cgi-cookie.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!./perl -w
use lib qw(t/lib);
use strict;
# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
use Test;
our $loaded = 1;
plan(tests => 86);
ok($loaded, 1, "Loaded");
use CGI::Util qw(escape unescape);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# Required for backport from Test::More to Test.
sub eq_set {
my($a1, $a2) = @_;
return 0 unless @$a1 == @$a2;
my %h = map(( $_ => 1), @$a1);
foreach $_ (@$a2) {
$h{$_} += 2;
return (scalar(grep($_ != 3, values(%h))) == 0 ? 1 : 0);
# make sure module loaded
use CGI::Cookie;
my @test_cookie = (
'foo=123; bar=qwerty; baz=wibble; qux=a1',
'foo=123; bar=qwerty; baz=wibble;',
'foo=vixen; bar=cow; baz=bitch; qux=politician',
'foo=a%20phrase; bar=yes%2C%20a%20phrase; baz=%5Ewibble; qux=%27',
# Test parse
my $result = CGI::Cookie->parse($test_cookie[0]);
ok(ref($result), 'HASH', "Hash ref returned in scalar context");
my @result = CGI::Cookie->parse($test_cookie[0]);
ok(@result, 8, "returns correct number of fields");
@result = CGI::Cookie->parse($test_cookie[1]);
ok(@result, 6, "returns correct number of fields");
my %result = CGI::Cookie->parse($test_cookie[0]);
ok($result{foo}->value, '123', "cookie foo is correct");
ok($result{bar}->value, 'qwerty', "cookie bar is correct");
ok($result{baz}->value, 'wibble', "cookie baz is correct");
ok($result{qux}->value, 'a1', "cookie qux is correct");
# Test fetch
# make sure there are no cookies in the environment
delete $ENV{COOKIE};
my %result = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
ok(keys %result == 0, 1, "No cookies in environment, returns empty list");
# now set a cookie in the environment and try again
$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} = $test_cookie[2];
%result = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
ok(eq_set([keys %result], [qw(foo bar baz qux)]), 1,
"expected cookies extracted");
ok(ref($result{foo}), 'CGI::Cookie', 'Type of objects returned is correct');
ok($result{foo}->value, 'vixen', "cookie foo is correct");
ok($result{bar}->value, 'cow', "cookie bar is correct");
ok($result{baz}->value, 'bitch', "cookie baz is correct");
ok($result{qux}->value, 'politician', "cookie qux is correct");
# Delete that and make sure it goes away
%result = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
ok(keys %result == 0, 1, "No cookies in environment, returns empty list");
# try another cookie in the other environment variable thats supposed to work
$ENV{COOKIE} = $test_cookie[3];
%result = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
ok(eq_set([keys %result], [qw(foo bar baz qux)]), 1,
"expected cookies extracted");
ok(ref($result{foo}), 'CGI::Cookie', 'Type of objects returned is correct');
ok($result{foo}->value, 'a phrase', "cookie foo is correct");
ok($result{bar}->value, 'yes, a phrase', "cookie bar is correct");
ok($result{baz}->value, '^wibble', "cookie baz is correct");
ok($result{qux}->value, "'", "cookie qux is correct");
# Test raw_fetch
# make sure there are no cookies in the environment
delete $ENV{COOKIE};
my %result = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch();
ok(keys %result == 0, 1, "No cookies in environment, returns empty list");
# now set a cookie in the environment and try again
$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} = $test_cookie[2];
%result = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch();
ok(eq_set([keys %result], [qw(foo bar baz qux)]), 1,
"expected cookies extracted");
ok(ref($result{foo}), '', 'Plain scalar returned');
ok($result{foo}, 'vixen', "cookie foo is correct");
ok($result{bar}, 'cow', "cookie bar is correct");
ok($result{baz}, 'bitch', "cookie baz is correct");
ok($result{qux}, 'politician', "cookie qux is correct");
# Delete that and make sure it goes away
%result = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch();
ok(keys %result == 0, 1, "No cookies in environment, returns empty list");
# try another cookie in the other environment variable thats supposed to work
$ENV{COOKIE} = $test_cookie[3];
%result = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch();
ok(eq_set([keys %result], [qw(foo bar baz qux)]), 1,
"expected cookies extracted");
ok(ref($result{foo}), '', 'Plain scalar returned');
ok($result{foo}, 'a%20phrase', "cookie foo is correct");
ok($result{bar}, 'yes%2C%20a%20phrase', "cookie bar is correct");
ok($result{baz}, '%5Ewibble', "cookie baz is correct");
ok($result{qux}, '%27', "cookie qux is correct");
# Test new
# Try new with full information provided
my $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'foo',
-value => 'bar',
-expires => '+3M',
-domain => '',
-path => '/cgi-bin/database',
-secure => 1
ok(ref($c), 'CGI::Cookie', 'new returns objects of correct type');
ok($c->name , 'foo', 'name is correct');
ok($c->value , 'bar', 'value is correct');
ok($c->expires, '/(?i)^[a-z]{3},\s*\d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{4}/', 'expires in correct format');
ok($c->domain , '', 'domain is correct');
ok($c->path , '/cgi-bin/database', 'path is correct');
ok($c->secure , 1, 'secure attribute is set');
# now try it with the only two manditory values (should also set the default path)
$c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'baz',
-value => 'qux',
ok(ref($c), 'CGI::Cookie', 'new returns objects of correct type');
ok($c->name , 'baz', 'name is correct');
ok($c->value , 'qux', 'value is correct');
ok(!defined $c->expires, 1, 'expires is not set');
ok(!defined $c->domain, 1, 'domain attributeis not set');
ok($c->path, '/', 'path atribute is set to default');
ok(!defined $c->secure, 1, 'secure attribute is set');
# I'm really not happy about the restults of this section. You pass
# the new method invalid arguments and it just merilly creates a
# broken object :-)
# I've commented them out because they currently pass but I don't
# think they should. I think this is testing broken behaviour :-(
# # This shouldn't work
# $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'baz' );
# ok(ref($c), 'CGI::Cookie', 'new returns objects of correct type');
# ok($c->name , 'baz', 'name is correct');
# ok(!defined $c->value, "Value is undefined ");
# ok(!defined $c->expires, 'expires is not set');
# ok(!defined $c->domain , 'domain attributeis not set');
# ok($c->path , '/', 'path atribute is set to default');
# ok(!defined $c->secure , 'secure attribute is set');
# Test as_string
my $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
-value => 'Hamster',
-expires => '+3M',
-domain => '',
-path => '/',
-secure => 1
my $name = $c->name;
ok($c->as_string, "/$name/", "Stringified cookie contains name");
my $value = $c->value;
ok($c->as_string, "/$value/", "Stringified cookie contains value");
my $expires = $c->expires;
ok($c->as_string, "/$expires/", "Stringified cookie contains expires");
my $domain = $c->domain;
ok($c->as_string, "/$domain/", "Stringified cookie contains domain");
my $path = $c->path;
ok($c->as_string, "/$path/", "Stringified cookie contains path");
ok($c->as_string, '/secure/', "Stringified cookie contains secure");
$c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Hamster-Jam',
-value => 'Tulip',
$name = $c->name;
ok($c->as_string, "/$name/", "Stringified cookie contains name");
$value = $c->value;
ok($c->as_string, "/$value/", "Stringified cookie contains value");
ok($c->as_string !~ /expires/, 1, "Stringified cookie has no expires field");
ok($c->as_string !~ /domain/, 1, "Stringified cookie has no domain field");
$path = $c->path;
ok($c->as_string, "/$path/", "Stringified cookie contains path");
ok($c->as_string !~ /secure/, 1, "Stringified cookie does not contain secure");
# Test compare
my $c1 = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
-value => 'Hamster',
-expires => '+3M',
-domain => '',
-path => '/',
-secure => 1
# have to use $c1->expires because the time will occasionally be
# different between the two creates causing spurious failures.
my $c2 = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
-value => 'Hamster',
-expires => $c1->expires,
-domain => '',
-path => '/',
-secure => 1
# This looks titally whacked, but it does the -1, 0, 1 comparison
# thing so 0 means they match
ok($c1->compare("$c1"), 0, "Cookies are identical");
ok($c1->compare("$c2"), 0, "Cookies are identical");
$c1 = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
-value => 'Hamster',
-domain => ''
# have to use $c1->expires because the time will occasionally be
# different between the two creates causing spurious failures.
$c2 = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
-value => 'Hamster',
# This looks titally whacked, but it does the -1, 0, 1 comparison
# thing so 0 (i.e. false) means they match
ok($c1->compare("$c1"), 0, "Cookies are identical");
ok($c1->compare("$c2"), -1, "Cookies are not identical");
ok($c1->compare("$c2"), 0, "Cookies are identical");
# Test name, value, domain, secure, expires and path
my $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
-value => 'Hamster',
-expires => '+3M',
-domain => '',
-path => '/',
-secure => 1
ok($c->name, 'Jam', 'name is correct');
ok($c->name('Clash'), 'Clash', 'name is set correctly');
ok($c->name, 'Clash', 'name now returns updated value');
# this is insane! it returns a simple scalar but can't accept one as
# an argument, you have to give it an arrary ref. It's totally
# inconsitent with these other methods :-(
ok($c->value, 'Hamster', 'value is correct');
ok($c->value(['Gerbil']), 'Gerbil', 'value is set correctly');
ok($c->value, 'Gerbil', 'value now returns updated value');
my $exp = $c->expires;
ok($c->expires, '/(?i)^[a-z]{3},\s*\d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{4}/', 'expires is correct');
ok($c->expires('+12h'), '/(?i)^[a-z]{3},\s*\d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{4}/', 'expires is set correctly');
ok($c->expires, '/(?i)^[a-z]{3},\s*\d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{4}/', 'expires now returns updated value');
ok($c->expires ne $exp, 1, "Expiry time has changed");
ok($c->domain, '', 'domain is correct');
ok($c->domain(''), '', 'domain is set correctly');
ok($c->domain, '', 'domain now returns updated value');
ok($c->path, '/', 'path is correct');
ok($c->path('/basket/'), '/basket/', 'path is set correctly');
ok($c->path, '/basket/', 'path now returns updated value');
ok($c->secure, 1, 'secure attribute is set');
ok($c->secure(0), 0, 'secure attribute is cleared');
ok($c->secure, 0, 'secure attribute is cleared');