utf8.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = '../lib';
if ( ord("\t") != 9 ) { # skip on ebcdic platforms
print "1..0 # Skip utf8 tests on ebcdic platform.\n";
print "1..90\n";
my $test = 1;
sub ok {
my ($got,$expect) = @_;
print "# expected [$expect], got [$got]\nnot " if $got ne $expect;
print "ok $test\n";
sub nok {
my ($got,$expect) = @_;
print "# expected not [$expect], got [$got]\nnot " if $got eq $expect;
print "ok $test\n";
sub ok_bytes {
use bytes;
my ($got,$expect) = @_;
print "# expected [$expect], got [$got]\nnot " if $got ne $expect;
print "ok $test\n";
sub nok_bytes {
use bytes;
my ($got,$expect) = @_;
print "# expected not [$expect], got [$got]\nnot " if $got eq $expect;
print "ok $test\n";
use utf8;
$_ = ">\x{263A}<";
ok $_, '>&#9786;<';
$test++; # 1
$_ = ">\x{263A}<";
my $rx = "\x{80}-\x{10ffff}";
ok $_, '>&#9786;<';
$test++; # 2
$_ = ">\x{263A}<";
my $rx = "\\x{80}-\\x{10ffff}";
ok $_, '>&#9786;<';
$test++; # 3
$_ = "alpha,numeric";
ok $1, 'alpha';
$test++; # 4
$_ = "alphaNUMERICstring";
ok $1, 'NUMERIC';
$test++; # 5
$_ = "alphaNUMERICstring";
ok $1, 'alpha';
$test++; # 6
$_ = "alphaNUMERICstring";
ok $1, 'NUMERIC';
$test++; # 7
$_ = "alpha,numeric";
ok $1, 'alpha';
$test++; # 8
$_ = "alphaNUMERICstring";
ok $1, 'NUMERIC';
$test++; # 9
$_ = "alpha123numeric456";
ok $1, '123';
$test++; # 10
$_ = "alpha123numeric456";
ok $1, 'alpha';
$test++; # 11
$_ = ",123alpha,456numeric";
ok $1, '123alpha';
$test++; # 12
use utf8;
$_ = "\x{263A}>\x{263A}\x{263A}";
ok length, 4;
$test++; # 13
ok length((m/>(.)/)[0]), 1;
$test++; # 14
ok length($&), 2;
$test++; # 15
ok length($'), 1;
$test++; # 16
ok length($`), 1;
$test++; # 17
ok length($1), 1;
$test++; # 18
ok length($tmp=$&), 2;
$test++; # 19
ok length($tmp=$'), 1;
$test++; # 20
ok length($tmp=$`), 1;
$test++; # 21
ok length($tmp=$1), 1;
$test++; # 22
use bytes;
my $tmp = $&;
ok $tmp, pack("C*", ord(">"), 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 23
$tmp = $';
ok $tmp, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 24
$tmp = $`;
ok $tmp, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 25
$tmp = $1;
ok $tmp, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 26
ok_bytes $&, pack("C*", ord(">"), 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 27
ok_bytes $', pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 28
ok_bytes $`, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 29
ok_bytes $1, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 30
use bytes;
no utf8;
ok length, 10;
$test++; # 31
ok length((m/>(.)/)[0]), 1;
$test++; # 32
ok length($&), 2;
$test++; # 33
ok length($'), 5;
$test++; # 34
ok length($`), 3;
$test++; # 35
ok length($1), 1;
$test++; # 36
ok $&, pack("C*", ord(">"), 0342);
$test++; # 37
ok $', pack("C*", 0230, 0272, 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 38
ok $`, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 39
ok $1, pack("C*", 0342);
$test++; # 40
no utf8;
ok length, 10;
$test++; # 41
ok length((m/>(.)/)[0]), 1;
$test++; # 42
ok length($&), 2;
$test++; # 43
ok length($'), 1;
$test++; # 44
ok length($`), 1;
$test++; # 45
ok length($1), 1;
$test++; # 46
ok length($tmp=$&), 2;
$test++; # 47
ok length($tmp=$'), 1;
$test++; # 48
ok length($tmp=$`), 1;
$test++; # 49
ok length($tmp=$1), 1;
$test++; # 50
use bytes;
my $tmp = $&;
ok $tmp, pack("C*", ord(">"), 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 51
$tmp = $';
ok $tmp, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 52
$tmp = $`;
ok $tmp, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 53
$tmp = $1;
ok $tmp, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 54
use bytes;
no utf8;
ok length, 10;
$test++; # 55
ok length((m/>(.)/)[0]), 1;
$test++; # 56
ok length($&), 2;
$test++; # 57
ok length($'), 5;
$test++; # 58
ok length($`), 3;
$test++; # 59
ok length($1), 1;
$test++; # 60
ok $&, pack("C*", ord(">"), 0342);
$test++; # 61
ok $', pack("C*", 0230, 0272, 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 62
ok $`, pack("C*", 0342, 0230, 0272);
$test++; # 63
ok $1, pack("C*", 0342);
$test++; # 64
ok "\x{ab}" =~ /^\x{ab}$/, 1;
$test++; # 65
use utf8;
ok join(" ",unpack("C*",chr(128).chr(255))), "128 255";
use utf8;
my @a = map ord, split(//, join("", map chr, (1234, 123, 2345)));
ok "@a", "1234 123 2345";
$test++; # 67
use utf8;
my $x = chr(123);
my @a = map ord, split(/$x/, join("", map chr, (1234, 123, 2345)));
ok "@a", "1234 2345";
$test++; # 68
# bug id 20001009.001
my ($a, $b);
{ use bytes; $a = "\xc3\xa4" }
{ use utf8; $b = "\xe4" } # \xXX must not produce UTF-8
print "not " if $a eq $b;
print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
{ use utf8; print "not " if $a eq $b; }
print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
# bug id 20001008.001
my @x = ("stra\337e 138","stra\337e 138");
for (@x) {
s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e;
my($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/;
print $latin eq "stra\337e" ? "ok $test\n" :
"#latin[$latin]\nnot ok $test\n";
$latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a
use utf8;
$latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a
# bug id 20000427.003
use utf8;
use warnings;
use strict;
my $sushi = "\x{b36c}\x{5a8c}\x{ff5b}\x{5079}\x{505b}";
my @charlist = split //, $sushi;
my $r = '';
foreach my $ch (@charlist) {
$r = $r . " " . sprintf "U+%04X", ord($ch);
print "not " unless $r eq " U+B36C U+5A8C U+FF5B U+5079 U+505B";
print "ok $test\n";
# bug id 20000426.003
use utf8;
my $s = "\x20\x40\x{80}\x{100}\x{80}\x40\x20";
my ($a, $b, $c) = split(/\x40/, $s);
print "not "
unless $a eq "\x20" && $b eq "\x{80}\x{100}\x{80}" && $c eq $a;
print "ok $test\n";
my ($a, $b) = split(/\x{100}/, $s);
print "not " unless $a eq "\x20\x40\x{80}" && $b eq "\x{80}\x40\x20";
print "ok $test\n";
my ($a, $b) = split(/\x{80}\x{100}\x{80}/, $s);
print "not " unless $a eq "\x20\x40" && $b eq "\x40\x20";
print "ok $test\n";
my ($a, $b) = split(/\x40\x{80}/, $s);
print "not " unless $a eq "\x20" && $b eq "\x{100}\x{80}\x40\x20";
print "ok $test\n";
my ($a, $b, $c) = split(/[\x40\x{80}]+/, $s);
print "not " unless $a eq "\x20" && $b eq "\x{100}" && $c eq "\x20";
print "ok $test\n";
# bug id 20000730.004
use utf8;
my $smiley = "\x{263a}";
for my $s ("\x{263a}", # 1
$smiley, # 2
"" . $smiley, # 3
"" . "\x{263a}", # 4
$smiley . "", # 5
"\x{263a}" . "", # 6
) {
my $length_chars = length($s);
my $length_bytes;
{ use bytes; $length_bytes = length($s) }
my @regex_chars = $s =~ m/(.)/g;
my $regex_chars = @regex_chars;
my @split_chars = split //, $s;
my $split_chars = @split_chars;
print "not "
unless "$length_chars/$regex_chars/$split_chars/$length_bytes" eq
print "ok $test\n";
for my $s ("\x{263a}" . "\x{263a}", # 7
$smiley . $smiley, # 8
"\x{263a}\x{263a}", # 9
"$smiley$smiley", # 10
"\x{263a}" x 2, # 11
$smiley x 2, # 12
) {
my $length_chars = length($s);
my $length_bytes;
{ use bytes; $length_bytes = length($s) }
my @regex_chars = $s =~ m/(.)/g;
my $regex_chars = @regex_chars;
my @split_chars = split //, $s;
my $split_chars = @split_chars;
print "not "
unless "$length_chars/$regex_chars/$split_chars/$length_bytes" eq
print "ok $test\n";