hdprefix.S revision 677833bc953b6cb418c701facbdcf4aa18d6c44e
hdprefix.S Copyright (C) 2005 Per Dalgas Jakobsen
This code has been inspired/derived by the OSLoader by Vladislav Aleksandrov.
This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
of the GNU Public License (GPL), incorporated herein by reference.
hdprefix.S is loaded at 0x0000:0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines.
Actions performed by hdprefix:
1) Load the MBR to LOADSEG:0
2) Check which partition is active (or try first partition if none active)
3) Check wether LBA is supported.
3a) LBA
3a1) Load PAYLOAD_SECTS sectors from chosen partition to LOADSEG:0
3b) CHS (standard)
3b1) Load PAYLOAD_SECTS sectors from chosen partition to LOADSEG:0
4) Check loaded bootsector for BOOTMAGIC code.
5) Jump to payload LOADSEG:ENTRYPOINT.
Output with failure points (!#):
Loading (!1)partition #
Std. BIOS(!2) | Ext. BIOS(!3)
!1: Failed to load MBR with Int13,ah=2.
!2: Failed to load bootrecord+payload with Int13,ah=2.
!3: Failed to load bootrecord+payload with Int13,ah=42.
!4: Invalid BOOTMAGIC in loaded bootrecord.
!5: Jumping to payload.
.equ BOOTSEG, 0x07c0
.equ LOADSEG, 0x1000
.equ ENTRYPOINT, _start
.equ BOOTMAGIC, 0x0aa55
.equ partition_table, 0x1be
.equ partition_rec_size, 0x10
.equ boot_ind, 0 /* 80h=active */
.equ start_head, 1
.equ start_sector, 2 /* bits 0-5 */
.equ start_cyl, 3 /* bits 8,9 in bits 6,7 of sector */
.equ os_ind, 4 /* os indicator */
.equ end_head, 5
.equ end_sector, 6 /* bits 0-5 */
.equ end_track, 7 /* bits 8,9 in bits 6,7 of sector */
.equ nsect, 8 /* sectors preceding partition */
.equ lenght, 0x0c /* length of partition in sectors */
.arch i386
.section ".prefix", "ax", @progbits
jmp $BOOTSEG,$_go /* reload cs:ip */
/* support routines. */
movw $BOOTSEG,%ax
movw %ax,%ds
movw $_failed_msg_end-_failed_msg,%cx
movw $_failed_msg,%si
call _print_str
/* stop execution - should probably have option to auto-reboot after delay. */
jmp _failed_loop
/* cx = count, ds:si = string. */
movw $0x0007,%bx
movb $0x0e,%ah
int $0x10
loop _print_loop
/* al = char. */
movw $0x0007,%bx
movb $0x0e,%ah
int $0x10
/* - */
movb $0x0d,%al
call _print_char
movb $0x0a,%al
call _print_char
/* dx = value */
movb $0x0e,%ah /* write char, tty mode */
movw $0x0007,%bx /* page 0, attribute 7 (normal) */
call _print_digit
call _print_digit
call _print_digit
/* fall through */
rolw $4,%dx /* rotate so that lowest 4 bits are used */
movb $0x0f,%al /* mask for nibble */
andb %dl,%al
addb $0x90,%al /* convert al to ascii hex (four instructions) */
adcb $0x40,%al
int $0x10
movw $BOOTSEG,%ax
movw %ax,%ds
movw %ax,%ss
movw $0x2000,%sp /* good large stack. */
movw $LOADSEG,%ax
movw %ax,%es
movw $_load_msg_end-_load_msg,%cx
movw $_load_msg,%si
call _print_str
/*--- load MBR so we can use its partition table. ---*/
xorw %bx,%bx
movw $0x0001,%cx /* chs: 0,0,1 */
movb %bh,%dh /* - */
movb $0x80,%dl
movw $0x0201,%ax /* read one sector (MBR) */
int $0x13
jc _failed
/*--- find the active partition ---*/
movw $_part_msg_end-_part_msg,%cx
movw $_part_msg,%si
call _print_str
movw $partition_table,%di
movw $4,%cx
cmpb $0x80,%es:(%di) /* active? */
je _partition_found
addw $partition_rec_size,%di
loop _partition_loop
/*- no partitions marked active - use 1. partition. */
movw $partition_table,%di
movw $4,%cx
movb $'5',%al /* convert to ascii */
subb %cl,%al
call _print_char
call _print_nl
/*--- check for lba support ---*/
movw $0x55aa,%bx
movb $0x80,%dl
movb $0x41,%ah
int $0x13
jc __bios
cmpw $0x0aa55,%bx
jnz __bios
testb $1,%cl
jz __bios
/*--- use lba bios calls to read sectors ---*/
movw $_extbios_msg_end-_extbios_msg,%cx
movw $_extbios_msg,%si
call _print_str
movw %es:nsect(%di),%ax
movw %ax,_bios_lba_low
movw %es:nsect+2(%di),%ax
movw %ax,_bios_lba_high
movb $0x80,%dl
movw $_disk_address_packet,%si
movw $0x4200,%ax /* read */
int $0x13
jc _failed
jmp __loaded
/*--- use standard bios calls to read sectors ---*/
movw $_stdbios_msg_end-_stdbios_msg,%cx
movw $_stdbios_msg,%si
call _print_str
movw _disk_address_packet+2(,1),%ax /* only low byte is used. */
xorw %bx,%bx
movw %es:start_sector(%di),%cx
movb %es:start_head(%di),%dh
movb $0x80,%dl
movb $0x02,%ah
int $0x13
jc _failed
movw $_boot_msg_end-_boot_msg,%cx
movw $_boot_msg,%si
call _print_str
/* check if it has a valid bootrecord. */
cmpw $BOOTMAGIC,%es:510(,1)
jne _failed
call _print_nl
/* call the payload. */
pushl $0 /* No parameters to preserve for exit path */
pushw $0 /* Use prefix exit path mechanism */
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
.globl prefix_exit
int $0x19 /* should try to boot machine */
.globl prefix_exit_end
_load_msg: .ascii "Loading "
_part_msg: .ascii "partition "
_boot_msg: .ascii "Booting..."
_stdbios_msg: .ascii "Std. BIOS\r\n"
_extbios_msg: .ascii "Ext. BIOS\r\n"
_failed_msg: .ascii "FAILED!!!\r\n"
.byte 0x10 /* size of the packet */
.byte 0 /* reserved */
.word _verbatim_size_sct /* number of sectors to read */
.word 0x0000 /* offset */
.word LOADSEG /* segment of buffer */
_bios_lba_low: .word 0
_bios_lba_high: .word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.rept 32
.byte 0
/*--- Partition table ------------------------------------------*/
.org 446, 0
.rept 64
.byte 0
/*--- Magic code -----------------------------------------------*/
.org 510, 0
/*** END ********************************************************/