utils.h revision e64031e20c39650a7bc902a3e1aba613b9415dee
/** @file
* IPRT - C++ Utilities (useful templates, defines and such).
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___iprt_cpputils_h
#define ___iprt_cpputils_h
#include <iprt/assert.h>
#include <memory>
/** @defgroup grp_rt_cpputils C++ Utilities
* @ingroup grp_rt
* @{
* Shortcut to |const_cast<C &>()| that automatically derives the correct
* type (class) for the const_cast template's argument from its own argument.
* Can be used to temporarily cancel the |const| modifier on the left-hand side
* of assignment expressions, like this:
* @code
* const Class that;
* ...
* unconst (that) = some_value;
* @endcode
template <class C>
inline C &unconst (const C &that) { return const_cast <C &> (that); }
* Shortcut to |const_cast<C *>()| that automatically derives the correct
* type (class) for the const_cast template's argument from its own argument.
* Can be used to temporarily cancel the |const| modifier on the left-hand side
* of assignment expressions, like this:
* @code
* const Class *that;
* ...
* unconst (that) = some_value;
* @endcode
template <class C>
inline C *unconst (const C *that) { return const_cast <C *> (that); }
* Extensions to the std namespace.
namespace stdx
/* forward */
template <class> class auto_ref_ptr;
* Base class for objects willing to support smart reference counting using
* the auto_ref_ptr template.
* When a class wants to be used with the auto_ref_ptr template it simply
* declares the auto_ref class among its public base classes -- there is no
* need to implement any additional methods.
class auto_ref
auto_ref() : mRefs (0) {}
/** Increases the reference counter and returns it */
size_t ref() { return ++ mRefs; }
/** Decreases the reference counter and returns it */
size_t unref() { Assert (mRefs > 0); return -- mRefs; }
size_t mRefs;
template <class> friend class auto_ref_ptr;
* The auto_ref_ptr template manages pointers to objects that support
* reference counting by implementing auto_ref or a similar interface.
* Pointer management includes the following key points:
* 1) Automatic increment of the object's reference counter when the given
* auto_ref_ptr instance starts managing a pointer to this object.
* 2) Automatic decrement of the reference counter when the given
* auto_ref_ptr instance is destroyed, or before it is assigned a pointer
* to a new object.
* 3) Automatic deletion of the managed object whenever its reference
* counter reaches zero after a decrement.
* 4) Providing the dereference operator-> that gives direct access to the
* managed pointer.
* The object class to manage must provide ref() and unref() methods that have
* the same syntax and semantics as defined in the auto_ref class.
* @param C Class to manage.
template <class C>
class auto_ref_ptr
* Creates a null instance that does not manage anything.
auto_ref_ptr() : m (NULL) {}
* Creates an instance that starts managing the given pointer. The
* reference counter of the object pointed to by @a a is incremented by
* one.
* @param a Pointer to manage.
auto_ref_ptr (C* a) : m (a) { if (m) m->ref(); }
* Creates an instance that starts managing a pointer managed by the given
* instance. The reference counter of the object managed by @a that is
* incremented by one.
* @param that Instance to take a pointer to manage from.
auto_ref_ptr (const auto_ref_ptr &that) : m (that.m) { if (m) m->ref(); }
~auto_ref_ptr() { do_unref(); }
* Assigns the given pointer to this instance and starts managing it. The
* reference counter of the object pointed to by @a a is incremented by
* one. The reference counter of the object previously managed by this
* instance is decremented by one.
* @param a Pointer to assign.
auto_ref_ptr &operator= (C *a) { do_reref (a); return *this; }
* Assigns a pointer managed by the given instance to this instance and
* starts managing it. The reference counter of the object managed by @a
* that is incremented by one. The reference counter of the object
* previously managed by this instance is decremented by one.
* @param that Instance which pointer to reference.
auto_ref_ptr &operator= (const auto_ref_ptr &that) { do_reref (that.m); return *this; }
* Returns @c true if this instance is @c null and false otherwise.
bool is_null() const { return m == NULL; }
* Dereferences the instance by returning the managed pointer.
* Asserts that the managed pointer is not @c NULL.
C *operator-> () const { AssertMsg (m, ("Managed pointer is NULL!\n")); return m; }
* Returns the managed pointer or @c NULL if this instance is @c null.
C *raw() const { return m; }
* Compares this auto_ref_ptr instance with another instance and returns
* @c true if both instances manage the same or @c NULL pointer.
* Note that this method compares pointer values only, it doesn't try to
* compare objects themselves. Doing otherwise would a) break the common
* 'pointer to something' comparison semantics auto_ref_ptr tries to
* follow and b) require to define the comparison operator in the managed
* class which is not always possible. You may analyze pointed objects
* yourself if you need more precise comparison.
* @param that Instance to compare this instance with.
bool operator== (const auto_ref_ptr &that) const
return m == that.m;
void do_reref (C *a)
/* be aware of self assignment */
if (a)
if (m)
size_t refs = m->unref();
if (refs == 0)
refs = 1; /* stabilize */
delete m;
m = a;
void do_unref() { do_reref (NULL); }
C *m;
* The exception_trap_base class is an abstract base class for all
* exception_trap template instantiations.
* Pointer variables of this class are used to store a pointer any object of
* any class instantiated from the exception_trap template, or in other words
* to store a full copy of any exception wrapped into the exception_trap instance
* allocated on the heap.
* See the exception_trap template for more info.
class exception_trap_base
virtual void rethrow() = 0;
virtual ~exception_trap_base() {}
* The exception_trap template acts like a wrapper for the given exception
* class that stores a full copy of the exception and therefore allows to
* rethrow it preserving the actual type information about the exception
* class.
* This functionality is useful in situations where it is necessary to catch a
* (known) number of exception classes and pass the caught exception instance
* to an upper level using a regular variable (rather than the exception
* unwinding mechanism itself) *and* preserve all information about the type
* (class) of the caight exception so that it may be rethrown on the upper
* level unchanged.
* Usage pattern:
* @code
using namespace std;
using namespace stdx;
auto_ptr <exception_trap_base> trapped;
int callback();
int safe_callback()
// callback may throw a set of exceptions but we don't want it to start
// unwinding the stack right now
return callback();
catch (const MyException &err) { trapped = new_exception_trap (err); }
catch (const MyException2 &err) { trapped = new_exception_trap (err); }
catch (...) { trapped = new_exception_trap (logic_error()); }
return -1;
void bar()
// call a funciton from some C library that supports callbacks but knows
// nothing about exceptions so throwing one from a callback will leave
// the library in an undetermined state
do_something_with_callback (safe_callback());
// check if we have got an exeption from callback() and rethrow it now
// when we are not in the C library any more
if (trapped.get() != NULL)
* @endcode
* @param T Exception class to wrap.
template <typename T>
class exception_trap : public exception_trap_base
exception_trap (const T &aTrapped) : trapped (aTrapped) {}
void rethrow() { throw trapped; }
T trapped;
* Convenience function that allocates a new exception_trap instance on the
* heap by automatically deducing the exception_trap template argument from
* the type of the exception passed in @a aTrapped.
* The following two lines of code inside the catch block are equivalent:
* @code
using namespace std;
using namespace stdx;
catch (const MyException &err)
auto_ptr <exception_trap_base> t1 = new exception_trap <MyException> (err);
auto_ptr <exception_trap_base> t2 = new_exception_trap (err);
* @endcode
* @param aTrapped Exception to put to the allocated trap.
* @return Allocated exception_trap object.
template <typename T>
static exception_trap <T> *
new_exception_trap (const T &aTrapped)
return new exception_trap <T> (aTrapped);
* Enhancement of std::auto_ptr @<char@> intended to take pointers to char
* buffers allocated using new[].
* This differs from std::auto_ptr @<char@> so that it overloads some methods to
* uses delete[] instead of delete to delete the owned data in order to
* conform to the C++ standard (and avoid valgrind complaints).
* Note that you should not use instances of this class where pointers or
* references to objects of std::auto_ptr @<char@> are expeced. Despite the fact
* the classes are related, the base is not polymorphic (in particular,
* neither the destructor nor the reset() method are virtual). It means that when
* acessing instances of this class through the base pointer, overloaded
* methods won't be called.
class char_auto_ptr : public std::auto_ptr <char>
explicit char_auto_ptr (char *a = 0) throw()
: std::auto_ptr <char> (a) {}
/* Note: we use unconst brute force below because the non-const version
* of the copy constructor won't accept temporary const objects
* (e.g. function return values) in GCC. std::auto_ptr has the same
* "problem" but it seems overcome it using #pragma GCC system_header
* which doesn't work here. */
char_auto_ptr (const char_auto_ptr &that) throw()
: std::auto_ptr <char> (unconst (that).release()) {}
~char_auto_ptr() { delete[] (release()); }
char_auto_ptr &operator= (char_auto_ptr &that) throw()
std::auto_ptr <char>::operator= (that);
return *this;
void reset (char *a) throw()
if (a != get())
delete[] (release());
std::auto_ptr <char>::reset (a);
* A simple class used to prevent copying and assignment. Inherit from this
* class in order to prevent automatic generation of the copy constructor
* and assignment operator in your class.
class non_copyable
non_copyable() {}
~non_copyable() {}
non_copyable(non_copyable const&);
non_copyable const &operator=(non_copyable const&);
} /* namespace stdx */
/** @} */