display.c revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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/* Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T */
/* All Rights Reserved */
* Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
* cscope - interactive C symbol cross-reference
* display functions
#include "global.h"
#include "version.h" /* FILEVERSION and FIXVERSION */
#include <curses.h> /* COLS and LINES */
#include <setjmp.h> /* jmp_buf */
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* see if the function column should be displayed */
#define displayfcn() (field <= ASSIGN)
#define MINCOLS 68 /* minimum columns for 3 digit Lines message numbers */
int *displine; /* screen line of displayed reference */
int disprefs; /* displayed references */
int field; /* input field */
unsigned fldcolumn; /* input field column */
int mdisprefs; /* maximum displayed references */
int selectlen; /* selection number field length */
int nextline; /* next line to be shown */
int topline = 1; /* top line of page */
int bottomline; /* bottom line of page */
int totallines; /* total reference lines */
FILE *refsfound; /* references found file */
FILE *nonglobalrefs; /* non-global references file */
static int fldline; /* input field line */
static int subsystemlen; /* OGS subsystem name display */
/* field length */
static int booklen; /* OGS book name display field length */
static int filelen; /* file name display field length */
static int fcnlen; /* function name display field length */
static jmp_buf env; /* setjmp/longjmp buffer */
static int lastdispline; /* last displayed reference line */
static char lastmsg[MSGLEN + 1]; /* last message displayed */
static int numlen; /* line number display field length */
static char depthstring[] = "Depth: ";
static char helpstring[] = "Press the ? key for help";
typedef char *(*FP)(); /* pointer to function returning a character pointer */
static struct {
char *text1;
char *text2;
FP findfcn;
enum {
} patterntype;
} fields[FIELDS + 1] = {
/* last search is not part of the cscope display */
{ "Find this", "C symbol",
(FP) findsymbol, REGCMP},
{ "Find this", "definition",
(FP) finddef, REGCMP},
{ "Find", "functions called by this function",
(FP) findcalledby, REGCMP},
{ "Find", "functions calling this function",
(FP) findcalling, REGCMP},
{ "Find", "assignments to",
(FP) findassignments, REGCMP},
{ "Change this", "grep pattern",
findgreppat, EGREP},
{ "Find this", "egrep pattern",
findegreppat, EGREP},
{ "Find this", "file",
(FP) findfile, REGCMP},
{ "Find", "files #including this file",
(FP) findinclude, REGCMP},
{ "Find all", "function/class definitions",
(FP) findallfcns, REGCMP},
/* initialize display parameters */
/* calculate the maximum displayed reference lines */
lastdispline = FLDLINE - 2;
mdisprefs = lastdispline - REFLINE + 1;
if (mdisprefs <= 0) {
(void) printw("cscope: window must be at least %d lines high",
FIELDS + 6);
(void) printw("cscope: window must be at least %d columns wide",
if (!mouse) {
if (returnrequired == NO && mdisprefs > 9) {
mdisprefs = 9; /* single digit selection number */
/* calculate the maximum selection number width */
(void) sprintf(newpat, "%d", mdisprefs);
selectlen = strlen(newpat);
/* allocate the displayed line array */
displine = (int *)mymalloc(mdisprefs * sizeof (int));
/* display a page of the references */
char *subsystem; /* OGS subsystem name */
char *book; /* OGS book name */
char file[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file name */
char function[PATLEN + 1]; /* function name */
char linenum[NUMLEN + 1]; /* line number */
int screenline; /* screen line number */
int width; /* source line display width */
int i;
char *s;
(void) erase();
/* if there are no references */
if (totallines == 0) {
if (*lastmsg != '\0') {
(void) addstr(lastmsg); /* redisplay any message */
} else {
(void) printw("Cscope version %d%s", FILEVERSION,
(void) move(0, COLS - (int)sizeof (helpstring));
(void) addstr(helpstring);
} else { /* display the pattern */
if (changing == YES) {
(void) printw("Change \"%s\" to \"%s\"",
pattern, newpat);
} else {
(void) printw("%c%s: %s",
fields[field].text2 + 1, pattern);
/* display the cscope invocation nesting depth */
if (cscopedepth > 1) {
(void) move(0, COLS - (int)sizeof (depthstring) - 2);
(void) addstr(depthstring);
(void) printw("%d", cscopedepth);
/* display the column headings */
(void) move(2, selectlen + 1);
if (ogs == YES && field != FILENAME) {
(void) printw("%-*s ", subsystemlen, "Subsystem");
(void) printw("%-*s ", booklen, "Book");
if (dispcomponents > 0) {
(void) printw("%-*s ", filelen, "File");
if (displayfcn()) {
(void) printw("%-*s ", fcnlen, "Function");
if (field != FILENAME) {
(void) addstr("Line");
(void) addch('\n');
/* if at end of file go back to beginning */
if (nextline > totallines) {
/* calculate the source text column */
width = COLS - selectlen - numlen - 2;
if (ogs == YES) {
width -= subsystemlen + booklen + 2;
if (dispcomponents > 0) {
width -= filelen + 1;
if (displayfcn()) {
width -= fcnlen + 1;
* until the max references have been displayed or
* there is no more room
topline = nextline;
for (disprefs = 0, screenline = REFLINE;
disprefs < mdisprefs && screenline <= lastdispline;
++disprefs, ++screenline) {
/* read the reference line */
if (fscanf(refsfound, "%s%s%s %[^\n]", file, function,
linenum, yytext) < 4) {
displine[disprefs] = screenline;
/* if no mouse, display the selection number */
if (!mouse) {
(void) printw("%*d", selectlen, disprefs + 1);
/* display any change mark */
if (changing == YES &&
change[topline + disprefs - 1] == YES) {
(void) addch('>');
} else {
(void) addch(' ');
/* display the file name */
if (field == FILENAME) {
(void) printw("%-.*s\n", COLS - 3, file);
/* if OGS, display the subsystem and book names */
if (ogs == YES) {
ogsnames(file, &subsystem, &book);
(void) printw("%-*.*s ", subsystemlen,
subsystemlen, subsystem);
(void) printw("%-*.*s ", booklen, booklen,
/* display the requested path components */
if (dispcomponents > 0) {
(void) printw("%-*.*s ", filelen, filelen,
pathcomponents(file, dispcomponents));
/* display the function name */
if (displayfcn()) {
(void) printw("%-*.*s ", fcnlen, fcnlen,
/* display the line number */
(void) printw("%*s ", numlen, linenum);
/* there may be tabs in egrep output */
while ((s = strchr(yytext, '\t')) != NULL) {
*s = ' ';
/* display the source line */
s = yytext;
for (;;) {
/* see if the source line will fit */
if ((i = strlen(s)) > width) {
/* find the nearest blank */
for (i = width; s[i] != ' ' && i > 0;
--i) {
if (i == 0) {
i = width; /* no blank */
/* print up to this point */
(void) printw("%.*s", i, s);
s += i;
/* if line didn't wrap around */
if (i < width) {
/* go to next line */
(void) addch('\n');
/* skip blanks */
while (*s == ' ') {
/* see if there is more text */
if (*s == '\0') {
/* if the source line is too long */
if (++screenline > lastdispline) {
* if this is the first displayed line,
* display what will fit on the screen
if (topline == nextline - 1) {
goto endrefs;
/* erase the reference */
while (--screenline >=
displine[disprefs]) {
(void) move(screenline, 0);
(void) clrtoeol();
* go back to the beginning of this
* reference
goto endrefs;
/* indent the continued source line */
(void) move(screenline, COLS - width);
/* check for more references */
bottomline = nextline;
if (bottomline - topline < totallines) {
(void) move(FLDLINE - 1, 0);
(void) standout();
(void) printw("%*s", selectlen + 1, "");
if (bottomline - 1 == topline) {
(void) printw("Line %d", topline);
} else {
(void) printw("Lines %d-%d", topline,
bottomline - 1);
(void) printw(" of %d, press the space bar to "
"display next lines", totallines);
(void) standend();
/* display the input fields */
(void) move(FLDLINE, 0);
for (i = 0; i < FIELDS; ++i) {
(void) printw("%s %s:\n", fields[i].text1, fields[i].text2);
drawscrollbar(topline, nextline, totallines);
/* set the cursor position for the field */
fldline = FLDLINE + field;
fldcolumn = strlen(fields[field].text1) +
strlen(fields[field].text2) + 3;
/* move to the current input field */
(void) move(fldline, (int)fldcolumn);
/* search for the symbol or text pattern */
jumpback(int sig)
longjmp(env, 1);
char *egreperror = NULL; /* egrep error message */
FINDINIT rc = NOERROR; /* findinit return code */
SIGTYPE (*savesig)(); /* old value of signal */
FP f; /* searching function */
char *s;
int c;
/* note: the pattern may have been a cscope argument */
if (caseless == YES) {
for (s = pattern; *s != '\0'; ++s) {
*s = tolower(*s);
/* open the references found file for writing */
if (writerefsfound() == NO) {
return (NO);
/* find the pattern - stop on an interrupt */
if (linemode == NO) {
if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
savesig = signal(SIGINT, jumpback);
f = fields[field].findfcn;
if (fields[field].patterntype == EGREP) {
egreperror = (*f)(pattern);
} else {
if ((nonglobalrefs = fopen(temp2, "w")) == NULL) {
return (NO);
if ((rc = findinit()) == NOERROR) {
(void) dbseek(0L); /* goto the first block */
/* append the non-global references */
(void) freopen(temp2, "r", nonglobalrefs);
while ((c = getc(nonglobalrefs)) != EOF) {
(void) putc(c, refsfound);
(void) fclose(nonglobalrefs);
(void) signal(SIGINT, savesig);
/* reopen the references found file for reading */
(void) freopen(temp1, "r", refsfound);
nextline = 1;
totallines = 0;
/* see if it is empty */
if ((c = getc(refsfound)) == EOF) {
if (egreperror != NULL) {
(void) sprintf(lastmsg, "Egrep %s in this pattern: %s",
egreperror, pattern);
} else if (rc == NOTSYMBOL) {
(void) sprintf(lastmsg, "This is not a C symbol: %s",
} else if (rc == REGCMPERROR) {
(void) sprintf(lastmsg,
"Error in this regcmp(3X) regular expression: %s",
} else {
(void) sprintf(lastmsg, "Could not find the %s: %s",
fields[field].text2, pattern);
return (NO);
/* put back the character read */
(void) ungetc(c, refsfound);
return (YES);
/* open the references found file for writing */
if (refsfound == NULL) {
if ((refsfound = fopen(temp1, "w")) == NULL) {
return (NO);
} else if (freopen(temp1, "w", refsfound) == NULL) {
putmsg("Cannot reopen temporary file");
return (NO);
return (YES);
/* count the references found */
char *subsystem; /* OGS subsystem name */
char *book; /* OGS book name */
char file[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file name */
char function[PATLEN + 1]; /* function name */
char linenum[NUMLEN + 1]; /* line number */
int i;
* count the references found and find the length of the file,
* function, and line number display fields
subsystemlen = 9; /* strlen("Subsystem") */
booklen = 4; /* strlen("Book") */
filelen = 4; /* strlen("File") */
fcnlen = 8; /* strlen("Function") */
numlen = 0;
while ((i = fscanf(refsfound, "%250s%250s%6s %5000[^\n]", file,
function, linenum, yytext)) != EOF) {
if (i != 4 || !isgraph(*file) ||
!isgraph(*function) || !isdigit(*linenum)) {
putmsg("File does not have expected format");
totallines = 0;
if ((i = strlen(pathcomponents(file,
dispcomponents))) > filelen) {
filelen = i;
if (ogs == YES) {
ogsnames(file, &subsystem, &book);
if ((i = strlen(subsystem)) > subsystemlen) {
subsystemlen = i;
if ((i = strlen(book)) > booklen) {
booklen = i;
if ((i = strlen(function)) > fcnlen) {
fcnlen = i;
if ((i = strlen(linenum)) > numlen) {
numlen = i;
/* restrict the width of displayed columns */
i = (COLS - 5) / 3;
if (ogs == YES) {
i = (COLS - 7) / 5;
if (filelen > i && i > 4) {
filelen = i;
if (subsystemlen > i && i > 9) {
subsystemlen = i;
if (booklen > i && i > 4) {
booklen = i;
if (fcnlen > i && i > 8) {
fcnlen = i;
/* print error message on system call failure */
myperror(char *text)
char msg[MSGLEN + 1]; /* message */
(void) sprintf(msg, "%s: %s", text, strerror(errno));
/* putmsg clears the message line and prints the message */
putmsg(char *msg)
if (incurses == NO) {
*msg = tolower(*msg);
(void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: %s\n", msg);
} else {
(void) move(MSGLINE, 0);
(void) clrtoeol();
(void) addstr(msg);
(void) refresh();
(void) strncpy(lastmsg, msg, sizeof (lastmsg) - 1);
/* clearmsg2 clears the second message line */
if (incurses == YES) {
(void) move(MSGLINE + 1, 0);
(void) clrtoeol();
/* putmsg2 clears the second message line and prints the message */
putmsg2(char *msg)
if (incurses == NO) {
} else {
(void) addstr(msg);
(void) refresh();
/* position the references found file at the specified line */
seekline(int line)
int c;
/* verify that there is a references found file */
if (refsfound == NULL) {
/* go to the beginning of the file */
/* find the requested line */
nextline = 1;
while (nextline < line && (c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) {
if (c == '\n') {
/* get the OGS subsystem and book names */
ogsnames(char *file, char **subsystem, char **book)
static char buf[PATHLEN + 1];
char *s, *slash;
*subsystem = *book = "";
(void) strcpy(buf, file);
s = buf;
if (*s == '/') {
while ((slash = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL) {
*slash = '\0';
if ((int)strlen(s) >= 3 && strncmp(slash - 3, ".ss", 3) == 0) {
*subsystem = s;
s = slash + 1;
if ((slash = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL) {
*book = s;
*slash = '\0';
s = slash + 1;
/* get the requested path components */
char *
pathcomponents(char *path, int components)
int i;
char *s;
s = path + strlen(path) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < components; ++i) {
while (s > path && *--s != '/') {
if (s > path && *s == '/') {
return (s);