_e_math.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# test the helper math routines in Math::BigFloat
use Test::More;
use strict;
$| = 1;
# to locate the testing files
my $location = $0; $location =~ s/_e_math.t//i;
# testing with the core distribution
@INC = qw(../lib);
unshift @INC, '../lib';
if (-d 't')
chdir 't';
require File::Spec;
unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir, $location);
unshift @INC, $location;
print "# INC = @INC\n";
plan tests => 26;
use Math::BigFloat;
# add
my $a = Math::BigInt::Calc->_new("123");
my $b = Math::BigInt::Calc->_new("321");
my ($x, $xs) = Math::BigFloat::_e_add($a,$b,'+','+');
is (_str($x,$xs), '+444', 'add two positive numbers');
is (_str($a,''), '444', 'a modified');
($x,$xs) = _add (123,321,'+','+');
is (_str($x,$xs), '+444', 'add two positive numbers');
($x,$xs) = _add (123,321,'+','-');
is (_str($x,$xs), '-198', 'add +x + -y');
($x,$xs) = _add (123,321,'-','+');
is (_str($x,$xs), '+198', 'add -x + +y');
($x,$xs) = _add (321,123,'-','+');
is (_str($x,$xs), '-198', 'add -x + +y');
($x,$xs) = _add (321,123,'+','-');
is (_str($x,$xs), '+198', 'add +x + -y');
($x,$xs) = _add (10,1,'+','-');
is (_str($x,$xs), '+9', 'add 10 + -1');
($x,$xs) = _add (10,1,'-','+');
is (_str($x,$xs), '-9', 'add -10 + +1');
($x,$xs) = _add (1,10,'-','+');
is (_str($x,$xs), '+9', 'add -1 + 10');
($x,$xs) = _add (1,10,'+','-');
is (_str($x,$xs), '-9', 'add 1 + -10');
# sub
$a = Math::BigInt::Calc->_new("123");
$b = Math::BigInt::Calc->_new("321");
($x, $xs) = Math::BigFloat::_e_sub($b,$a,'+','+');
is (_str($x,$xs), '+198', 'sub two positive numbers');
is (_str($b,''), '198', 'a modified');
($x,$xs) = _sub (123,321,'+','-');
is (_str($x,$xs), '+444', 'sub +x + -y');
($x,$xs) = _sub (123,321,'-','+');
is (_str($x,$xs), '-444', 'sub -x + +y');
sub _add
my ($a,$b,$as,$bs) = @_;
my $aa = Math::BigInt::Calc->_new($a);
my $bb = Math::BigInt::Calc->_new($b);
my ($x, $xs) = Math::BigFloat::_e_add($aa,$bb,$as,$bs);
is (Math::BigInt::Calc->_str($x), Math::BigInt::Calc->_str($aa),
'param0 modified');
sub _sub
my ($a,$b,$as,$bs) = @_;
my $aa = Math::BigInt::Calc->_new($a);
my $bb = Math::BigInt::Calc->_new($b);
my ($x, $xs) = Math::BigFloat::_e_sub($aa,$bb,$as,$bs);
is (Math::BigInt::Calc->_str($x), Math::BigInt::Calc->_str($aa),
'param0 modified');
sub _str
my ($x,$s) = @_;
$s . Math::BigInt::Calc->_str($x);