nsReadableUtils.cpp revision 677833bc953b6cb418c701facbdcf4aa18d6c44e
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
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* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2000
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#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
#include "nsMemory.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsUTF8Utils.h"
if (aSource) {
if (aSource) {
// right now, this won't work on multi-fragment destinations
// right now, this won't work on multi-fragment destinations
if (aSource) {
if (aSource) {
if (count)
// Grow the buffer if we need to.
// aDest has enough room in the fragment just past the end
// of its old data that it can hold what we're about to
// append. Append using copy_string().
// All ready? Time to convert
NS_ERROR("Input invalid or incorrect length was calculated");
// This isn't the fastest way to do this, but it gets
// complicated to convert UTF16 into a fragmented UTF8
// string, so we'll take the easy way out here in this
// rare situation.
if (count)
// Grow the buffer if we need to.
// aDest has enough room in the fragment just past the end
// of its old data that it can hold what we're about to
// append. Append using copy_string().
// All ready? Time to convert
NS_ERROR("Input wasn't UTF8 or incorrect length was calculated");
// This isn't the fastest way to do this, but it gets
// complicated to convert parts of a UTF8 string into a
// UTF16 string, so we'll take the easy way out here in
// this rare situation.
if (aSource) {
if (aSource) {
* A helper function that allocates a buffer of the desired character type big enough to hold a copy of the supplied string (plus a zero terminator).
* @param aSource an string you will eventually be making a copy of
* @return a new buffer (of the type specified by the second parameter) which you must free with |nsMemory::Free|.
template <class FromStringT, class ToCharT>
copy_string(aSource.BeginReading(fromBegin), aSource.EndReading(fromEnd), converter).write_terminator();
return result;
if (aUTF8Count)
char *result = NS_STATIC_CAST(char*,
return result;
// no conversion needed, just allocate a buffer of the correct length and copy into it
return result;
// no conversion needed, just allocate a buffer of the correct length and copy into it
return result;
copy_string(aSource.BeginReading(fromBegin), aSource.EndReading(fromEnd), converter).write_terminator();
return result;
if (aUTF16Count)
return result;
copy_string(aSource.BeginReading(fromBegin).advance( PRInt32(aSrcOffset) ), aSource.BeginReading(fromEnd).advance( PRInt32(aSrcOffset+aLength) ), toBegin);
return aDest;
// Don't want to use |copy_string| for this task, since we can stop at the first non-ASCII character
// for each chunk of |aString|...
PRUint32 fragmentLength = 0;
// for each character in this chunk...
while ( c < fragmentEnd )
if ( *c++ & NOT_ASCII )
return PR_FALSE;
return PR_TRUE;
static const char NOT_ASCII = char(~0x7F);
// Don't want to use |copy_string| for this task, since we can stop at the first non-ASCII character
// for each chunk of |aString|...
PRUint32 fragmentLength = 0;
const char* fragmentEnd = c + fragmentLength;
// for each character in this chunk...
while ( c < fragmentEnd )
if ( *c++ & NOT_ASCII )
return PR_FALSE;
return PR_TRUE;
// for each chunk of |aString|...
PRUint32 fragmentLength = 0;
// for each character in this chunk...
while ( ptr < fragmentEnd )
PRUint8 c;
if (0 == state)
c = *ptr++;
if ( UTF8traits::isASCII(c) )
if ( c <= 0xC1 ) // [80-BF] where not expected, [C0-C1] for overlong.
return PR_FALSE;
else if ( UTF8traits::is2byte(c) )
state = 1;
else if ( UTF8traits::is3byte(c) )
state = 2;
if ( c == 0xE0 ) // to exclude E0[80-9F][80-BF]
olupper = 0x9F;
else if ( c == 0xED ) // ED[A0-BF][80-BF] : surrogate codepoint
slower = 0xA0;
else if ( c == 0xEF ) // EF BF [BE-BF] : non-character
else if ( c <= 0xF4 ) // XXX replace /w UTF8traits::is4byte when it's updated to exclude [F5-F7].(bug 199090)
state = 3;
if ( c == 0xF0 ) // to exclude F0[80-8F][80-BF]{2}
olupper = 0x8F;
else if ( c == 0xF4 ) // to exclude F4[90-BF][80-BF]
// actually not surrogates but codepoints beyond 0x10FFFF
slower = 0x90;
return PR_FALSE; // Not UTF-8 string
c = *ptr++;
// non-character : EF BF [BE-BF] or F[0-7] [89AB]F BF [BE-BF]
return PR_FALSE; // Not UTF-8 string
return !state; // state != 0 at the end indicates an invalid UTF-8 seq.
* A character sink for in-place case conversion.
class ConvertToUpperCase
typedef char value_type;
return aSourceLength;
char* start;
* A character sink for copying with case conversion.
class CopyToUpperCase
typedef char value_type;
return len;
* A character sink for case conversion.
class ConvertToLowerCase
typedef char value_type;
return aSourceLength;
char* start;
* A character sink for copying with case conversion.
class CopyToLowerCase
typedef char value_type;
return len;
FindInReadable_Impl( const StringT& aPattern, IteratorT& aSearchStart, IteratorT& aSearchEnd, const Comparator& compare )
// only bother searching at all if we're given a non-empty range to search
if ( aSearchStart != aSearchEnd )
// outer loop keeps searching till we find it or run out of string to search
while ( !found_it )
// fast inner loop (that's what it's called, not what it is) looks for a potential match
while ( aSearchStart != aSearchEnd &&
// if we broke out of the `fast' loop because we're out of string ... we're done: no match
if ( aSearchStart == aSearchEnd )
// otherwise, we're at a potential match, let's see if we really hit one
// slow inner loop verifies the potential match (found by the `fast' loop) at the current position
// we already compared the first character in the outer loop,
// so we'll advance before the next comparison
// if we verified all the way to the end of the pattern, then we found it!
if ( testPattern == aPatternEnd )
// if we got to end of the string we're searching before we hit the end of the
// pattern, we'll never find what we're looking for
if ( testSearch == aSearchEnd )
// else if we mismatched ... it's time to advance to the next search position
// and get back into the `fast' loop
return found_it;
FindInReadable( const nsAString& aPattern, nsAString::const_iterator& aSearchStart, nsAString::const_iterator& aSearchEnd, const nsStringComparator& aComparator )
FindInReadable( const nsACString& aPattern, nsACString::const_iterator& aSearchStart, nsACString::const_iterator& aSearchEnd, const nsCStringComparator& aComparator)
CaseInsensitiveFindInReadable( const nsACString& aPattern, nsACString::const_iterator& aSearchStart, nsACString::const_iterator& aSearchEnd )
return FindInReadable_Impl(aPattern, aSearchStart, aSearchEnd, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator());
* This implementation is simple, but does too much work.
* It searches the entire string from left to right, and returns the last match found, if any.
* This implementation will be replaced when I get |reverse_iterator|s working.
RFindInReadable( const nsAString& aPattern, nsAString::const_iterator& aSearchStart, nsAString::const_iterator& aSearchEnd, const nsStringComparator& aComparator)
while ( searchStart != searchEnd )
// this is the best match so far, so remember it
// ...and get ready to search some more
// (it's tempting to set |searchStart=searchEnd| ... but that misses overlapping patterns)
// if we never found it, return an empty range
if ( !found_it )
return found_it;
RFindInReadable( const nsACString& aPattern, nsACString::const_iterator& aSearchStart, nsACString::const_iterator& aSearchEnd, const nsCStringComparator& aComparator)
while ( searchStart != searchEnd )
// this is the best match so far, so remember it
// ...and get ready to search some more
// (it's tempting to set |searchStart=searchEnd| ... but that misses overlapping patterns)
// if we never found it, return an empty range
if ( !found_it )
return found_it;
FindCharInReadable( PRUnichar aChar, nsAString::const_iterator& aSearchStart, const nsAString::const_iterator& aSearchEnd )
const PRUnichar* charFoundAt = nsCharTraits<PRUnichar>::find(aSearchStart.get(), fragmentLength, aChar);
if ( charFoundAt ) {
return PR_TRUE;
return PR_FALSE;
FindCharInReadable( char aChar, nsACString::const_iterator& aSearchStart, const nsACString::const_iterator& aSearchEnd )
if ( charFoundAt ) {
return PR_TRUE;
return PR_FALSE;
return count;
char aChar )
return count;
const nsStringComparator& aComparator )
return PR_FALSE;
const nsCStringComparator& aComparator )
return PR_FALSE;
const nsStringComparator& aComparator )
return PR_FALSE;
const nsCStringComparator& aComparator )
return PR_FALSE;
template <class CharT>
class CalculateHashCode
typedef PRUint32 hashcode_type;
typedef CharT value_type;
CalculateHashCode() : mHashCode(0) { }
return N;
return sink.GetHashCode();
return sink.GetHashCode();
return sEmpty;
return sEmpty;