VBox-MakefileGuidelines.cpp revision c58f1213e628a545081c70e26c6b67a841cff880
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox - Makefile Guidelines.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
/** @page pg_vbox_makefile_guidelines VBox Makefile Guidelines
* These guidelines apply to all the Makefile.kmk files in the tree.
* No exceptions.
* All these makefiles are ultimately the responsiblity of bird. Since there are
* currently more than two hundred files and the number is growing, they have to
* be very kept uniform or it will become very difficult to maintain them and
* impossible do bulk refactoring. Thus these guidelines have no bits that are
* optional unlike the coding guidelines, and should be thought of as rules
* rather than guidelines.
* Note! The guidelines do not apply to the other makefiles found in the source
* tree, like the ones shipped in the SDK and the ones for the linux kernel
* modules.
* @section sec_vbox_makefile_guidelines_kbuild kBuild
* kBuild is way older than VirtualBox, at least as a concept, but the
* VirtualBox project was a push to get something done about it again. It's
* maintained by bird in his spare time because: "We don't make buildsystems, we
* make virtual machines". So, kBuild makes progress when there is spare time or
* when there is an urgent need for something.
* The kBuild docs are in the process of being written. The current items and
* their status per 2009-04-19:
* - kmk Quick Reference [completed]:
* http://svn.netlabs.org/kbuild/wiki/kmk%20Quick%20Reference
* - kBuild Quick Reference [just started]:
* http://svn.netlabs.org/kbuild/wiki/kBuild%20Quick%20Reference
* Local copies of the docs can be found in kBuild/docs, just keep in mind that
* they might be slightly behind the online version.
* @section sec_vbox_makefile_guidelines_example Example Makefiles
* Let me point to some good sample makefiles:
* - src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxService/Makefile.kmk
* - src/VBox/Debugger/Makefile.kmk
* - src/VBox/Disassembler/Makefile.kmk
* And some bad ones:
* - src/lib/xpcom18a4/Makefile.kmk
* - src/recompiler/Makefile.kmk
* - src/VBox/Devices/Makefile.kmk
* - src/VBox/Main/Makefile.kmk
* - src/VBox/Runtime/Makefile.kmk
* @section sec_vbox_makefile_guidelines Guidelines
* First one really important fact:
* Everything is global because all makefiles
* are virtually one single makefile.
* The rules:
* - Using bits defined by a sub-makefile is fine, using anything defined
* by a parent, sibling, uncle, cousine, or remoter relatives is not
* Okay. It may break sub-tree building which is not acceptable.
* - Template names starts with VBOX and are all upper cased, no
* underscores or other separators. (TODO: Change this to camel case.)
* - Makefile variables shall be prefixed with VBOX or VB to avoid clashes
* with environment and kBuild variables.
* - Makefile variables are all upper cased and uses underscores to
* separate the words.
* - All variables are global. Make sure they are globally unique, but try
* not make them incredible long.
* - Makefile variables goes after the inclusion of the header and
* usually after including sub-makefiles.
* - Variables that are used by more than one makefile usually belongs
* in the monster file, Config.kmk.
* - Targets are lower or camel cased and as a rule the same as the
* resulting binary.
* - Install targets frequently have a -inst in their name, and a name that
* gives some idea what they install
* - Always use templates (mytarget_TEMPLATE = VBOXSOMETHING).
* - Comment each target with a 3+ line block as seen in
* src/VBox/Debugger/Makefile.kmk.
* - No space between the comment block and the target definition.
* - Try fit all the custom recipes after the target they apply to.
* - Custom recipes that apply to more than one target should be placed at
* the bottom of the makefile, before the footer inclusion when possible.
* - Do NOT use custom recipes to install stuff, use install targets.
* Generate files to inst-target_0_OUTDIR. (Yes, there are a lot places
* where we don't do this yet.)
* - Always break SOURCES, LIBS, long target list and other lists the
* manner Debugger_SOURCES is broken into multiple lines in
* src/VBox/Debugger/Makefile.kmk. I.e. exactly one tab, the file name /
* list item, another space, the slash and then the newline.
* - The last element of an broken list should not have a slash-newline,
* otherwise we risk getting the next variable into the list.
* - Indentation of if'ed blocks is done in 1 space increments, this also
* applies to broken lists. It does not apply to the commands in a
* recipes of course, because that would make kmk choke. (Yes, there are
* plenty examples of doing this differently, but these will be weeded
* out over time.)
* - \$(NO_SUCH_VARIABLE) should be when you need to put nothing somewhere,
* for instance to prevent inherting an attribute.
* - Always put the defines in the DEFS properties, never use the FLAGS
* properties for this. Doing so may screw up depenencies and object
* caches.
* - Mark each section and target of the file with a 3+ lines comment
* block.
* - Document variables that are not obvious using double hash comments.
* - Each an every Makefile.kmk shall have a file header with Id, file
* description and copyright/license exactly like in the examples.
* - Multiple blank lines in a makefile is very seldom there without a
* reason and shall be preserved.
* - Inserting blank lines between target properties is all right if the
* target definition is long and/or crooked.
* - if1of and ifn1of shall always have a space after the comma, while ifeq
* and ifneq shall not. That way they are easier to tell apart.
* - Do a svn diff before committing makefile changes.
* @section sec_vbox_makefile_guidelines_reminders Helpful reminders
* - Do not be afraid to ask for help on IRC or in the defect you're
* working on. There are usually somebody around that know how to best do
* something.
* - Watch out for "Heads Up!" bugtracker messages concerning the build
* system.
* - To remove bits from a template you're using you have to create a new
* template that extends the existing one and creatively use
* \$(filter-out) or \$(patsubst).
* - You can build sub-trees.
* - You don't have to cd into sub-trees: kmk -C src/recompiler
* - You can build individual targets: kmk VBoxRT
* - Even install targets: kmk nobin
* - You can compile individual source files: kmk ConsoleImpl.o