TEST revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
# This is written in a peculiar style, since we're trying to avoid
# most of the constructs we'll be testing for.
$| = 1;
# Let tests know they're running in the perl core. Useful for modules
# which live dual lives on CPAN.
# remove empty elements due to insertion of empty symbols via "''p1'" syntax
@ARGV = grep($_,@ARGV) if $^O eq 'VMS';
# Cheesy version of Getopt::Std. Maybe we should replace it with that.
@argv = ();
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
foreach my $idx (0..$#ARGV) {
push( @argv, $ARGV[$idx] ), next unless $ARGV[$idx] =~ /^-(\S+)$/;
$core = 1 if $1 eq 'core';
$verbose = 1 if $1 eq 'v';
$torture = 1 if $1 eq 'torture';
$with_utf= 1 if $1 eq 'utf8';
$bytecompile = 1 if $1 eq 'bytecompile';
$compile = 1 if $1 eq 'compile';
$taintwarn = 1 if $1 eq 'taintwarn';
$ENV{PERL_CORE_MINITEST} = 1 if $1 eq 'minitest';
if ($1 =~ /^deparse(,.+)?$/) {
$deparse = 1;
$deparse_opts = $1;
@ARGV = @argv;
chdir 't' if -f 't/TEST';
die "You need to run \"make test\" first to set things up.\n"
unless -e 'perl' or -e 'perl.exe' or -e 'perl.pm';
if ($ENV{PERL_3LOG}) { # Tru64 third(1) tool, see perlhack
unless (-x 'perl.third') {
unless (-x '../perl.third') {
die "You need to run \"make perl.third first.\n";
else {
print "Symlinking ../perl.third as perl.third...\n";
die "Failed to symlink: $!\n"
unless symlink("../perl.third", "perl.third");
die "Symlinked but no executable perl.third: $!\n"
unless -x 'perl.third';
# check leakage for embedders
$ENV{EMXSHELL} = 'sh'; # For OS/2
# Roll your own File::Find!
use TestInit;
use File::Spec;
my $curdir = File::Spec->curdir;
my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
sub _find_tests {
my($dir) = @_;
opendir DIR, $dir or die "Trouble opening $dir: $!";
foreach my $f (sort { $a cmp $b } readdir DIR) {
next if $f eq $curdir or $f eq $updir or
$f =~ /^(?:CVS|RCS|SCCS|\.svn)$/;
my $fullpath = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $f);
_find_tests($fullpath) if -d $fullpath;
$fullpath = VMS::Filespec::unixify($fullpath) if $^O eq 'VMS';
push @ARGV, $fullpath if $f =~ /\.t$/;
sub _quote_args {
my ($args) = @_;
my $argstring = '';
foreach (split(/\s+/,$args)) {
# In VMS protect with doublequotes because otherwise
# DCL will lowercase -- unless already doublequoted.
$_ = q(").$_.q(") if ($^O eq 'VMS') && !/^\"/ && length($_) > 0;
$argstring .= ' ' . $_;
return $argstring;
unless (@ARGV) {
foreach my $dir (qw(base comp cmd run io op uni)) {
_find_tests("lib") unless $core;
my $mani = File::Spec->catfile($updir, "MANIFEST");
if (open(MANI, $mani)) {
while (<MANI>) { # similar code in t/harness
if (m!^(ext/\S+/?(?:[^/\s]+\.t|test\.pl)|lib/\S+?(?:\.t|test\.pl))\s!) {
$t = $1;
if (!$core || $t =~ m!^lib/[a-z]!)
$path = File::Spec->catfile($updir, $t);
push @ARGV, $path;
$name{$path} = $t;
close MANI;
} else {
warn "$0: cannot open $mani: $!\n";
unless ($core) {
_find_tests('japh') if $torture;
# Tests known to cause infinite loops for the perlcc tests.
# %infinite = ( 'comp/require.t', 1, 'op/bop.t', 1, 'lib/hostname.t', 1 );
%infinite = ();
if ($deparse) {
_testprogs('deparse', '', @ARGV);
elsif( $compile ) {
_testprogs('compile', '', @ARGV);
elsif( $bytecompile ) {
_testprogs('bytecompile', '', @ARGV);
else {
_testprogs('compile', '', @ARGV) if -e "../testcompile";
_testprogs('perl', '', @ARGV);
sub _testprogs {
$type = shift @_;
$args = shift;
@tests = @_;
print <<'EOT' if ($type eq 'compile');
print <<'EOT' if ($type eq 'deparse');
print <<EOT if ($type eq 'bytecompile');
if ($type eq 'compile' && !$ENV{PERLCC_TIMEOUT});
$bad = 0;
$good = 0;
$total = @tests;
$files = 0;
$totmax = 0;
foreach my $t (@tests) {
unless (exists $name{$t}) {
my $tname = File::Spec->catfile('t',$t);
$tname = VMS::Filespec::unixify($tname) if $^O eq 'VMS';
$name{$t} = $tname;
my $maxlen = 0;
foreach (@name{@tests}) {
my $len = length ;
$maxlen = $len if $len > $maxlen;
# + 3 : we want three dots between the test name and the "ok"
$dotdotdot = $maxlen + 3 ;
my $valgrind = 0;
my $valgrind_log = 'current.valgrind';
while ($test = shift @tests) {
if ( $infinite{$test} && $type eq 'compile' ) {
print STDERR "$test creates infinite loop! Skipping.\n";
if ($test =~ /^$/) {
if ($type eq 'deparse') {
if ($test eq "comp/redef.t") {
# Redefinition happens at compile time
elsif ($test =~ m{lib/Switch/t/}) {
# B::Deparse doesn't support source filtering
$te = $name{$test} . '.' x ($dotdotdot - length($name{$test}));
if ($^O ne 'VMS') { # defer printing on VMS due to piping bug
print $te;
$te = '';
$test = $OVER{$test} if exists $OVER{$test};
open(SCRIPT,"<$test") or die "Can't run $test.\n";
$_ = <SCRIPT>;
close(SCRIPT) unless ($type eq 'deparse');
if (/#!.*\bperl.*\s-\w*([tT])/) {
$switch = qq{"-$1"};
else {
if ($taintwarn) {
# not all tests are expected to pass with this option
$switch = '"-t"';
else {
$switch = '';
my $test_executable; # for 'compile' tests
my $file_opts = "";
if ($type eq 'deparse') {
# Look for #line directives which change the filename
while (<SCRIPT>) {
$file_opts .= ",-f$3$4"
if /^#\s*line\s+(\d+)\s+((\w+)|"([^"]+)")/;
my $utf = $with_utf ? '-I../lib -Mutf8' : '';
my $testswitch = '-I. -MTestInit'; # -T will strict . from @INC
if ($type eq 'deparse') {
my $deparse =
"./perl $testswitch $switch -I../lib -MO=-qq,Deparse,-sv1.,".
"-l$deparse_opts$file_opts ".
"$test > $test.dp ".
"&& ./perl $testswitch $switch -I../lib $test.dp |";
open(RESULTS, $deparse)
or print "can't deparse '$deparse': $!.\n";
elsif ($type eq 'bytecompile') {
my ($pwd, $null);
if( $^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$pwd = `cd`;
$null = 'nul';
} else {
$pwd = `pwd`;
$null = '/dev/null';
chomp $pwd;
my $perl = $ENV{PERL} || "$pwd/perl";
my $bswitch = "-MO=Bytecode,-H,-TI,-s$pwd/$test,";
$bswitch .= "-TF$test.plc,"
if $test =~ m(chdir|pod/|CGI/t/carp|lib/DB);
$bswitch .= "-k,"
if $test =~ m(deparse|terse|ext/Storable/t/code);
$bswitch .= "-b,"
if $test =~ m(op/getpid);
my $bytecompile =
"$perl $testswitch $switch -I../lib $bswitch".
"-o$test.plc $test 2>$null &&".
"$perl $testswitch $switch -I../lib $utf $test.plc |";
or print "can't byte-compile '$bytecompile': $!.\n";
elsif ($type eq 'perl') {
my $perl = $ENV{PERL} || './perl';
my $redir = $^O eq 'VMS' ? '2>&1' : '';
$perl = "valgrind --suppressions=perl.supp --leak-check=yes "
. "--leak-resolution=high --show-reachable=yes "
. "--num-callers=50 --logfile-fd=3 $perl";
$redir = "3>$valgrind_log";
my $run = "$perl" . _quote_args("$testswitch $switch $utf") . " $test $redir|";
open(RESULTS,$run) or print "can't run '$run': $!.\n";
else {
my $compile;
my $pl2c = "$testswitch -I../lib ../utils/perlcc --testsuite " .
# -O9 for good measure, -fcog is broken ATM
"$switch -Wb=-O9,-fno-cog -L .. " .
"-I \".. ../lib/CORE\" $args $utf $test -o ";
if( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
$test_executable = "$test.exe";
# hopefully unused name...
open HACK, "> xweghyz.pl";
print HACK <<EOT;
open HACK, '.\\perl $pl2c $test_executable |';
# cl.exe prints the name of the .c file on stdout (\%^\$^#)
while(<HACK>) {m/^\\w+\\.[cC]\$/ && next;print}
open HACK, '$test_executable |';
while(<HACK>) {print}
close HACK;
$compile = 'xweghyz.pl |';
else {
$test_executable = "$test.plc";
$compile = "./perl $pl2c $test_executable && $test_executable |";
unlink $test_executable if -f $test_executable;
open(RESULTS, $compile)
or print "can't compile '$compile': $!.\n";
$ok = 0;
$next = 0;
my $seen_leader = 0;
my $seen_ok = 0;
while (<RESULTS>) {
next if /^\s*$/; # skip blank lines
if ($verbose) {
print $_;
unless (/^\#/) {
if (/^1\.\.([0-9]+)( todo ([\d ]+))?/) {
$max = $1;
%todo = map { $_ => 1 } split / /, $3 if $3;
$totmax += $max;
$files += 1;
unless ($seen_ok) {
$next = 1;
$ok = 1;
$seen_leader = 1;
else {
if (/^(not )?ok (\d+)[^\#]*(\s*\#.*)?/) {
unless ($seen_leader) {
unless ($seen_ok) {
$next = 1;
$ok = 1;
$seen_ok = 1;
if ($2 == $next) {
my($not, $num, $extra) = ($1, $2, $3);
my($istodo) = $extra =~ /^\s*#\s*TODO/ if $extra;
$istodo = 1 if $todo{$num};
if( $not && !$istodo ) {
$ok = 0;
$next = $num;
else {
$next = $next + 1;
elsif (/^Bail out!\s*(.*)/i) { # magic words
die "FAILED--Further testing stopped" . ($1 ? ": $1\n" : ".\n");
else {
$ok = 0;
close RESULTS;
my @valgrind;
if (-e $valgrind_log) {
if (open(V, $valgrind_log)) {
@valgrind = <V>;
close V;
} else {
warn "$0: Failed to open '$valgrind_log': $!\n";
if (@valgrind) {
my $leaks = 0;
my $errors = 0;
for my $i (0..$#valgrind) {
local $_ = $valgrind[$i];
if (/^==\d+== ERROR SUMMARY: (\d+) errors? /) {
$errors += $1; # there may be multiple error summaries
} elsif (/^==\d+== LEAK SUMMARY:/) {
for my $off (1 .. 4) {
if ($valgrind[$i+$off] =~
/(?:lost|reachable):\s+\d+ bytes in (\d+) blocks/) {
$leaks += $1;
if ($errors or $leaks) {
if (rename $valgrind_log, "$test.valgrind") {
} else {
warn "$0: Failed to create '$test.valgrind': $!\n";
} else {
warn "No valgrind output?\n";
if (-e $valgrind_log) {
unlink $valgrind_log
or warn "$0: Failed to unlink '$valgrind_log': $!\n";
if ($type eq 'deparse') {
unlink "./$test.dp";
if ($ENV{PERL_3LOG}) {
my $tpp = $test;
$tpp =~ s:^\.\./::;
$tpp =~ s:/:_:g;
$tpp =~ s:\.t$:.3log:;
rename("perl.3log", $tpp) ||
die "rename: perl3.log to $tpp: $!\n";
$next = $next - 1;
# test if the compiler compiled something
if( $type eq 'compile' && !-e "$test_executable" ) {
$ok = 0;
print "Test did not compile\n";
if ($ok && $next == $max ) {
if ($max) {
print "${te}ok\n";
$good = $good + 1;
else {
print "${te}skipping test on this platform\n";
$files -= 1;
else {
$next += 1;
print "${te}FAILED at test $next\n";
$bad = $bad + 1;
$_ = $test;
if (/^base/) {
die "Failed a basic test--cannot continue.\n";
if ($bad == 0) {
if ($ok) {
print "All tests successful.\n";
# XXX add mention of 'perlbug -ok' ?
else {
die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n";
else {
$pct = $files ? sprintf("%.2f", ($files - $bad) / $files * 100) : "0.00";
if ($bad == 1) {
warn "Failed 1 test script out of $files, $pct% okay.\n";
else {
warn "Failed $bad test scripts out of $files, $pct% okay.\n";
warn <<'SHRDLU_1';
### Since not all tests were successful, you may want to run some of
### them individually and examine any diagnostic messages they produce.
### See the INSTALL document's section on "make test".
warn <<'SHRDLU_2' if $good / $total > 0.8;
### You have a good chance to get more information by running
### ./perl harness
### in the 't' directory since most (>=80%) of the tests succeeded.
if (eval {require Config; import Config; 1}) {
if ($Config{usedl} && (my $p = $Config{ldlibpthname})) {
warn <<SHRDLU_3;
### You may have to set your dynamic library search path,
### $p, to point to the build directory:
if (exists $ENV{$p} && $ENV{$p} ne '') {
warn <<SHRDLU_4a;
### setenv $p `pwd`:\$$p; cd t; ./perl harness
### $p=`pwd`:\$$p; export $p; cd t; ./perl harness
### export $p=`pwd`:\$$p; cd t; ./perl harness
} else {
warn <<SHRDLU_4b;
### setenv $p `pwd`; cd t; ./perl harness
### $p=`pwd`; export $p; cd t; ./perl harness
### export $p=`pwd`; cd t; ./perl harness
warn <<SHRDLU_5;
### for csh-style shells, like tcsh; or for traditional/modern
### Bourne-style shells, like bash, ksh, and zsh, respectively.
($user,$sys,$cuser,$csys) = times;
print sprintf("u=%g s=%g cu=%g cs=%g scripts=%d tests=%d\n",
my $s = $valgrind == 1 ? '' : 's';
print "$valgrind valgrind report$s created.\n", ;
exit ($bad != 0);