Manifest.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
unshift @INC, '../lib';
else {
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
chdir 't';
use strict;
# these files help the test run
use Test::More tests => 41;
use Cwd;
# these files are needed for the module itself
use File::Spec;
use File::Path;
# We're going to be chdir'ing and modules are sometimes loaded on the
# fly in this test, so we need an absolute @INC.
@INC = map { File::Spec->rel2abs($_) } @INC;
# keep track of everything added so it can all be deleted
my %Files;
sub add_file {
my ($file, $data) = @_;
$data ||= 'foo';
1 while unlink $file; # or else we'll get multiple versions on VMS
open( T, '>'.$file) or return;
print T $data;
close T;
sub read_manifest {
open( M, 'MANIFEST' ) or return;
chomp( my @files = <M> );
close M;
return @files;
sub catch_warning {
my $warn;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= $_[0] };
return join('', $_[0]->() ), $warn;
sub remove_dir {
ok( rmdir( $_ ), "remove $_ directory" ) for @_;
# use module, import functions
use_ok( 'ExtUtils::Manifest',
qw( mkmanifest manicheck filecheck fullcheck
maniread manicopy skipcheck maniadd) );
my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
# Just in case any old files were lying around.
ok( mkdir( 'mantest', 0777 ), 'make mantest directory' );
ok( chdir( 'mantest' ), 'chdir() to mantest' );
ok( add_file('foo'), 'add a temporary file' );
# there shouldn't be a MANIFEST there
my ($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&mkmanifest );
# Canonize the order.
$warn = join("", map { "$_|" }
sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } split /\r?\n/, $warn);
is( $warn, "Added to MANIFEST: foo|Added to MANIFEST: MANIFEST|",
"mkmanifest() displayed its additions" );
# and now you see it
ok( -e 'MANIFEST', 'create MANIFEST file' );
my @list = read_manifest();
is( @list, 2, 'check files in MANIFEST' );
ok( ! ExtUtils::Manifest::filecheck(), 'no additional files in directory' );
# after adding bar, the MANIFEST is out of date
ok( add_file( 'bar' ), 'add another file' );
ok( ! manicheck(), 'MANIFEST now out of sync' );
# it reports that bar has been added and throws a warning
($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&filecheck );
like( $warn, qr/^Not in MANIFEST: bar/, 'warning that bar has been added' );
is( $res, 'bar', 'bar reported as new' );
# now quiet the warning that bar was added and test again
($res, $warn) = do { local $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1;
catch_warning( \&skipcheck )
cmp_ok( $warn, 'eq', '', 'disabled warnings' );
# add a skip file with a rule to skip itself (and the nonexistent glob '*baz*')
add_file( 'MANIFEST.SKIP', "baz\n.SKIP" );
# this'll skip the new file
($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&skipcheck );
like( $warn, qr/^Skipping MANIFEST\.SKIP/i, 'got skipping warning' );
my @skipped;
catch_warning( sub {
@skipped = skipcheck()
is( join( ' ', @skipped ), 'MANIFEST.SKIP', 'listed skipped files' );
local $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1;
is( join(' ', filecheck() ), 'bar', 'listing skipped with filecheck()' );
# add a subdirectory and a file there that should be found
ok( mkdir( 'moretest', 0777 ), 'created moretest directory' );
add_file( File::Spec->catfile('moretest', 'quux'), 'quux' );
ok( exists( ExtUtils::Manifest::manifind()->{'moretest/quux'} ),
"manifind found moretest/quux" );
# only MANIFEST and foo are in the manifest
$_ = 'foo';
my $files = maniread();
is( keys %$files, 2, 'two files found' );
is( join(' ', sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %$files), 'foo MANIFEST',
'both files found' );
is( $_, 'foo', q{maniread() doesn't clobber $_} );
# poison the manifest, and add a comment that should be reported
add_file( 'MANIFEST', 'none #none' );
is( ExtUtils::Manifest::maniread()->{none}, '#none',
'maniread found comment' );
ok( mkdir( 'copy', 0777 ), 'made copy directory' );
$files = maniread();
eval { (undef, $warn) = catch_warning( sub {
manicopy( $files, 'copy', 'cp' ) })
like( $@, qr/^Can't read none: /, 'croaked about none' );
# a newline comes through, so get rid of it
# the copy should have given one warning and one error
like($warn, qr/^Skipping MANIFEST.SKIP/i, 'warned about MANIFEST.SKIP' );
# tell ExtUtils::Manifest to use a different file
local $ExtUtils::Manifest::MANIFEST = 'albatross';
($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&mkmanifest );
like( $warn, qr/Added to albatross: /, 'using a new manifest file' );
# add the new file to the list of files to be deleted
# Make sure MANIFEST.SKIP is using complete relative paths
add_file( 'MANIFEST.SKIP' => "^moretest/q\n" );
# This'll skip moretest/quux
($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&skipcheck );
like( $warn, qr{^Skipping moretest/quux$}i, 'got skipping warning again' );
# There was a bug where entries in MANIFEST would be blotted out
# by MANIFEST.SKIP rules.
add_file( 'MANIFEST.SKIP' => 'foo' );
add_file( 'MANIFEST' => "foobar\n" );
add_file( 'foobar' => '123' );
($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&manicheck );
is( $res, '', 'MANIFEST overrides MANIFEST.SKIP' );
is( $warn, undef, 'MANIFEST overrides MANIFEST.SKIP, no warnings' );
$files = maniread;
ok( !$files->{wibble}, 'MANIFEST in good state' );
maniadd({ wibble => undef });
maniadd({ yarrow => "hock" });
$files = maniread;
is( $files->{wibble}, '', 'maniadd() with undef comment' );
is( $files->{yarrow}, 'hock',' with comment' );
is( $files->{foobar}, '', ' preserved old entries' );
add_file('MANIFEST' => 'Makefile.PL');
maniadd({ foo => 'bar' });
$files = maniread;
# VMS downcases the MANIFEST. We normalize it here to match.
%$files = map { (lc $_ => $files->{$_}) } keys %$files;
my %expect = ( '' => '',
'foo' => 'bar'
is_deeply( $files, \%expect, 'maniadd() vs MANIFEST without trailing newline');
add_file('MANIFEST' => 'Makefile.PL');
maniadd({ foo => 'bar' });
chmod( 0400, 'MANIFEST' );
skip "Can't make MANIFEST read-only", 2 if -w 'MANIFEST';
eval {
maniadd({ 'foo' => 'bar' });
is( $@, '', "maniadd() won't open MANIFEST if it doesn't need to" );
eval {
maniadd({ 'grrrwoof' => 'yippie' });
like( $@, qr/^\Qmaniadd() could not open MANIFEST:\E/,
"maniadd() dies if it can't open the MANIFEST" );
chmod( 0600, 'MANIFEST' );
is( unlink( keys %Files ), keys %Files, 'remove all added files' );
remove_dir( 'moretest', 'copy' );
# now get rid of the parent directory
ok( chdir( $cwd ), 'return to parent directory' );
remove_dir( 'mantest' );