settings.h revision e64031e20c39650a7bc902a3e1aba613b9415dee
/** @file
* Settings file data structures.
* These structures are created by the settings file loader and filled with values
* copied from the raw XML data. This was all new with VirtualBox 3.1 and allows us
* to finally make the XML reader version-independent and read VirtualBox XML files
* from earlier and even newer (future) versions without requiring complicated,
* tedious and error-prone XSLT conversions.
* It is this file that defines all structures that map VirtualBox global and
* machine settings to XML files. These structures are used by the rest of Main,
* even though this header file does not require anything else in Main.
* Note: Headers in Main code have been tweaked to only declare the structures
* defined here so that this header need only be included from code files that
* actually use these structures.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___VBox_settings_h
#define ___VBox_settings_h
#include <iprt/time.h>
#include "VBox/com/VirtualBox.h"
#include <VBox/com/Guid.h>
#include <VBox/com/string.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
namespace xml
class ElementNode;
namespace settings
class ConfigFileError;
// Helper classes
// ExtraDataItem (used by both VirtualBox.xml and machines XML)
typedef std::map<com::Utf8Str, com::Utf8Str> ExtraDataItemsMap;
struct USBDeviceFilter;
typedef std::list<USBDeviceFilter> USBDeviceFiltersList;
* Common base class for both MainConfigFile and MachineConfigFile
* which contains some common logic for both.
class ConfigFileBase
bool fileExists();
void copyBaseFrom(const ConfigFileBase &b);
ConfigFileBase(const com::Utf8Str *pstrFilename);
void parseUUID(com::Guid &guid,
const com::Utf8Str &strUUID) const;
void parseTimestamp(RTTIMESPEC &timestamp,
const com::Utf8Str &str) const;
com::Utf8Str makeString(const RTTIMESPEC &tm);
com::Utf8Str makeString(const com::Guid &guid);
void readExtraData(const xml::ElementNode &elmExtraData,
ExtraDataItemsMap &map);
void readUSBDeviceFilters(const xml::ElementNode &elmDeviceFilters,
USBDeviceFiltersList &ll);
void setVersionAttribute(xml::ElementNode &elm);
void createStubDocument();
void writeExtraData(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const ExtraDataItemsMap &me);
void writeUSBDeviceFilters(xml::ElementNode &elmParent,
const USBDeviceFiltersList &ll,
bool fHostMode);
void clearDocument();
struct Data;
Data *m;
// prohibit copying (Data contains pointers to XML which cannot be copied)
ConfigFileBase(const ConfigFileBase&);
friend class ConfigFileError;
// Structures shared between Machine XML and VirtualBox.xml
* USB device filter definition. This struct is used both in MainConfigFile
* (for global USB filters) and MachineConfigFile (for machine filters).
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct USBDeviceFilter
: fActive(false),
bool operator==(const USBDeviceFilter&u) const;
com::Utf8Str strName;
bool fActive;
com::Utf8Str strVendorId,
USBDeviceFilterAction_T action; // only used with host USB filters
com::Utf8Str strRemote; // irrelevant for host USB objects
uint32_t ulMaskedInterfaces; // irrelevant for host USB objects
// VirtualBox.xml structures
struct Host
USBDeviceFiltersList llUSBDeviceFilters;
struct SystemProperties
: ulLogHistoryCount(3)
com::Utf8Str strDefaultMachineFolder;
com::Utf8Str strDefaultHardDiskFolder;
com::Utf8Str strDefaultHardDiskFormat;
com::Utf8Str strRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary;
com::Utf8Str strWebServiceAuthLibrary;
uint32_t ulLogHistoryCount;
typedef std::map<com::Utf8Str, com::Utf8Str> PropertiesMap;
struct Medium;
typedef std::list<Medium> MediaList;
struct Medium
com::Guid uuid;
com::Utf8Str strLocation;
com::Utf8Str strDescription;
// the following are for hard disks only:
com::Utf8Str strFormat;
bool fAutoReset; // optional, only for diffs, default is false
PropertiesMap properties;
MediumType_T hdType;
MediaList llChildren; // only used with hard disks
struct MachineRegistryEntry
com::Guid uuid;
com::Utf8Str strSettingsFile;
typedef std::list<MachineRegistryEntry> MachinesRegistry;
struct DHCPServer
com::Utf8Str strNetworkName,
bool fEnabled;
typedef std::list<DHCPServer> DHCPServersList;
class MainConfigFile : public ConfigFileBase
MainConfigFile(const com::Utf8Str *pstrFilename);
typedef enum {Error, HardDisk, DVDImage, FloppyImage} MediaType;
void readMedium(MediaType t, const xml::ElementNode &elmMedium, MediaList &llMedia);
void readMediaRegistry(const xml::ElementNode &elmMediaRegistry);
void readMachineRegistry(const xml::ElementNode &elmMachineRegistry);
void readDHCPServers(const xml::ElementNode &elmDHCPServers);
void writeHardDisk(xml::ElementNode &elmMedium,
const Medium &m,
uint32_t level);
void write(const com::Utf8Str strFilename);
Host host;
SystemProperties systemProperties;
MediaList llHardDisks,
MachinesRegistry llMachines;
DHCPServersList llDhcpServers;
ExtraDataItemsMap mapExtraDataItems;
// Machine XML structures
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct VRDPSettings
: fEnabled(true),
bool operator==(const VRDPSettings& v) const;
bool fEnabled;
com::Utf8Str strPort;
com::Utf8Str strNetAddress;
VRDPAuthType_T authType;
uint32_t ulAuthTimeout;
bool fAllowMultiConnection,
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct BIOSSettings
: fACPIEnabled(true),
bool operator==(const BIOSSettings &d) const;
bool fACPIEnabled,
uint32_t ulLogoDisplayTime;
com::Utf8Str strLogoImagePath;
BIOSBootMenuMode_T biosBootMenuMode;
bool fPXEDebugEnabled;
int64_t llTimeOffset;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct USBController
: fEnabled(false),
bool operator==(const USBController &u) const;
bool fEnabled;
bool fEnabledEHCI;
USBDeviceFiltersList llDeviceFilters;
struct NATRule
NATRule(): u32Proto(0),
com::Utf8Str strName;
uint32_t u32Proto;
uint16_t u16HostPort;
com::Utf8Str strHostIP;
uint16_t u16GuestPort;
com::Utf8Str strGuestIP;
bool operator==(const NATRule &r) const
return strName == r.strName
&& u32Proto == r.u32Proto
&& u16HostPort == r.u16HostPort
&& strHostIP == r.strHostIP
&& u16GuestPort == r.u16GuestPort
&& strGuestIP == r.strGuestIP;
typedef std::list<NATRule> NATRuleList;
struct NAT
NAT(): u32Mtu(0),
fDnsPassDomain(true), /* historically this value is true */
com::Utf8Str strNetwork;
com::Utf8Str strBindIP;
uint32_t u32Mtu;
uint32_t u32SockRcv;
uint32_t u32SockSnd;
uint32_t u32TcpRcv;
uint32_t u32TcpSnd;
com::Utf8Str strTftpPrefix;
com::Utf8Str strTftpBootFile;
com::Utf8Str strTftpNextServer;
bool fDnsPassDomain;
bool fDnsProxy;
bool fDnsUseHostResolver;
bool fAliasLog;
bool fAliasProxyOnly;
bool fAliasUseSamePorts;
NATRuleList llRules;
bool operator==(const NAT &n) const
return strNetwork == n.strNetwork
&& strBindIP == n.strBindIP
&& u32Mtu == n.u32Mtu
&& u32SockRcv == n.u32SockRcv
&& u32SockSnd == n.u32SockSnd
&& u32TcpSnd == n.u32TcpSnd
&& u32TcpRcv == n.u32TcpRcv
&& strTftpPrefix == n.strTftpPrefix
&& strTftpBootFile == n.strTftpBootFile
&& strTftpNextServer == n.strTftpNextServer
&& fDnsPassDomain == n.fDnsPassDomain
&& fDnsProxy == n.fDnsProxy
&& fDnsUseHostResolver == n.fDnsUseHostResolver
&& llRules == n.llRules;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct NetworkAdapter
: ulSlot(0),
bool operator==(const NetworkAdapter &n) const;
uint32_t ulSlot;
NetworkAdapterType_T type;
bool fEnabled;
com::Utf8Str strMACAddress;
bool fCableConnected;
uint32_t ulLineSpeed;
bool fTraceEnabled;
com::Utf8Str strTraceFile;
NetworkAttachmentType_T mode;
NAT nat;
com::Utf8Str strName; // NAT has own attribute
// with bridged: host interface or empty;
// otherwise: network name (required)
uint32_t ulBootPriority;
bool fHasDisabledNAT;
typedef std::list<NetworkAdapter> NetworkAdaptersList;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct SerialPort
: ulSlot(0),
bool operator==(const SerialPort &n) const;
uint32_t ulSlot;
bool fEnabled;
uint32_t ulIOBase;
uint32_t ulIRQ;
PortMode_T portMode;
com::Utf8Str strPath;
bool fServer;
typedef std::list<SerialPort> SerialPortsList;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct ParallelPort
: ulSlot(0),
bool operator==(const ParallelPort &d) const;
uint32_t ulSlot;
bool fEnabled;
uint32_t ulIOBase;
uint32_t ulIRQ;
com::Utf8Str strPath;
typedef std::list<ParallelPort> ParallelPortsList;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct AudioAdapter
: fEnabled(true),
bool operator==(const AudioAdapter &a) const
return (this == &a)
|| ( (fEnabled == a.fEnabled)
&& (controllerType == a.controllerType)
&& (driverType == a.driverType)
bool fEnabled;
AudioControllerType_T controllerType;
AudioDriverType_T driverType;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct SharedFolder
: fWritable(false)
bool operator==(const SharedFolder &a) const;
com::Utf8Str strName,
bool fWritable;
typedef std::list<SharedFolder> SharedFoldersList;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct GuestProperty
: timestamp(0)
bool operator==(const GuestProperty &g) const;
com::Utf8Str strName,
uint64_t timestamp;
com::Utf8Str strFlags;
typedef std::list<GuestProperty> GuestPropertiesList;
typedef std::map<uint32_t, DeviceType_T> BootOrderMap;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct CpuIdLeaf
: ulId(UINT32_MAX),
bool operator==(const CpuIdLeaf &c) const
return ( (this == &c)
|| ( (ulId == c.ulId)
&& (ulEax == c.ulEax)
&& (ulEbx == c.ulEbx)
&& (ulEcx == c.ulEcx)
&& (ulEdx == c.ulEdx)
uint32_t ulId;
uint32_t ulEax;
uint32_t ulEbx;
uint32_t ulEcx;
uint32_t ulEdx;
typedef std::list<CpuIdLeaf> CpuIdLeafsList;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct Cpu
: ulId(UINT32_MAX)
bool operator==(const Cpu &c) const
return (ulId == c.ulId);
uint32_t ulId;
typedef std::list<Cpu> CpuList;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct IoSettings
bool operator==(const IoSettings &i) const
return ( (ioMgrType == i.ioMgrType)
&& (ioBackendType == i.ioBackendType)
&& (fIoCacheEnabled == i.fIoCacheEnabled)
&& (ulIoCacheSize == i.ulIoCacheSize)
&& (ulIoBandwidthMax == i.ulIoBandwidthMax));
IoMgrType_T ioMgrType;
IoBackendType_T ioBackendType;
bool fIoCacheEnabled;
uint32_t ulIoCacheSize;
uint32_t ulIoBandwidthMax;
* Representation of Machine hardware; this is used in the MachineConfigFile.hardwareMachine
* field.
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct Hardware
bool operator==(const Hardware&) const;
com::Utf8Str strVersion; // hardware version, optional
com::Guid uuid; // hardware uuid, optional (null).
bool fHardwareVirt,
uint32_t cCPUs;
bool fCpuHotPlug; // requires settings version 1.10 (VirtualBox 3.2)
CpuList llCpus; // requires settings version 1.10 (VirtualBox 3.2)
bool fHpetEnabled; // requires settings version 1.10 (VirtualBox 3.2)
CpuIdLeafsList llCpuIdLeafs;
uint32_t ulMemorySizeMB;
BootOrderMap mapBootOrder; // item 0 has highest priority
uint32_t ulVRAMSizeMB;
uint32_t cMonitors;
bool fAccelerate3D,
fAccelerate2DVideo; // requires settings version 1.8 (VirtualBox 3.1)
FirmwareType_T firmwareType; // requires settings version 1.9 (VirtualBox 3.1)
PointingHidType_T pointingHidType; // requires settings version 1.10 (VirtualBox 3.2)
KeyboardHidType_T keyboardHidType; // requires settings version 1.10 (VirtualBox 3.2)
VRDPSettings vrdpSettings;
BIOSSettings biosSettings;
USBController usbController;
NetworkAdaptersList llNetworkAdapters;
SerialPortsList llSerialPorts;
ParallelPortsList llParallelPorts;
AudioAdapter audioAdapter;
// technically these two have no business in the hardware section, but for some
// clever reason <Hardware> is where they are in the XML....
SharedFoldersList llSharedFolders;
ClipboardMode_T clipboardMode;
uint32_t ulMemoryBalloonSize;
GuestPropertiesList llGuestProperties;
com::Utf8Str strNotificationPatterns;
IoSettings ioSettings; // requires settings version 1.10 (VirtualBox 3.2)
* A device attached to a storage controller. This can either be a
* hard disk or a DVD drive or a floppy drive and also specifies
* which medium is "in" the drive; as a result, this is a combination
* of the Main IMedium and IMediumAttachment interfaces.
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct AttachedDevice
: deviceType(DeviceType_Null),
bool operator==(const AttachedDevice &a) const;
DeviceType_T deviceType; // only HardDisk, DVD or Floppy are allowed
// DVDs can be in pass-through mode:
bool fPassThrough;
int32_t lPort;
int32_t lDevice;
// if an image file is attached to the device (ISO, RAW, or hard disk image such as VDI),
// this is its UUID; it depends on deviceType which media registry this then needs to
// be looked up in. If no image file (only permitted for DVDs and floppies), then the UUID is NULL
com::Guid uuid;
// for DVDs and floppies, the attachment can also be a host device:
com::Utf8Str strHostDriveSrc; // if != NULL, value of <HostDrive>/@src
typedef std::list<AttachedDevice> AttachedDevicesList;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct StorageController
: storageBus(StorageBus_IDE),
bool operator==(const StorageController &s) const;
com::Utf8Str strName;
StorageBus_T storageBus; // _SATA, _SCSI, _IDE, _SAS
StorageControllerType_T controllerType;
uint32_t ulPortCount;
uint32_t ulInstance;
IoBackendType_T ioBackendType;
// only for when controllerType == StorageControllerType_IntelAhci:
int32_t lIDE0MasterEmulationPort,
AttachedDevicesList llAttachedDevices;
typedef std::list<StorageController> StorageControllersList;
* We wrap the storage controllers list into an extra struct so we can
* use an undefined struct without needing std::list<> in all the headers.
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct Storage
bool operator==(const Storage &s) const;
StorageControllersList llStorageControllers;
struct Snapshot;
typedef std::list<Snapshot> SnapshotsList;
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by MachineConfigFile::operator==(), or otherwise
* your settings might never get saved.
struct Snapshot
bool operator==(const Snapshot &s) const;
com::Guid uuid;
com::Utf8Str strName,
strDescription; // optional
RTTIMESPEC timestamp;
com::Utf8Str strStateFile; // for online snapshots only
Hardware hardware;
Storage storage;
SnapshotsList llChildSnapshots;
* MachineConfigFile represents an XML machine configuration. All the machine settings
* that go out to the XML (or are read from it) are in here.
* NOTE: If you add any fields in here, you must update a) the constructor and b)
* the operator== which is used by Machine::saveSettings(), or otherwise your settings
* might never get saved.
class MachineConfigFile : public ConfigFileBase
com::Guid uuid;
com::Utf8Str strName;
bool fNameSync;
com::Utf8Str strDescription;
com::Utf8Str strOsType;
com::Utf8Str strStateFile;
com::Guid uuidCurrentSnapshot;
com::Utf8Str strSnapshotFolder;
bool fTeleporterEnabled;
uint32_t uTeleporterPort;
com::Utf8Str strTeleporterAddress;
com::Utf8Str strTeleporterPassword;
bool fRTCUseUTC;
bool fCurrentStateModified; // optional, default is true
RTTIMESPEC timeLastStateChange; // optional, defaults to now
bool fAborted; // optional, default is false
Hardware hardwareMachine;
Storage storageMachine;
ExtraDataItemsMap mapExtraDataItems;
SnapshotsList llFirstSnapshot; // first snapshot or empty list if there's none
MachineConfigFile(const com::Utf8Str *pstrFilename);
bool operator==(const MachineConfigFile &m) const;
void importMachineXML(const xml::ElementNode &elmMachine);
void write(const com::Utf8Str &strFilename);
BuildMachineXML_IncludeSnapshots = 0x01,
BuildMachineXML_WriteVboxVersionAttribute = 0x02
void buildMachineXML(xml::ElementNode &elmMachine, uint32_t fl);
void readNetworkAdapters(const xml::ElementNode &elmHardware, NetworkAdaptersList &ll);
void readAttachedNetworkMode(const xml::ElementNode &pelmMode, bool fEnabled, NetworkAdapter &nic);
void readCpuIdTree(const xml::ElementNode &elmCpuid, CpuIdLeafsList &ll);
void readCpuTree(const xml::ElementNode &elmCpu, CpuList &ll);
void readSerialPorts(const xml::ElementNode &elmUART, SerialPortsList &ll);
void readParallelPorts(const xml::ElementNode &elmLPT, ParallelPortsList &ll);
void readGuestProperties(const xml::ElementNode &elmGuestProperties, Hardware &hw);
void readStorageControllerAttributes(const xml::ElementNode &elmStorageController, StorageController &sctl);
void readHardware(const xml::ElementNode &elmHardware, Hardware &hw, Storage &strg);
void readHardDiskAttachments_pre1_7(const xml::ElementNode &elmHardDiskAttachments, Storage &strg);
void readStorageControllers(const xml::ElementNode &elmStorageControllers, Storage &strg);
void readDVDAndFloppies_pre1_9(const xml::ElementNode &elmHardware, Storage &strg);
void readSnapshot(const xml::ElementNode &elmSnapshot, Snapshot &snap);
void convertOldOSType_pre1_5(com::Utf8Str &str);
void readMachine(const xml::ElementNode &elmMachine);
void buildHardwareXML(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const Hardware &hw, const Storage &strg);
void buildNetworkXML(NetworkAttachmentType_T mode, xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const NetworkAdapter &nic);
void buildStorageControllersXML(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const Storage &st);
void buildSnapshotXML(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const Snapshot &snap);
void bumpSettingsVersionIfNeeded();
} // namespace settings
#endif /* ___VBox_settings_h */