frm-mgmt revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
The frm-mgmt command enables you to move and reshape frames. It also
supports a "list" function that lists all open frames on the screen.
Use one of the methods below to use the frm-mgmt command. The
currently active frame is assumed if the frame number is not specified
with the frm-mgmt command.
Command Menu: Select frm-mgmt and press ENTER.
Command Menu: Press CTRL-j with cursor on frm-mgmt and an -->
(alternative) will appear on the command line followed by the
frm-mgmt. Type arguments and press ENTER to
execute the command.
Command Line: Type frm-mgmt [operation] [frame # ] and press
If an "operation" is not specified, a pop-up menu frame titled "Frame
Management" will appear listing the frm-mgmt operations.