pxeprefix.S revision 677833bc953b6cb418c701facbdcf4aa18d6c44e
/* Offsets of words containing ROM's CS and size (in 512 byte blocks)
* from start of floppy boot block at 0x7c00
* Offsets must match those in etherboot.h
#define FLOPPY_SEGMENT 0x7c0
#define PXENV_STOP_UNDI 0x15
#define PXENV_STOP_BASE 0x76
#define PUSHA_SIZE 16
#define PXE_STACK_MAGIC 0x57ac /* 'STac' */
.arch i386
.org 0
.section ".prefix", "ax", @progbits
.globl _prefix
* Entry point: set cs, ds, bp, print welcome message
jmp $FLOPPY_SEGMENT, $code_start-_prefix
10: .asciz "PXE->EB "
pusha /* Preserve all registers */
push %ds
movw %sp, %bp /* %bp must be preserved, hence do
* this after the pusha */
push $PXE_STACK_MAGIC /* PXE stack magic marker */
push %cs /* Set up data segment */
pop %ds
mov $0x40, %cx /* Set up %fs for access to 40:13 */
mov %cx, %fs
movw $10b-_prefix, %si /* Print welcome message */
call print_message
* Detect type of PXE available (!PXE, PXENV+ or none)
les 4+PUSHA_SIZE+2(%bp), %di /* !PXE structure */
cmpl $0x45585021, %es:(%di) /* '!PXE' signature */
je detected_pxe
mov $0x5650, %ax
int $0x1a
cmp $0x564e, %ax
jne detected_nothing
cmpl $0x4e455850, %es:(%bx) /* 'PXEN' signature */
jne detected_nothing
cmpw $0x2b56, %es:4(%bx) /* 'V+' signature */
je detected_pxenv
movw $10f-_prefix, %si
call print_message
jmp finished_with_error
10: .asciz "No PXE "
detected_pxenv: /* es:bx points to PXENV+ structure */
push %es
push %bx
push %es:0x24(%bx) /* UNDI code segment */
push %es:0x26(%bx) /* UNDI code size */
push %es:0x20(%bx) /* UNDI data segment */
push %es:0x22(%bx) /* UNDI data size */
les %es:0x0a(%bx), %di /* Entry point to %es:%di */
movw $10f-_prefix, %si
jmp pxe_setup_done
10: .asciz "PXENV+ "
detected_pxe: /* es:di points to !PXE structure */
push %es
push %di
push %es:0x30(%di) /* UNDI code segment */
push %es:0x36(%di) /* UNDI code size */
push %es:0x28(%di) /* UNDI data segment */
push %es:0x2e(%di) /* UNDI data size */
les %es:0x10(%di), %di /* Entry point to %es:%di */
movw $10f-_prefix, %si
jmp pxe_setup_done
10: .asciz "!PXE "
mov %es, pxe_entry_segment - _prefix
mov %di, pxe_entry_offset - _prefix
pop %ax
mov %ax, undi_data_size - _prefix
pop %ax
mov %ax, undi_data_segment - _prefix
pop %ax
mov %ax, undi_code_size - _prefix
pop %ax
mov %ax, undi_code_segment - _prefix
call print_message
pop %di
pop %es /* Exit with %es:%di containing structure address */
* Print information about located structure
call print_segoff /* %es:%di contains address of structure */
les %ds:(pxe_entry_segoff - _prefix), %di
call print_segoff
les %ds:(undi_code_segoff - _prefix), %di
call print_segoff
les %ds:(undi_data_segoff - _prefix), %di
call print_segoff
* Unload PXE base code and UNDI driver
xor %ax, %ax /* Force zero flag to show success */
jmp do_not_free_base_mem /* Skip the unloading */
call pxe_call
call pxe_call
pushfw /* Ignore PXENV_UNDI_CLEANUP errors */
call pxe_call
/* On exit, zero flag is set iff all calls were successful */
* Free base memory
jnz do_not_free_base_mem /* Using zero flag from unload_pxe */
mov undi_code_segment - _prefix, %bx
mov undi_data_segment - _prefix, %cx
mov undi_code_size - _prefix, %ax
cmp %bx, %cx
jb 1f
mov %cx, %bx
mov undi_data_size - _prefix, %ax
1: add $0x0f, %ax /* Round up to next segment */
shr $4, %ax
add %bx, %ax /* Highest segment address into %ax */
add $(1024 / 16 - 1), %ax /* Round up to next kb */
shr $6, %ax /* New free basemem size in %ax */
mov %fs:(0x13), %bx /* Old free base memory in %bx */
mov %ax, %fs:(0x13) /* Store new free base memory size */
/* Note that zero_mem_loop will also zero out our stack, so make
* sure the stack is empty at this point.
mov %ax, %dx
sub %bx, %dx /* numberof kb to zero in %dx */
shl $6, %bx /* Segment address into %bx */
mov %bx, %es /* kB boundary into %es:00 */
xor %ax, %ax
xor %di, %di
mov $0x400, %cx
rep stosb /* fill kB with zeroes */
add $(1024 / 16), %bx
dec %dx
jnz zero_mem_loop
/* Will exit here with zero flag set, so no need to set it explicitly
* in order to indicate success.
pushf /* Save success (zero) flag status */
mov %fs:(0x13), %ax /* Free base memory in %ax */
call print_hex_word /* Print free base memory */
popf /* Restore success (zero) flag */
* Exit point
* Jump to finished with the zero flag set to indicate success, or to
* finished_with_error to always report an error
movw $10f-_prefix, %si
jz 1f
movw $20f-_prefix, %si
call print_message
jmp 99f
10: .asciz " ok\n"
20: .asciz " err\n"
/* We place a stack here. It doesn't get used until after all
* the above code is finished, so we can happily write all
* over it. Putting the stack here ensures that it doesn't
* accidentally go over the 512 byte threshold, which would
* cause problems when returning via start32's prefix
* relocation mechanism.
* Run Etherboot main code
/* Very temporarily switch stacks to one internal to the
* prefix. Do this because the stack provided by the PXE ROM
* could be absolutely anywhere, including in an area of
* memory that the call to prelocate will vapourise...
pushw %ss /* PXE stack pointer to ES:DI */
popw %es
movw %sp, %di
pushw %ds /* Set up stack in "safe" area */
popw %ss
movw $_estack-_prefix, %sp
pushw %es /* Record PXE stack pointer */
pushw %di
/* Relocate payload and stack to claimed base memory */
pushw $4 /* Preserve old PXE stack pointer */
call prelocate
popw %ax /* Remove parameter */
pushl $4 /* Preserve old PXE stack pointer */
pushw $0 /* Indicate prefix exit mechanism */
jmp _start /* Run Etherboot */
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
.globl prefix_exit
pushw %cs /* Set %ds, %bp for access to text */
popw %ds
call 1f
1: popw %bp
popw %di /* Old PXE stack to %es:di */
popw %es
cmpw $PXE_STACK_MAGIC, %es:0(%di) /* See if PXE stack intact */
jne exit_via_int18
exit_via_pxe: /* Stack OK, return to PXE */
push %es /* Restore PXE stack pointer */
pop %ss
mov %di, %sp
pop %ax /* Discard PXE_STACK_MAGIC marker */
leaw (10f-1b)(%bp), %si
call print_exit_message
pop %ds /* Restore PXE's DS */
popa /* Restore PXE's other registers */
movw $0, %ax /* Return PXENV_STATUS_SUCCESS */
lret /* Return control to PXE ROM */
10: .asciz "EB->PXE\r\n"
exit_via_int18: /* Stack damaged, do int 18 */
leaw (10f-1b)(%bp), %si
call print_exit_message
int $0x18
10: .asciz "EB->BIOS\r\n"
movw $0x0007, %bx /* page 0, attribute 7 (normal) */
movb $0x0e, %ah /* write char, tty mode */
1: lodsb
testb %al, %al
je 2f
int $0x10
jmp 1b
2: ret
.globl prefix_exit_end
* Subroutine: print character in %al (with LF -> LF,CR translation)
movw $0x0007, %bx /* page 0, attribute 7 (normal) */
movb $0x0e, %ah /* write char, tty mode */
cmpb $0x0a, %al /* '\n'? */
jne 1f
int $0x10
movb $0x0d, %al
1: int $0x10
* Subroutine: print a zero-terminated message starting at %si
1: lodsb
testb %al, %al
je 2f
call print_character
jmp 1b
2: ret
* Subroutine: print hex word in %ax
mov $4, %cx
push %ax
shr $12, %ax
/* Courtesy of Norbert Juffa <norbert.juffa@amd.com> */
cmp $10, %al
sbb $0x69, %al
call print_character
pop %ax
shl $4, %ax
loop 1b
* Subroutine: print segment:offset address in %es:%di
push %di
push %es
pop %ax
call print_hex_word
movb $0x3a,%al /* ':' */
call print_character
pop %ax
call print_hex_word
mov $0x20, %al /* ' ' */
call print_character
* Make a PXE API call. Works with either !PXE or PXENV+ API.
* Opcode in %bx. pxe_parameter_structure always used.
* Returns status code (not exit code) in %bx and prints it.
* ORs status code with overall status code in pxe_overall_status, returns
* with zero flag set iff all PXE API calls have been successful.
/* Set up registers for PXENV+ API. %bx already set up */
push %ds
pop %es
mov $pxe_parameter_structure - _prefix, %di
/* Set up stack for !PXE API */
pushw %cs
pushw %di
pushw %bx
/* Make the API call */
lcall *(pxe_entry_segoff - _prefix)
/* Reset the stack */
add $6, %sp
mov pxe_parameter_structure - _prefix, %ax
push %ax
call print_hex_word
mov $0x20, %ax /* ' ' */
call print_character
pop %bx
or %bx, pxe_overall_status - _prefix
* PXE data structures
pxe_overall_status: .word 0
pxe_entry_offset: .word 0
pxe_entry_segment: .word 0
undi_code_size: .word 0
undi_code_segment: .word 0
undi_data_size: .word 0
undi_data_segment: .word 0
.word 0
.word 0,0,0,0,0
.balign 16, 0