fields.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $Has_PH;
$Has_PH = $] < 5.009;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 16;
BEGIN { use_ok('fields'); }
package Foo;
use fields qw(_no Pants who _up_yours);
use fields qw(what);
sub new { fields::new(shift) }
sub magic_new { bless [] } # Doesn't 100% work, perl's problem.
package main;
is_deeply( [sort keys %Foo::FIELDS],
[sort qw(_no Pants who _up_yours what)]
sub show_fields {
my($base, $mask) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
my $fields = \%{$base.'::FIELDS'};
return grep { ($fields::attr{$base}[$fields->{$_}] & $mask) == $mask}
keys %$fields;
is_deeply( [sort &show_fields('Foo', fields::PUBLIC)],
[sort qw(Pants who what)]);
is_deeply( [sort &show_fields('Foo', fields::PRIVATE)],
[sort qw(_no _up_yours)]);
# We should get compile time failures field name typos
eval q(my Foo $obj = Foo->new; $obj->{notthere} = "");
my $error = $Has_PH ? 'No such(?: [\w-]+)? field "notthere"'
: q[Attempt to access disallowed key 'notthere' in a ].
q[restricted hash at ];
ok( $@ && $@ =~ /^$error/i );
foreach (Foo->new) {
my Foo $obj = $_;
my %test = ( Pants => 'Whatever', _no => 'Yeah',
what => 'Ahh', who => 'Moo',
_up_yours => 'Yip' );
$obj->{Pants} = 'Whatever';
$obj->{_no} = 'Yeah';
@{$obj}{qw(what who _up_yours)} = ('Ahh', 'Moo', 'Yip');
while(my($k,$v) = each %test) {
ok($obj->{$k} eq $v);
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
return if $_[0] =~ /^Pseudo-hashes are deprecated/
my $phash;
eval { $phash = fields::phash(name => "Joe", rank => "Captain") };
if( $Has_PH ) {
is( $phash->{rank}, "Captain" );
else {
like $@, qr/^Pseudo-hashes have been removed from Perl/;
# check if fields autovivify
package Foo::Autoviv;
use fields qw(foo bar);
sub new { fields::new($_[0]) }
package main;
my Foo::Autoviv $a = Foo::Autoviv->new();
$a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok', 'c'];
$a->{bar} = { A => 'ok' };
is( $a->{foo}[1], 'ok' );
is( $a->{bar}->{A},, 'ok' );
package Test::FooBar;
use fields qw(a b c);
sub new {
my $self = fields::new(shift);
%$self = @_ if @_;
package main;
my $x = Test::FooBar->new( a => 1, b => 2);
is(ref $x, 'Test::FooBar', 'x is a Test::FooBar');
ok(exists $x->{a}, 'x has a');
ok(exists $x->{b}, 'x has b');