downgrade.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Test;
use strict;
$| = 1;
unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually
my $location = $0; $location =~ s/downgrade.t//;
unshift @INC, $location; # to locate the testing files
chdir 't' if -d 't';
plan tests => 15;
use Math::BigInt upgrade => 'Math::BigFloat';
use Math::BigFloat downgrade => 'Math::BigInt', upgrade => 'Math::BigInt';
use vars qw ($scale $class $try $x $y $f @args $ans $ans1 $ans1_str $setup
$ECL $CL);
$class = "Math::BigInt";
$CL = "Math::BigInt::Calc";
$ECL = "Math::BigFloat";
# simplistic test for now
ok (Math::BigFloat->downgrade(),'Math::BigInt');
ok (Math::BigFloat->upgrade(),'Math::BigInt');
# these downgrade
ok (ref(Math::BigFloat->new('inf')),'Math::BigInt');
ok (ref(Math::BigFloat->new('-inf')),'Math::BigInt');
ok (ref(Math::BigFloat->new('NaN')),'Math::BigInt');
ok (ref(Math::BigFloat->new('0')),'Math::BigInt');
ok (ref(Math::BigFloat->new('1')),'Math::BigInt');
ok (ref(Math::BigFloat->new('10')),'Math::BigInt');
ok (ref(Math::BigFloat->new('-10')),'Math::BigInt');
ok (ref(Math::BigFloat->new('-10.0E1')),'Math::BigInt');
# bug until v1.67:
ok (Math::BigFloat->new('0.2E0'), '0.2');
ok (Math::BigFloat->new('0.2E1'), '2');
# until v1.67 resulted in 200:
ok (Math::BigFloat->new('0.2E2'), '20');
# disable, otherwise it screws calculations
ok (Math::BigFloat->upgrade()||'','');
Math::BigFloat->div_scale(20); # make it a bit faster
my $x = Math::BigFloat->new(2); # downgrades
# the following test upgrade for bsqrt() and also makes new() NOT downgrade
# for the bpow() side
ok (Math::BigFloat->bpow('2','0.5'),$x->bsqrt());
#require ''; # all tests here for sharing