testlib.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
else {
# ./lib is there so t/lib can be seen even after we chdir.
unshift @INC, 't/lib', './lib';
chdir 't';
use Test::More tests => 5;
# non-core tests will have blib in their path. We remove it
# and just use the one in lib/.
unless( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
@INC = grep !/blib/, @INC;
unshift @INC, '../lib';
my @blib_paths = grep /blib/, @INC;
is( @blib_paths, 0, 'No blib dirs yet in @INC' );
use_ok( 'ExtUtils::testlib' );
@blib_paths = grep { /blib/ } @INC;
is( @blib_paths, 2, 'ExtUtils::testlib added two @INC dirs!' );
ok( !(grep !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_), @blib_paths),
' and theyre absolute');
eval { eval "# @INC"; };
is( $@, '', '@INC is not tainted' );