header (C) fixes
Automated rebranding to Oracle copyright/license strings via filemuncher
alternative license for VBoxGuestLib is CDDL
VBoxGuestLib: Implemented detection of physical page list support.
VBoxGuest.h,VBoxGuestLib: Moved the VbglR3 API out of VBoxGuest.h and did some cleanup.
s/VBOX_SUCCESS/RT_SUCCESS/g s/VBOX_FAILURE/RT_FAILURE/g - VBOX_SUCCESS and VBOX_FAILURE have *NOT* been retired (because old habbits die hard) just sligtly deprecated.
The Big Sun Rebranding Header Change
The Giant CDDL Dual-License Header Change.
Biggest check-in ever. New source code headers for all (C) innotek files.
InnoTek -> innotek: all the headers and comments.
some cleanup