bigints.t revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Test;
$| = 1;
# to locate the testing files
my $location = $0; $location =~ s/bigints.t//i;
@INC = qw(../t/lib); # testing with the core distribution
unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for testing manually
if (-d 't')
chdir 't';
require File::Spec;
unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir, $location);
unshift @INC, $location;
print "# INC = @INC\n";
plan tests => 51;
# testing of Math::BigInt:Scalar (used by the testsuite),
# primarily for interface/api and not for the math functionality
use Math::BigInt::Scalar;
my $C = 'Math::BigInt::Scalar'; # pass classname to sub's
# _new and _str
my $x = $C->_new("123"); my $y = $C->_new("321");
ok (ref($x),'SCALAR'); ok ($C->_str($x),123); ok ($C->_str($y),321);
# _add, _sub, _mul, _div
ok ($C->_str($C->_add($x,$y)),444);
ok ($C->_str($C->_sub($x,$y)),123);
ok ($C->_str($C->_mul($x,$y)),39483);
ok ($C->_str($C->_div($x,$y)),123);
ok ($C->_str($C->_mul($x,$y)),39483);
ok ($C->_str($x),39483);
ok ($C->_str($y),321);
my $z = $C->_new("2");
ok ($C->_str($C->_add($x,$z)),39485);
my ($re,$rr) = $C->_div($x,$y);
ok ($C->_str($re),123); ok ($C->_str($rr),2);
# is_zero, _is_one, _one, _zero
ok ($C->_is_zero($x),0);
ok ($C->_is_one($x),0);
ok ($C->_is_one($C->_one()),1); ok ($C->_is_one($C->_zero()),0);
ok ($C->_is_zero($C->_zero()),1); ok ($C->_is_zero($C->_one()),0);
# is_odd, is_even
ok ($C->_is_odd($C->_one()),1); ok ($C->_is_odd($C->_zero()),0);
ok ($C->_is_even($C->_one()),0); ok ($C->_is_even($C->_zero()),1);
# _digit
$x = $C->_new("123456789");
ok ($C->_digit($x,0),9);
ok ($C->_digit($x,1),8);
ok ($C->_digit($x,2),7);
ok ($C->_digit($x,-1),1);
ok ($C->_digit($x,-2),2);
ok ($C->_digit($x,-3),3);
# _copy
$x = $C->_new("12356");
ok ($C->_str($C->_copy($x)),12356);
# _acmp
$x = $C->_new("123456789");
$y = $C->_new("987654321");
ok ($C->_acmp($x,$y),-1);
ok ($C->_acmp($y,$x),1);
ok ($C->_acmp($x,$x),0);
ok ($C->_acmp($y,$y),0);
# _div
$x = $C->_new("3333"); $y = $C->_new("1111");
ok ($C->_str( scalar $C->_div($x,$y)),3);
$x = $C->_new("33333"); $y = $C->_new("1111"); ($x,$y) = $C->_div($x,$y);
ok ($C->_str($x),30); ok ($C->_str($y),3);
$x = $C->_new("123"); $y = $C->_new("1111");
($x,$y) = $C->_div($x,$y); ok ($C->_str($x),0); ok ($C->_str($y),123);
# _num
$x = $C->_new("12345"); $x = $C->_num($x); ok (ref($x)||'',''); ok ($x,12345);
# _len
$x = $C->_new("12345"); $x = $C->_len($x); ok (ref($x)||'',''); ok ($x,5);
# _and, _or, _xor
$x = $C->_new("3"); $y = $C->_new("4"); ok ($C->_str( $C->_or($x,$y)),7);
$x = $C->_new("1"); $y = $C->_new("4"); ok ($C->_str( $C->_xor($x,$y)),5);
$x = $C->_new("7"); $y = $C->_new("3"); ok ($C->_str( $C->_and($x,$y)),3);
# _pow
$x = $C->_new("2"); $y = $C->_new("4"); ok ($C->_str( $C->_pow($x,$y)),16);
$x = $C->_new("2"); $y = $C->_new("5"); ok ($C->_str( $C->_pow($x,$y)),32);
$x = $C->_new("3"); $y = $C->_new("3"); ok ($C->_str( $C->_pow($x,$y)),27);
# _check
$x = $C->_new("123456789");
ok ($C->_check($x),0);
ok ($C->_check(123),'123 is not a reference');
# done