SupportErrorInfo.cpp revision e64031e20c39650a7bc902a3e1aba613b9415dee
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* MS COM / XPCOM Abstraction Layer:
* SupportErrorInfo* class family implementations
* Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#include "VBox/com/SupportErrorInfo.h"
#include "VBox/com/ptr.h"
#include "VBox/com/VirtualBoxErrorInfo.h"
#include "../include/Logging.h"
#include <iprt/thread.h>
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
# include <nsIServiceManager.h>
# include <nsIExceptionService.h>
#endif /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
namespace com
// MultiResult methods
RTTLS MultiResult::sCounter = NIL_RTTLS;
void MultiResult::incCounter()
if (sCounter == NIL_RTTLS)
sCounter = RTTlsAlloc();
AssertReturnVoid(sCounter != NIL_RTTLS);
uintptr_t counter = (uintptr_t)RTTlsGet(sCounter);
RTTlsSet(sCounter, (void*)counter);
void MultiResult::decCounter()
uintptr_t counter = (uintptr_t)RTTlsGet(sCounter);
AssertReturnVoid(counter != 0);
RTTlsSet(sCounter, (void*)counter);
// SupportErrorInfoBase methods
* Sets error info for the current thread. This is an internal function that
* gets eventually called by all public setError(), setWarning() and
* setErrorInfo() variants.
* The previous error info object (if any) will be preserved if the multi-error
* mode (see MultiResult) is turned on for the current thread.
* If @a aWarning is @c true, then the highest (31) bit in the @a aResultCode
* value which indicates the error severity is reset to zero to make sure the
* receiver will recognize that the created error info object represents a
* warning rather than an error.
* If @a aInfo is not NULL then all other paremeters are ignored and the given
* error info object is set on the current thread. Note that in this case, the
* existing error info object (if any) will be preserved by attaching it to the
* tail of the error chain of the given aInfo object in multi-error mode.
* If the error info is successfully set then this method returns aResultCode
* (or the result code returned as an output parameter of the
* aInfo->GetResultCode() call when @a aInfo is not NULL). This is done for
* conveinence: this way, setError() and friends may be used in return
* statements of COM method implementations.
* If setting error info fails then this method asserts and the failed result
* code is returned.
/* static */
HRESULT SupportErrorInfoBase::setErrorInternal(HRESULT aResultCode,
const GUID *aIID,
const char *aComponent,
const Utf8Str &strText,
bool aWarning,
IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aInfo /*= NULL*/)
/* whether multi-error mode is turned on */
bool preserve = ((uintptr_t)RTTlsGet(MultiResult::sCounter)) > 0;
LogRel(("ERROR [COM]: aRC=%#08x aIID={%RTuuid} aComponent={%s} aText={%s} aWarning=%RTbool, aInfo=%p, preserve=%RTbool\n",
if (aInfo == NULL)
/* these are mandatory, others -- not */
AssertReturn((!aWarning && FAILED(aResultCode)) ||
(aWarning && aResultCode != S_OK),
AssertReturn(!strText.isEmpty(), E_FAIL);
/* reset the error severity bit if it's a warning */
if (aWarning)
aResultCode &= ~0x80000000;
ComPtr<IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> info;
#if !defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
ComPtr<IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> curInfo;
if (preserve)
/* get the current error info if any */
ComPtr<IErrorInfo> err;
rc = ::GetErrorInfo(0, err.asOutParam());
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
rc = err.queryInterfaceTo(curInfo.asOutParam());
if (FAILED(rc))
/* create a IVirtualBoxErrorInfo wrapper for the native
* IErrorInfo object */
ComObjPtr<VirtualBoxErrorInfo> wrapper;
rc = wrapper.createObject();
if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
rc = wrapper->init(err);
if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
curInfo = wrapper;
/* On failure, curInfo will stay null */
Assert(SUCCEEDED(rc) || curInfo.isNull());
/* set the current error info and preserve the previous one if any */
if (aInfo != NULL)
if (curInfo.isNull())
info = aInfo;
ComObjPtr<VirtualBoxErrorInfoGlue> infoObj;
rc = infoObj.createObject();
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
rc = infoObj->init(aInfo, curInfo);
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
info = infoObj;
/* we want to return the head's result code */
rc = info->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&aResultCode);
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
ComObjPtr<VirtualBoxErrorInfo> infoObj;
rc = infoObj.createObject();
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
rc = infoObj->init(aResultCode, aIID, aComponent, strText.c_str(), curInfo);
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
info = infoObj;
ComPtr<IErrorInfo> err;
rc = info.queryInterfaceTo(err.asOutParam());
if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
rc = ::SetErrorInfo(0, err);
#else // !defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
nsCOMPtr <nsIExceptionService> es;
nsCOMPtr <nsIExceptionManager> em;
rc = es->GetCurrentExceptionManager(getter_AddRefs(em));
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
ComPtr<IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> curInfo;
if (preserve)
/* get the current error info if any */
ComPtr<nsIException> ex;
rc = em->GetCurrentException(ex.asOutParam());
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
rc = ex.queryInterfaceTo(curInfo.asOutParam());
if (FAILED(rc))
/* create a IVirtualBoxErrorInfo wrapper for the native
* nsIException object */
ComObjPtr<VirtualBoxErrorInfo> wrapper;
rc = wrapper.createObject();
if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
rc = wrapper->init(ex);
if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
curInfo = wrapper;
/* On failure, curInfo will stay null */
Assert(SUCCEEDED(rc) || curInfo.isNull());
/* set the current error info and preserve the previous one if any */
if (aInfo != NULL)
if (curInfo.isNull())
info = aInfo;
ComObjPtr<VirtualBoxErrorInfoGlue> infoObj;
rc = infoObj.createObject();
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
rc = infoObj->init(aInfo, curInfo);
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
info = infoObj;
/* we want to return the head's result code */
PRInt32 lrc;
rc = info->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&lrc); aResultCode = lrc;
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
ComObjPtr<VirtualBoxErrorInfo> infoObj;
rc = infoObj.createObject();
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
rc = infoObj->init(aResultCode, aIID, aComponent, strText, curInfo);
if (FAILED(rc)) break;
info = infoObj;
ComPtr<nsIException> ex;
rc = info.queryInterfaceTo(ex.asOutParam());
if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
rc = em->SetCurrentException(ex);
else if (rc == NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED)
* It is possible that setError() is being called by the object
* after the XPCOM shutdown sequence has been initiated
* (for example, when XPCOM releases all instances it internally
* references, which can cause object's FinalConstruct() and then
* uninit()). In this case, do_GetService() above will return
* NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED and it doesn't actually make sense to
* set the exception (nobody will be able to read it).
LogWarningFunc (("Will not set an exception because "
"nsIExceptionService is not available "
"XPCOM is being shutdown?\n"));
rc = NS_OK;
#endif // !defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
while (0);
return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? aResultCode : rc;
/* static */
HRESULT SupportErrorInfoBase::setError(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID,
const char *aComponent, const char *aText,
va_list args;
va_start(args, aText);
HRESULT rc = setErrorV(aResultCode, aIID, aComponent, aText, args);
return rc;
/* static */
HRESULT SupportErrorInfoBase::setWarning(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID,
const char *aComponent, const char *aText,
va_list args;
va_start(args, aText);
HRESULT rc = setWarningV(aResultCode, aIID, aComponent, aText, args);
return rc;
HRESULT SupportErrorInfoBase::setError(HRESULT aResultCode, const char *aText, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, aText);
HRESULT rc = setErrorV(aResultCode, mainInterfaceID(), componentName(),
aText, args);
return rc;
HRESULT SupportErrorInfoBase::setWarning(HRESULT aResultCode, const char *aText, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, aText);
HRESULT rc = setWarningV(aResultCode, mainInterfaceID(), componentName(),
aText, args);
return rc;
HRESULT SupportErrorInfoBase::setError(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID,
const char *aText, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, aText);
HRESULT rc = setErrorV(aResultCode, aIID, componentName(), aText, args);
return rc;
HRESULT SupportErrorInfoBase::setWarning(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID,
const char *aText, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, aText);
HRESULT rc = setWarningV(aResultCode, aIID, componentName(), aText, args);
return rc;
} /* namespace com */