perlbook.pod revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
=head1 NAME
perlbook - Perl book information
The Camel Book, officially known as I<Programming Perl, Third Edition,
July 2000>, by Larry Wall et al, ISBN 0-596-00027-8, is the definitive
reference work covering nearly all of Perl. You can order it and
other Perl books from O'Reilly & Associates, 1-800-998-9938.
Local/overseas is +1 707 829 0515. If you can locate an O'Reilly
order form, you can also fax to +1 707 829 0104. If you're
web-connected, you can even mosey on over to
for an online order form.
Other Perl books from various publishers and authors
can be found listed in L<perlfaq2>.