6263835 inetd could use option to set SO_KEEPALIVE
PSARC/2007/399 inetd backlog SMF property: connection_backlog 6303365 Need tunable to adjust /usr/lib/inet/inetd backlog queue
6359306 inetd is unable to lookup services from nis, where as same file works fine for Soalris 8 and 9.
6408578 inetconv declares a valid inetd.conf line to be invalid or inconsistent
5079311 inetd needs to support selected address binding 6390546 lp cancel command doesn't work if print service is bound to localhost 6390547 print library should be lint-clean
6272094 inetconv fails to observe alignment, improperly validates rpc versions 6365545 snoop.c needs some old code removed
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