elm.c revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
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#ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* SVr4.0 1.4 */
*** General-Purpose Event List Manager ***
description: These routines maintain a time-ordered list of events.
functions available:
init : Creates and initializes the data structure.
See the reference for parameters to init.
add(&event,time,id) : Adds an event to the list.
remove(id) : Removes events (with appropriate id).
empty : Returns true if the list is empty, false otherwise.
first : Removes the element at the head of the list.
Returns a pointer to the event.
delete : Frees up all allocated storage associated
with the event list.
reference: Franta, W. R. and Maly, K.,
"An efficient data structure for the
simulation event set ", CACM Vol. 20(8),
Aug 1977, pp. 596-602.
machine dependant: the constant INFINITY
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern void *xmalloc(size_t);
#define INFINITY 2147483647L /* upper bound on time */
#define NULL 0 /* a null pointer */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* the following parameters are set in init */
static int DU; /* number of time intervals */
static time_t LB; /* lower bound on time */
static time_t DT; /* width of interval */
static int NLIM; /* max notices per sublist */
/* a notice points to an event. a notice has the following fields:
time = time of the event.
id = identifier for an event or class of events that may need
to be removed (other than at the front of the list).
event = pointer to the event.
isdummy = tells whether this notice points to a real event or
is just a dummy notice (one that is used to "mark off"
the time intervals that the user specifies in init).
key = points back to the key that points to this notice,
if there is one.
left = points to the notice immediately preceding this one.
right = points to the notice immediately following this one. */
struct notice { time_t time;
int id;
void *event;
short int isdummy;
struct key *key;
struct notice *left;
struct notice *right; };
/* current points to the front of the list of notices (events) */
struct notice *current=NULL;
/* a key points to a sublist of notices. a key has the following fields:
time = max time of notices in sublist.
numnote = number of notices in sublist.
notice = pointer to the notice with max time.
left = points to the key immediately preceding this one.
right = points to the key immediately following this one. */
struct key { time_t time;
int numnote;
struct notice *notice;
struct key *left;
struct key *right; };
/* the index list breaks the keys into time intervals as specified in init.
the index is "shifted" one time interval whenever el_first returns an
event with a time greater than the max time of the first interval
(eg. with intervals of a day which span one week (MTWTFSS),
if el_first finds the next event is on tuesday, then
the intervals of the event list get shifted (TWTFSSM). */
struct index { struct key *key;
struct index *right; };
static struct index *index=NULL; /* index pts to the front of the index list */
int du, nlim;
time_t lb, dt;
int i;
time_t t;
struct index *indprev,*ind;
struct key *kprev, *k;
struct notice *nprev, *n;
if ((du<1) || (dt<1) || (nlim<1)) return;
DU = du + 1;
LB = lb;
DT = dt;
NLIM = nlim;
* initialize index, keys, and notices
/* create first dummy notice */
n= (struct notice *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct notice));
n->time = LB;
n->isdummy = TRUE;
n->left = NULL;
nprev = n;
/* create first dummy key */
k= (struct key *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct key));
k->time = LB;
k->numnote = 1;
k->notice = n;
k->left = NULL;
kprev = k;
/* make notice point to key */
n->key = k;
/* no index element to allocate this time */
indprev = NULL;
/* create dummy notices, dummy keys, and index elements */
t = LB;
for (i=1; i<DU; i++) {
t = t + DT;
n = (struct notice *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct notice));
n->time = t;
n->isdummy = TRUE;
n->left = nprev;
nprev->right = n;
nprev = n;
k = (struct key *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct key));
k->time = t;
k->numnote = 1;
k->notice = n;
k->left = kprev;
kprev->right = k;
kprev = k;
n->key = k;
ind = (struct index *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct index));
ind->key = k;
if (indprev == NULL) index = ind;
else indprev->right = ind;
indprev = ind; }
/* create last dummy notice */
n = (struct notice *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct notice));
n->time = INFINITY;
n->isdummy = TRUE;
n->left = nprev;
n->right = NULL;
nprev->right = n;
/* create last dummy key */
k = (struct key *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct key));
k->time = INFINITY;
k->numnote = 1;
k->notice = n;
k->left = kprev;
k->right = NULL;
kprev->right = k;
n->key = k;
/* create last index element */
ind = (struct index *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct index));
ind->key = k;
ind->right = NULL;
indprev->right = ind;
current = NULL;
void *event;
int id;
time_t time;
/* add works slightly differently than in the reference. if the
sublist to be inserted into is full (numnote = NLIM),
the sublist is split in half. thus the size of the sublists
in this implementation normally ranges from NLIM/2 to NLIM. */
struct index *ind;
struct key *k,*k2;
struct notice *n,*n2;
int i;
if ((index==NULL) || (time<LB)) return;
/* allocate new notice */
n = (struct notice *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct notice));
n->time = time;
n->id = id;
n->event = event;
n->isdummy = FALSE;
n->key = NULL;
/* find the right interval */
ind = index;
while ((ind->key)->time <= time) ind = ind->right;
/* find the right key */
k = (ind->key)->left;
while (k->time > time) k = k->left;
k = k->right;
/* (k->time>time) and ((k->left)->time<=time) */
if (k->numnote == NLIM) {
/* k's sublist is full, so split it */
k->numnote = NLIM / 2;
n2 = k->notice;
for (i=1; i<=NLIM/2; i++) n2 = n2->left;
/* create a key which will point to notice n2 */
k2 = (struct key *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct key));
k2->time = n2->time;
k2->numnote = NLIM - NLIM/2;
k2->notice = n2;
k2->right = k;
k2->left = k->left;
k->left = k2;
(k2->left)->right = k2;
n2->key = k2; /* have n2 point back to k2 */
/* which of the new sublists will hold the new notice? */
if (k2->time > time) k = k2; }
/* the new notice n is ready to be inserted
k points to the appropriate sublist */
k->numnote = k->numnote + 1;
n2 = k->notice;
while (n2->time > time) n2 = n2->left;
n->right = n2->right;
n->left = n2;
(n2->right)->left = n;
n2->right = n;
if ( (current == NULL) || (current->time > time) ) current = n;
int id,flag;
/* remove finds notices n that need to be removed by traversing thru
the notice list. if n is the sole element of a sublist, the
sublist is deleted. if not, an adjacent sublist is merged with
n's sublist, if that is possible. after these checks, n is removed. */
struct notice *n,*n2;
struct key *k,*kl,*kr;
if ((index==NULL) || (current==NULL)) return;
n = current;
while ( n != NULL) {
while ( (n!=NULL) && ((n->isdummy)||(n->id!=id)) ) n = n->right;
if (n != NULL) {
/* n should be deleted */
if ( (n->key!=NULL) && ((n->key)->numnote==1) ) {
/* n = sole element of a sublist */
k = n->key;
(k->left)->right = k->right;
(k->right)->left = k->left;
free(k); }
else { if (n->key != NULL) {
/* n has a key pointing to it */
(n->left)->key = n->key;
(n->key)->time = (n->left)->time;
(n->key)->notice = n->left; }
/* find the key that points to this sublist */
n2 = n;
while (n2->key == NULL) n2 = n2->right;
k = n2->key;
k->numnote = k->numnote - 1;
/* check if two adjacent sublists can be merged
first check left, then check right */
kl = k->left;
kr = k->right;
if ( (!(kl->notice)->isdummy) &&
((kl->numnote+k->numnote)<=NLIM) ) {
/* delete the key to the left */
(kl->notice)->key = NULL;
k->numnote += kl->numnote;
(kl->left)->right = k;
k->left = kl->left;
free(kl); }
else if ( (!(k->notice)->isdummy) &&
((kr->numnote+k->numnote)<=NLIM) ) {
/* delete this key */
(k->notice)->key = NULL;
kr->numnote += k->numnote;
(k->left)->right = kr;
kr->left = k->left;
free(k); }
/* delete n, then advance n down the list */
(n->left)->right = n->right;
(n->right)->left = n->left;
n2 = n->right;
n = n2;
if (flag) break;
/* now reset current */
k = (index->key)->left;
while (k->left != NULL) k = k->left;
n = (k->notice)->right;
while ((n!=NULL) && (n->isdummy)) n = n->right;
current = n;
if (current == NULL) return(1);
else return(0);
void *
struct notice *n,*fn;
struct key *k,*fk;
struct index *ind,*fi;
int ctr,*val;
time_t next_int;
if ((index==NULL) || (current==NULL)) return(NULL);
while ((index->key)->time < current->time) {
if (DU == 2) {
/* only two intervals, so relabel first one */
k = index->key;
k->time += DT;
(k->notice)->time += DT;
continue; }
/* remove the notice, key, and index corresponding
to the first time interval. Then split the
overflow interval into a normal interval
plus an overflow interval. */
fi = index;
fk = fi->key;
fn = fk->notice;
(fn->left)->right = fn->right;
(fn->right)->left = fn->left;
(fk->left)->right = fk->right;
(fk->right)->left = fk->left;
index = index->right;
/* find where to split */
ind = index;
while ((ind->right)->right != NULL) ind = ind->right;
/* ind points to the next to last index interval */
k = ind->key;
next_int = k->time + DT; /* upper bound on new inter. */
while (k->time < next_int) k = k->right;
/* k points to the appropriate sublist of notices */
n = (k->notice)->left;
ctr = 1;
while (n->time >= next_int) {
n = n->left; }
n = n->right;
/* n points to first notice of the new overflow interval
ctr tells how many notices are in the first sublist
of the new overflow interval
insert the new index element */
fi->right = ind->right;
ind->right = fi;
/* insert the new dummy key */
fk->time = next_int;
fk->numnote = k->numnote - ctr + 1;
fk->left = k->left;
fk->right = k;
(k->left)->right = fk;
k->left = fk;
k->numnote = ctr;
/* insert the new dummy notice */
fn->time = next_int;
fn->left = n->left;
fn->right = n;
(n->left)->right = fn;
n->left = fn; }
/* remove the first element of the list */
(current->left)->right = current->right;
(current->right)->left = current->left;
/* now update the numnote field in the appropriate key */
n = current;
while ( n->key == NULL ) n = n->right;
k = n->key;
k->numnote = k->numnote - 1;
/* if numnote = 0 then this key must be removed */
if (k->numnote == 0) {
(k->left)->right = k->right;
(k->right)->left = k->left;
free(k); }
/* now set current to be the head of the list */
fn = current->right;
while ( (fn != NULL) && (fn->isdummy) )
fn = fn->right;
val = current->event;
current = fn;
/* el_delete frees up all the space associated with the event list */
struct index *ind,*ind2;
struct key *k,*k2;
struct notice *n,*n2;
if (index==NULL) return;
ind = index;
k = ind->key;
while (k->left != NULL) k = k->left;
n = k->notice;
while (n!=NULL) {
n2 = n->right;
n = n2; }
while (k!=NULL) {
k2 = k->right;
k = k2; }
while (ind!=NULL) {
ind2 = ind->right;
ind = ind2; }
index = NULL;
current = NULL;