Couldn't generate 2**1023 - got error '$@'", 3)
unless defined $big and $big != $big / 2;
eval { $x = pack 'w', $big };
is ($@, '', "Should be able to pack 'w', $big # 2**1023");
my $y = eval {unpack 'w', $x};
is ($@, '',
"Should be able to unpack 'w' the result of pack 'w', $big # 2**1023");
# I'm getting about 1e-16 on FreeBSD
my $quotient = int (100 * ($y - $big) / $big);
ok($quotient < 2 && $quotient > -2,
"Round trip pack, unpack 'w' of $big is withing 1% ($quotient%)");
print "# test the 'p' template\n";
# literals
is(unpack("p",pack("p","foo")), "foo");
# scalars
is(unpack("p",pack("p",239)), 239);
# temps
sub foo { my $a = "a"; return $a . $a++ . $a++ }
use warnings;
my $warning;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$warning = $_[0];
my $junk = pack("p", &foo);
like($warning, qr/temporary val/);
# undef should give null pointer
like(pack("p", undef), qr/^\0+/);
# Check for optimizer bug (e.g. Digital Unix GEM cc with -O4 on DU V4.0B gives
# 4294967295 instead of -1)
# see #ifdef __osf__ in pp.c pp_unpack
is((unpack("i",pack("i",-1))), -1);
print "# test the pack lengths of s S i I l L n N v V\n";
my @lengths = qw(s 2 S 2 i -4 I -4 l 4 L 4 n 2 N 4 v 2 V 4);
while (my ($format, $expect) = splice @lengths, 0, 2) {
my $len = length(pack($format, 0));
if ($expect > 0) {
is($expect, $len, "format '$format'");
} else {
$expect = -$expect;
ok ($len >= $expect, "format '$format'") ||
print "# format '$format' has length $len, expected >= $expect\n";
print "# test unpack-pack lengths\n";
my @templates = qw(c C i I s S l L n N v V f d q Q);
foreach my $t (@templates) {
my @t = eval { unpack("$t*", pack("$t*", 12, 34)) };
# quads not supported everywhere
skip "Quads not supported", 4 if $@ =~ /Invalid type/;
is( $@, '' );
is(scalar @t, 2);
skip "$t not expected to work for some reason", 2 if $t =~ /[nv]/i;
is($t[0], 12);
is($t[1], 34);
# uuencode/decode
# Note that first uuencoding known 'text' data and then checking the
# binary values of the uuencoded version would not be portable between
# character sets. Uuencoding is meant for encoding binary data, not
# text data.
my $in = pack 'C*', 0 .. 255;
# just to be anal, we do some random tr/`/ /
my $uu = <<'EOUU';
M` $"`P0%!@<("0H+# T.#Q`1$A,4%187&!D:&QP='A\@(2(C)"4F)R@I*BLL
?X>+CY.7FY^CIZNOL[>[O\/'R\_3U]O?X^?K[_/W^_P `
$_ = $uu;
tr/ /`/;
is(pack('u', $in), $_);
is(unpack('u', $uu), $in);
$in = "\x1f\x8b\x08\x08\x58\xdc\xc4\x35\x02\x03\x4a\x41\x50\x55\x00\xf3\x2a\x2d\x2e\x51\x48\xcc\xcb\x2f\xc9\x48\x2d\x52\x08\x48\x2d\xca\x51\x28\x2d\x4d\xce\x4f\x49\x2d\xe2\x02\x00\x64\x66\x60\x5c\x1a\x00\x00\x00";
$uu = <<'EOUU';
is(unpack('u', $uu), $in);
# This is identical to the above except that backquotes have been
# changed to spaces
$uu = <<'EOUU';
M'XL("%C<Q#4" TI!4%4 \RHM+E%(S,LOR4@M4@A(+<I1*"U-SD])+>(" &1F
# ' # Grr
is(unpack('u', $uu), $in);
# test the ascii template types (A, a, Z)
foreach (
['p', 'A*', "foo\0bar\0 ", "foo\0bar\0 "],
['p', 'A11', "foo\0bar\0 ", "foo\0bar\0 "],
['u', 'A*', "foo\0bar \0", "foo\0bar"],
['u', 'A8', "foo\0bar \0", "foo\0bar"],
['p', 'a*', "foo\0bar\0 ", "foo\0bar\0 "],
['p', 'a11', "foo\0bar\0 ", "foo\0bar\0 \0\0"],
['u', 'a*', "foo\0bar \0", "foo\0bar \0"],
['u', 'a8', "foo\0bar \0", "foo\0bar "],
['p', 'Z*', "foo\0bar\0 ", "foo\0bar\0 \0"],
['p', 'Z11', "foo\0bar\0 ", "foo\0bar\0 \0\0"],
['p', 'Z3', "foo", "fo\0"],
['u', 'Z*', "foo\0bar \0", "foo"],
['u', 'Z8', "foo\0bar \0", "foo"],
my ($what, $template, $in, $out) = @$_;
my $got = $what eq 'u' ? (unpack $template, $in) : (pack $template, $in);
unless (is($got, $out)) {
my $un = $what eq 'u' ? 'un' : '';
print "# ${un}pack ('$template', "._qq($in).') gave '._qq($out).
' not '._qq($got)."\n";
print "# packing native shorts/ints/longs\n";
is(length(pack("s!", 0)), $Config{shortsize});
is(length(pack("i!", 0)), $Config{intsize});
is(length(pack("l!", 0)), $Config{longsize});
ok(length(pack("s!", 0)) <= length(pack("i!", 0)));
ok(length(pack("i!", 0)) <= length(pack("l!", 0)));
is(length(pack("i!", 0)), length(pack("i", 0)));
sub numbers {
my $format = shift;
return numbers_with_total ($format, undef, @_);
sub numbers_with_total {
my $format = shift;
my $total = shift;
if (!defined $total) {
foreach (@_) {
$total += $_;
print "# numbers test for $format\n";
foreach (@_) {
my $out = eval {unpack($format, pack($format, $_))};
skip "cannot pack '$format' on this perl", 2 if
$@ =~ /Invalid type '$format'/;
is($@, '');
is($out, $_);
my $skip_if_longer_than = ~0; # "Infinity"
if (~0 - 1 == ~0) {
# If we're running with -DNO_PERLPRESERVE_IVUV and NVs don't preserve all
# UVs (in which case ~0 is NV, ~0-1 will be the same NV) then we can't
# correctly in perl calculate UV totals for long checksums, as pp_unpack
# is using UV maths, and we've only got NVs.
$skip_if_longer_than = $Config{nv_preserves_uv_bits};
foreach ('', 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 31, 32, 33, 53, 54, 63, 64, 65) {
my $sum = eval {unpack "%$_$format*", pack "$format*", @_};
skip "cannot pack '$format' on this perl", 3
if $@ =~ /Invalid type '$format'/;
is($@, '');
ok(defined $sum);
my $len = $_; # Copy, so that we can reassign ''
$len = 16 unless length $len;
skip "cannot test checksums over $skip_if_longer_than bits", 1
if $len > $skip_if_longer_than;
# Our problem with testing this portably is that the checksum code in
# pp_unpack is able to cast signed to unsigned, and do modulo 2**n
# arithmetic in unsigned ints, which perl has no operators to do.
# (use integer; does signed ints, which won't wrap on UTS, which is just
# fine with ANSI, but not with most people's assumptions.
# This is why we need to supply the totals for 'Q' as there's no way in
# perl to calculate them, short of unpack '%0Q' (is that documented?)
# ** returns NVs; make sure it's IV.
my $max = 1 + 2 * (int (2 ** ($len-1))-1); # The max possible checksum
my $max_p1 = $max + 1;
my ($max_is_integer, $max_p1_is_integer);
$max_p1_is_integer = 1 unless $max_p1 + 1 == $max_p1;
$max_is_integer = 1 if $max - 1 < ~0;
my $calc_sum;
if (ref $total) {
$calc_sum = &$total($len);
} else {
$calc_sum = $total;
# Shift into range by some multiple of the total
my $mult = $max_p1 ? int ($total / $max_p1) : undef;
# Need this to make sure that -1 + (~0+1) is ~0 (ie still integer)
$calc_sum = $total - $mult;
$calc_sum -= $mult * $max;
if ($calc_sum < 0) {
$calc_sum += 1;
$calc_sum += $max;
if ($calc_sum == $calc_sum - 1 && $calc_sum == $max_p1) {
# we're into floating point (either by getting out of the range of
# UV arithmetic, or because we're doing a floating point checksum)
# and our calculation of the checksum has become rounded up to
# max_checksum + 1
$calc_sum = 0;
if ($calc_sum == $sum) { # HAS to be ==, not eq (so no is()).
ok ("unpack '%$_$format' gave $sum");
} else {
my $delta = 1.000001;
if ($format =~ tr /dDfF//
&& ($calc_sum <= $sum * $delta && $calc_sum >= $sum / $delta)) {
pass ("unpack '%$_$format' gave $sum, expected $calc_sum");
} else {
my $text = ref $total ? &$total($len) : $total;
print "# For list (" . join (", ", @_) . ") (total $text)"
. " packed with $format unpack '%$_$format' gave $sum,"
. " expected $calc_sum\n";
numbers ('c', -128, -1, 0, 1, 127);
numbers ('C', 0, 1, 127, 128, 255);
numbers ('s', -32768, -1, 0, 1, 32767);
numbers ('S', 0, 1, 32767, 32768, 65535);
numbers ('i', -2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647);
numbers ('I', 0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295);
numbers ('l', -2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647);
numbers ('L', 0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295);
numbers ('s!', -32768, -1, 0, 1, 32767);
numbers ('S!', 0, 1, 32767, 32768, 65535);
numbers ('i!', -2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647);
numbers ('I!', 0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295);
numbers ('l!', -2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647);
numbers ('L!', 0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295);
numbers ('n', 0, 1, 32767, 32768, 65535);
numbers ('v', 0, 1, 32767, 32768, 65535);
numbers ('N', 0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295);
numbers ('V', 0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295);
# All these should have exact binary representations:
numbers ('f', -1, 0, 0.5, 42, 2**34);
numbers ('d', -(2**34), -1, 0, 1, 2**34);
## These don't, but 'd' is NV. XXX wrong, it's double
#numbers ('d', -1, 0, 1, 1-exp(-1), -exp(1));
numbers_with_total ('q', -1,
-9223372036854775808, -1, 0, 1,9223372036854775807);
# This total is icky, but the true total is 2**65-1, and need a way to generate
# the epxected checksum on any system including those where NVs can preserve
# 65 bits. (long double is 128 bits on sparc, so they certainly can)
# or where rounding is down not up on binary conversion (crays)
numbers_with_total ('Q', sub {
my $len = shift;
$len = 65 if $len > 65; # unmasked total is 2**65-1 here
my $total = 1 + 2 * (int (2**($len - 1)) - 1);
return 0 if $total == $total - 1; # Overflowed integers
return $total; # NVs still accurate to nearest integer
0, 1,9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775808,
print "# pack nvNV byteorders\n";
is(pack("n", 0xdead), "\xde\xad");
is(pack("v", 0xdead), "\xad\xde");
is(pack("N", 0xdeadbeef), "\xde\xad\xbe\xef");
is(pack("V", 0xdeadbeef), "\xef\xbe\xad\xde");
# /
my ($x, $y, $z);
eval { ($x) = unpack '/a*','hello' };
like($@, qr!'/' must follow a numeric type!);
undef $x;
eval { $x = unpack '/a*','hello' };
like($@, qr!'/' must follow a numeric type!);
undef $x;
eval { ($z,$x,$y) = unpack 'a3/A C/a* C/Z', "003ok \003yes\004z\000abc" };
is($@, '');
is($z, 'ok');
is($x, 'yes');
is($y, 'z');
undef $z;
eval { $z = unpack 'a3/A C/a* C/Z', "003ok \003yes\004z\000abc" };
is($@, '');
is($z, 'ok');
undef $x;
eval { ($x) = pack '/a*','hello' };
like($@, qr!Invalid type '/'!);
undef $x;
eval { $x = pack '/a*','hello' };
like($@, qr!Invalid type '/'!);
$z = pack 'n/a* N/Z* w/A*','string','hi there ','etc';
my $expect = "\000\006string\0\0\0\012hi there \000\003etc";
is($z, $expect);
undef $x;
$expect = 'hello world';
eval { ($x) = unpack ("w/a", chr (11) . "hello world!")};
is($x, $expect);
is($@, '');
undef $x;
# Doing this in scalar context used to fail.
eval { $x = unpack ("w/a", chr (11) . "hello world!")};
is($@, '');
is($x, $expect);
foreach (
['a/a*/a*', '212ab345678901234567','ab3456789012'],
['a/a*/a*', '3012ab345678901234567', 'ab3456789012'],
['a/a*/b*', '212ab', $Is_EBCDIC ? '100000010100' : '100001100100'],
my ($pat, $in, $expect) = @$_;
undef $x;
eval { ($x) = unpack $pat, $in };
is($@, '');
is($x, $expect) ||
printf "# list unpack ('$pat', '$in') gave %s, expected '$expect'\n",
encode_list ($x);
undef $x;
eval { $x = unpack $pat, $in };
is($@, '');
is($x, $expect) ||
printf "# scalar unpack ('$pat', '$in') gave %s, expected '$expect'\n",
encode_list ($x);
# / with #
my $pattern = <<'EOU';
a3/A # Count in ASCII
C/a* # Count in a C char
C/Z # Count in a C char but skip after \0
$x = $y = $z =undef;
eval { ($z,$x,$y) = unpack $pattern, "003ok \003yes\004z\000abc" };
is($@, '');
is($z, 'ok');
is($x, 'yes');
is($y, 'z');
undef $x;
eval { $z = unpack $pattern, "003ok \003yes\004z\000abc" };
is($@, '');
is($z, 'ok');
$pattern = <<'EOP';
n/a* # Count as network short
w/A* # Count a BER integer
$expect = "\000\006string\003etc";
$z = pack $pattern,'string','etc';
is($z, $expect);
skip("(EBCDIC and) version strings are bad idea", 2) if $Is_EBCDIC;
is("1.20.300.4000", sprintf "%vd", pack("U*",1,20,300,4000));
is("1.20.300.4000", sprintf "%vd", pack(" U*",1,20,300,4000));
isnt(v1.20.300.4000, sprintf "%vd", pack("C0U*",1,20,300,4000));
my $rslt = $Is_EBCDIC ? "156 67" : "199 162";
is(join(" ", unpack("C*", chr(0x1e2))), $rslt);
# does pack U create Unicode?
is(ord(pack('U', 300)), 300);
# does unpack U deref Unicode?
is((unpack('U', chr(300)))[0], 300);
# is unpack U the reverse of pack U for Unicode string?
is("@{[unpack('U*', pack('U*', 100, 200, 300))]}", "100 200 300");
# is unpack U the reverse of pack U for byte string?
is("@{[unpack('U*', pack('U*', 100, 200))]}", "100 200");
skip "Not for EBCDIC", 4 if $Is_EBCDIC;
# does unpack C unravel pack U?
is("@{[unpack('C*', pack('U*', 100, 200))]}", "100 195 136");
# does pack U0C create Unicode?
is("@{[pack('U0C*', 100, 195, 136)]}", v100.v200);
# does pack C0U create characters?
is("@{[pack('C0U*', 100, 200)]}", pack("C*", 100, 195, 136));
# does unpack U0U on byte data warn?
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $@ = "@_" };
my @null = unpack('U0U', chr(255));
like($@, /^Malformed UTF-8 character /);
my $p = pack 'i*', -2147483648, ~0, 0, 1, 2147483647;
my (@a);
# bug - % had to be at the start of the pattern, no leading whitespace or
# comments. %i! didn't work at all.
foreach my $pat ('%32i*', ' %32i*', "# Muhahahaha\n%32i*", '%32i* ',
'%32i!*', ' %32i!*', "\n#\n#\n\r \t\f%32i!*", '%32i!*#') {
@a = unpack $pat, $p;
is($a[0], 0xFFFFFFFF) || print "# $pat\n";
@a = scalar unpack $pat, $p;
is($a[0], 0xFFFFFFFF) || print "# $pat\n";
$p = pack 'I*', 42, 12;
# Multiline patterns in scalar context failed.
foreach my $pat ('I', <<EOPOEMSNIPPET, 'I#I', 'I # I', 'I # !!!') {
# On the Ning Nang Nong
# Where the Cows go Bong!
# And the Monkeys all say Boo!
@a = unpack $pat, $p;
is(scalar @a, 1);
is($a[0], 42);
@a = scalar unpack $pat, $p;
is(scalar @a, 1);
is($a[0], 42);
# shorts (of all flavours) didn't calculate checksums > 32 bits with floating
# point, so a pathologically long pattern would wrap at 32 bits.
my $pat = "\xff\xff"x65538; # Start with it long, to save any copying.
foreach (4,3,2,1,0) {
my $len = 65534 + $_;
is(unpack ("%33n$len", $pat), 65535 * $len);
# pack x X @
foreach (
['x', "N", "\0"],
['x4', "N", "\0"x4],
['xX', "N", ""],
['xXa*', "Nick", "Nick"],
['a5Xa5', "cameL", "llama", "camellama"],
['@4', 'N', "\0"x4],
['a*@8a*', 'Camel', 'Dromedary', "Camel\0\0\0Dromedary"],
['a*@4a', 'Perl rules', '!', 'Perl!'],
my ($template, @in) = @$_;
my $out = pop @in;
my $got = eval {pack $template, @in};
is($@, '');
is($out, $got) ||
printf "# pack ('$template', %s) gave %s expected %s\n",
encode_list (@in), encode_list ($got), encode_list ($out);
# unpack x X @
foreach (
['x', "N"],
['xX', "N"],
['xXa*', "Nick", "Nick"],
['a5Xa5', "camellama", "camel", "llama"],
['@3', "ice"],
['@2a2', "water", "te"],
['a*@1a3', "steam", "steam", "tea"],
my ($template, $in, @out) = @$_;
my @got = eval {unpack $template, $in};
is($@, '');
ok (list_eq (\@got, \@out)) ||
printf "# list unpack ('$template', %s) gave %s expected %s\n",
_qq($in), encode_list (@got), encode_list (@out);
my $got = eval {unpack $template, $in};
is($@, '');
@out ? is( $got, $out[0] ) # 1 or more items; should get first
: ok( !defined $got ) # 0 items; should get undef
or printf "# scalar unpack ('$template', %s) gave %s expected %s\n",
_qq($in), encode_list ($got), encode_list ($out[0]);
my $t = 'Z*Z*';
my ($u, $v) = qw(foo xyzzy);
my $p = pack($t, $u, $v);
my @u = unpack($t, $p);
is(scalar @u, 2);
is($u[0], $u);
is($u[1], $v);
is((unpack("w/a*", "\x02abc"))[0], "ab");
# "w/a*" should be seen as one unit
is(scalar unpack("w/a*", "\x02abc"), "ab");
# from Wolfgang Laun: fix in change #13163
my $s = 'ABC' x 10;
my $t = '*';
my $x = ord($t);
my $buf = pack( 'Z*/A* C', $s, $x );
my $y;
my $h = $buf;
$h =~ s/[^[:print:]]/./g;
( $s, $y ) = unpack( "Z*/A* C", $buf );
is(length $buf, 34);
is($y, $x);
# from Wolfgang Laun: fix in change #13288
eval { my $t=unpack("P*", "abc") };
like($@, qr/'P' must have an explicit size/);
{ # Grouping constructs
my (@a, @b);
@a = unpack '(SL)', pack 'SLSLSL', 67..90;
is("@a", "67 68");
@a = unpack '(SL)3', pack 'SLSLSL', 67..90;
@b = (67..72);
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack '(SL)3', pack 'SLSLSLSL', 67..90;
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack '(SL)[3]', pack 'SLSLSLSL', 67..90;
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack '(SL)[2] SL', pack 'SLSLSLSL', 67..90;
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack 'A/(SL)', pack 'ASLSLSLSL', 3, 67..90;
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack 'A/(SL)SL', pack 'ASLSLSLSL', 2, 67..90;
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack '(SL)*', pack 'SLSLSLSL', 67..90;
@b = (67..74);
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack '(SL)*SL', pack 'SLSLSLSL', 67..90;
is("@a", "@b");
eval { @a = unpack '(*SL)', '' };
like($@, qr/\(\)-group starts with a count/);
eval { @a = unpack '(3SL)', '' };
like($@, qr/\(\)-group starts with a count/);
eval { @a = unpack '([3]SL)', '' };
like($@, qr/\(\)-group starts with a count/);
eval { @a = pack '(*SL)' };
like($@, qr/\(\)-group starts with a count/);
@a = unpack '(SL)3 SL', pack '(SL)4', 67..74;
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack '(SL)3 SL', pack '(SL)[4]', 67..74;
is("@a", "@b");
@a = unpack '(SL)3 SL', pack '(SL)*', 67..74;
is("@a", "@b");
{ # more on grouping (W.Laun)
use warnings;
my $warning;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$warning = $_[0];
# @ absolute within ()-group
my $badc = pack( '(a)*', unpack( '(@1a @0a @2)*', 'abcd' ) );
is( $badc, 'badc' );
my @b = ( 1, 2, 3 );
my $buf = pack( '(@1c)((@2C)@3c)', @b );
is( $buf, "\0\1\0\0\2\3" );
my @a = unpack( '(@1c)((@2c)@3c)', $buf );
is( "@a", "@b" );
# various unpack count/code scenarios
my @Env = ( a => 'AAA', b => 'BBB' );
my $env = pack( 'S(S/A*S/A*)*', @Env/2, @Env );
# unpack full length - ok
my @pup = unpack( 'S/(S/A* S/A*)', $env );
is( "@pup", "@Env" );
# warn when count/code goes beyond end of string
# \0002 \0001 a \0003 AAA \0001 b \0003 BBB
# 2 4 5 7 10 1213
eval { @pup = unpack( 'S/(S/A* S/A*)', substr( $env, 0, 13 ) ) };
like( $@, qr{length/code after end of string} );
# postfix repeat count
$env = pack( '(S/A* S/A*)' . @Env/2, @Env );
# warn when count/code goes beyond end of string
# \0001 a \0003 AAA \0001 b \0003 BBB
# 2 3c 5 8 10 11 13 16
eval { @pup = unpack( '(S/A* S/A*)' . @Env/2, substr( $env, 0, 11 ) ) };
like( $@, qr{length/code after end of string} );
# catch stack overflow/segfault
eval { $_ = pack( ('(' x 105) . 'A' . (')' x 105) ); };
like( $@, qr{Too deeply nested \(\)-groups} );
{ # syntax checks (W.Laun)
use warnings;
my @warning;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
push( @warning, $_[0] );
eval { my $s = pack( 'Ax![4c]A', 1..5 ); };
like( $@, qr{Malformed integer in \[\]} );
eval { my $buf = pack( '(c/*a*)', 'AAA', 'BB' ); };
like( $@, qr{'/' does not take a repeat count} );
eval { my @inf = unpack( 'c/1a', "\x03AAA\x02BB" ); };
like( $@, qr{'/' does not take a repeat count} );
eval { my @inf = unpack( 'c/*a', "\x03AAA\x02BB" ); };
like( $@, qr{'/' does not take a repeat count} );
# white space where possible
my @Env = ( a => 'AAA', b => 'BBB' );
my $env = pack( ' S ( S / A* S / A* )* ', @Env/2, @Env );
my @pup = unpack( ' S / ( S / A* S / A* ) ', $env );
is( "@pup", "@Env" );
# white space in 4 wrong places
for my $temp ( 'A ![4]', 'A [4]', 'A *', 'A 4' ){
eval { my $s = pack( $temp, 'B' ); };
like( $@, qr{Invalid type } );
# warning for commas
@warning = ();
my $x = pack( 'I,A', 4, 'X' );
like( $warning[0], qr{Invalid type ','} );
# comma warning only once
@warning = ();
$x = pack( 'C(C,C)C,C', 65..71 );
like( scalar @warning, 1 );
# forbidden code in []
eval { my $x = pack( 'A[@4]', 'XXXX' ); };
like( $@, qr{Within \[\]-length '\@' not allowed} );
# @ repeat default 1
my $s = pack( 'AA@A', 'A', 'B', 'C' );
my @c = unpack( 'AA@A', $s );
is( $s, 'AC' );
is( "@c", "A C C" );
# no unpack code after /
eval { my @a = unpack( "C/", "\3" ); };
like( $@, qr{Code missing after '/'} );
{ # Repeat count [SUBEXPR]
my @codes = qw( x A Z a c C B b H h s v n S i I l V N L p P f F d
s! S! i! I! l! L! j J);
my $G;
if (eval { pack 'q', 1 } ) {
push @codes, qw(q Q);
} else {
push @codes, qw(c C); # Keep the count the same
if (eval { pack 'D', 1 } ) {
push @codes, 'D';
} else {
push @codes, 'd'; # Keep the count the same
my %val;
@val{@codes} = map { / [Xx] (?{ undef })
| [AZa] (?{ 'something' })
| C (?{ 214 })
| c (?{ 114 })
| [Bb] (?{ '101' })
| [Hh] (?{ 'b8' })
| [svnSiIlVNLqQjJ] (?{ 10111 })
| [FfDd] (?{ 1.36514538e67 })
| [pP] (?{ "try this buffer" })
/x; $^R } @codes;
my @end = (0x12345678, 0x23456781, 0x35465768, 0x15263748);
my $end = "N4";
for my $type (@codes) {
my @list = $val{$type};
@list = () unless defined $list[0];
for my $count ('', '3', '[11]') {
my $c = 1;
$c = $1 if $count =~ /(\d+)/;
my @list1 = @list;
@list1 = (@list1) x $c unless $type =~ /[XxAaZBbHhP]/;
for my $groupend ('', ')2', ')[8]') {
my $groupbegin = ($groupend ? '(' : '');
$c = 1;
$c = $1 if $groupend =~ /(\d+)/;
my @list2 = (@list1) x $c;
my $junk1 = "$groupbegin $type$count $groupend";
# print "# junk1=$junk1\n";
my $p = pack $junk1, @list2;
my $half = int( (length $p)/2 );
for my $move ('', "X$half", "X!$half", 'x1', 'x!8', "x$half") {
my $junk = "$junk1 $move";
# print "# junk='$junk', list=(@list2)\n";
$p = pack "$junk $end", @list2, @end;
my @l = unpack "x[$junk] $end", $p;
is(scalar @l, scalar @end);
is("@l", "@end", "skipping x[$junk]");
# / is recognized after spaces in scalar context
# XXXX no spaces are allowed in pack... In pack only before the slash...
is(scalar unpack('A /A Z20', pack 'A/A* Z20', 'bcde', 'xxxxx'), 'bcde');
is(scalar unpack('A /A /A Z20', '3004bcde'), 'bcde');
{ # X! and x!
my $t = 'C[3] x!8 C[2]';
my @a = (0x73..0x77);
my $p = pack($t, @a);
is($p, "\x73\x74\x75\0\0\0\0\0\x76\x77");
my @b = unpack $t, $p;
is(scalar @b, scalar @a);
is("@b", "@a", 'x!8');
$t = 'x[5] C[6] X!8 C[2]';
@a = (0x73..0x7a);
$p = pack($t, @a);
is($p, "\0\0\0\0\0\x73\x74\x75\x79\x7a");
@b = unpack $t, $p;
@a = (0x73..0x75, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x79, 0x7a);
is(scalar @b, scalar @a);
is("@b", "@a");
{ # struct {char c1; double d; char cc[2];}
my $t = 'C x![d] d C[2]';
my @a = (173, 1.283476517e-45, 42, 215);
my $p = pack $t, @a;
ok( length $p);
my @b = unpack "$t X[$t] $t", $p; # Extract, step back, extract again
is(scalar @b, 2 * scalar @a);
$b = "@b";
$b =~ s/(?:17000+|16999+)\d+(e-45) /17$1 /gi; # stringification is gamble
is($b, "@a @a");
my $warning;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$warning = $_[0];
@b = unpack "x[C] x[$t] X[$t] X[C] $t", "$p\0";
is($warning, undef);
is(scalar @b, scalar @a);
$b = "@b";
$b =~ s/(?:17000+|16999+)\d+(e-45) /17$1 /gi; # stringification is gamble
is($b, "@a");
is(length(pack("j", 0)), $Config{ivsize});
is(length(pack("J", 0)), $Config{uvsize});
is(length(pack("F", 0)), $Config{nvsize});
numbers ('j', -2147483648, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647);
numbers ('J', 0, 1, 2147483647, 2147483648, 4294967295);
numbers ('F', -(2**34), -1, 0, 1, 2**34);
my $t = eval { unpack("D*", pack("D", 12.34)) };
skip "Long doubles not in use", 56 if $@ =~ /Invalid type/;
is(length(pack("D", 0)), $Config{longdblsize});
numbers ('D', -(2**34), -1, 0, 1, 2**34);
# Maybe this knowledge needs to be "global" for all of pack.t
# Or a "can checksum" which would effectively be all the number types"
my %cant_checksum = map {$_=> 1} qw(A Z u w);
# not a b B h H
foreach my $template (qw(A Z c C s S i I l L n N v V q Q j J f d F D u U w)) {
my $packed = eval {pack "${template}4", 1, 4, 9, 16};
if ($@) {
die unless $@ =~ /Invalid type '$template'/;
skip ("$template not supported on this perl",
$cant_checksum{$template} ? 4 : 8);
my @unpack4 = unpack "${template}4", $packed;
my @unpack = unpack "${template}*", $packed;
my @unpack1 = unpack "${template}", $packed;
my @unpack1s = scalar unpack "${template}", $packed;
my @unpack4s = scalar unpack "${template}4", $packed;
my @unpacks = scalar unpack "${template}*", $packed;
my @tests = ( ["${template}4 vs ${template}*", \@unpack4, \@unpack],
["scalar ${template} ${template}", \@unpack1s, \@unpack1],
["scalar ${template}4 vs ${template}", \@unpack4s, \@unpack1],
["scalar ${template}* vs ${template}", \@unpacks, \@unpack1],
unless ($cant_checksum{$template}) {
my @unpack4_c = unpack "\%${template}4", $packed;
my @unpack_c = unpack "\%${template}*", $packed;
my @unpack1_c = unpack "\%${template}", $packed;
my @unpack1s_c = scalar unpack "\%${template}", $packed;
my @unpack4s_c = scalar unpack "\%${template}4", $packed;
my @unpacks_c = scalar unpack "\%${template}*", $packed;
push @tests,
( ["% ${template}4 vs ${template}*", \@unpack4_c, \@unpack_c],
["% scalar ${template} ${template}", \@unpack1s_c, \@unpack1_c],
["% scalar ${template}4 vs ${template}*", \@unpack4s_c, \@unpack_c],
["% scalar ${template}* vs ${template}*", \@unpacks_c, \@unpack_c],
foreach my $test (@tests) {
ok (list_eq ($test->[1], $test->[2]), $test->[0]) ||
printf "# unpack gave %s expected %s\n",
encode_list (@{$test->[1]}), encode_list (@{$test->[2]});
ok(pack('u2', 'AA'), "[perl #8026]"); # used to hang and eat RAM in perl 5.7.2
ok(1, "fake success (change #18751, feature not present in 5.8.1)");
my $a = "X\t01234567\n" x 100;
my @a = unpack("(a1 c/a)*", $a);
is(scalar @a, 200, "[perl #15288]");
is($a[-1], "01234567\n", "[perl #15288]");
is($a[-2], "X", "[perl #15288]");