VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg.ui.h revision c98fb3e16fcd571a790eab772c0c66173d225205
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* "Global settings" dialog UI include (Qt Designer)
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
* distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
** place of a destructor.
/* defined in VBoxGlobal.cpp */
extern const char *gVBoxLangSubDir;
extern const char *gVBoxLangFileBase;
extern const char *gVBoxLangFileExt;
extern const char *gVBoxLangIDRegExp;
extern const char *gVBoxBuiltInLangName;
* Returns the path to the item in the form of 'grandparent > parent > item'
* using the text of the first column of every item.
static QString path (QListViewItem *li)
static QString sep = ": ";
QString p;
QListViewItem *cur = li;
while (cur)
if (!p.isNull())
p = sep + p;
p = cur->text (0).simplifyWhiteSpace() + p;
cur = cur->parent();
return p;
// listView column numbers
listView_Category = 0,
listView_Id = 1,
listView_Link = 2,
class USBListItem : public QCheckListItem
USBListItem (QListView *aParent, QListViewItem *aAfter)
: QCheckListItem (aParent, aAfter, QString::null, CheckBox)
, mId (-1) {}
int mId;
enum { lvUSBFilters_Name = 0 };
class LanguageItem : public QListViewItem
enum { TypeId = 1001 };
LanguageItem (QListView *aParent, const QTranslator &aTranslator,
const QString &aId, bool aBuiltIn = false)
: QListViewItem (aParent), mBuiltIn (aBuiltIn), mInvalid (false)
Assert (!aId.isEmpty());
QTranslatorMessage transMes;
/* Note: context/source/comment arguments below must match strings
* used in VBoxGlobal::languageName() and friends (the latter are the
* source of information for the lupdate tool that generates
* translation files) */
QString nativeLanguage = tratra (aTranslator,
"@@@", "English", "Native language name");
QString nativeCountry = tratra (aTranslator,
"@@@", "--", "Native language country name "
"(empty if this language is for all countries)");
QString englishLanguage = tratra (aTranslator,
"@@@", "English", "Language name, in English");
QString englishCountry = tratra (aTranslator,
"@@@", "--", "Language country name, in English "
"(empty if native country name is empty)");
QString translatorsName = tratra (aTranslator,
"@@@", "innotek", "Comma-separated list of translators");
QString itemName = nativeLanguage;
QString langName = englishLanguage;
if (!aBuiltIn)
if (nativeCountry != "--")
itemName += " (" + nativeCountry + ")";
if (englishCountry != "--")
langName += " (" + englishCountry + ")";
if (itemName != langName)
langName = itemName + " / " + langName;
itemName += VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tr (" (built-in)", "Language");
langName += VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tr (" (built-in)", "Language");
setText (0, itemName);
setText (1, aId);
setText (2, langName);
setText (3, translatorsName);
/* Constructs an item for an invalid language ID (i.e. when a language
* file is missing or corrupt). */
LanguageItem (QListView *aParent, const QString &aId)
: QListViewItem (aParent), mBuiltIn (false), mInvalid (true)
Assert (!aId.isEmpty());
setText (0, QString ("<%1>").arg (aId));
setText (1, aId);
setText (2, VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tr ("<unavailable>", "Language"));
setText (3, VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tr ("<unknown>", "Author(s)"));
/* Constructs an item for the default language ID (column 1 will be set
* to QString::null) */
LanguageItem (QListView *aParent)
: QListViewItem (aParent), mBuiltIn (false), mInvalid (false)
setText (0, VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tr ("Default", "Language"));
setText (1, QString::null);
/* empty strings of some reasonable length to prevent the info part
* from being shrinked too much when the list wants to be wider */
setText (2, " ");
setText (3, " ");
int rtti() const { return TypeId; }
int compare (QListViewItem *aItem, int aColumn, bool aAscending) const
QString thisId = text (1);
QString thatId = aItem->text (1);
if (thisId.isNull())
return -1;
if (thatId.isNull())
return 1;
if (mBuiltIn)
return -1;
if (aItem->rtti() == TypeId && ((LanguageItem *) aItem)->mBuiltIn)
return 1;
return QListViewItem::compare (aItem, aColumn, aAscending);
void paintCell (QPainter *aPainter, const QColorGroup &aGroup,
int aColumn, int aWidth, int aAlign)
QFont font = aPainter->font();
if (mInvalid)
font.setItalic (true);
/* mark the effectively active language */
if (text (1) == VBoxGlobal::languageId())
font.setBold (true);
if (aPainter->font() != font)
aPainter->setFont (font);
QListViewItem::paintCell (aPainter, aGroup, aColumn, aWidth, aAlign);
if (mBuiltIn)
int y = height() - 1;
aPainter->setPen (aGroup.mid());
aPainter->drawLine (0, y, aWidth - 1, y);
int width (const QFontMetrics &aFM, const QListView *aLV, int aC) const
QFont font = aLV->font();
if (mInvalid)
font.setItalic (true);
/* mark the effectively active language */
if (text (1) == VBoxGlobal::languageId())
font.setBold (true);
QFontMetrics fm = aFM;
if (aLV->font() != font)
fm = QFontMetrics (font);
return QListViewItem::width (fm, aLV, aC);
void setup ()
if (mBuiltIn)
setHeight (height() + 1);
QString tratra (const QTranslator &aTranslator, const char *aCtxt,
const char *aSrc, const char *aCmnt)
QString msg = aTranslator.findMessage (aCtxt, aSrc, aCmnt).translation();
/* return the source text if no translation is found */
if (msg.isEmpty())
msg = QString (aSrc);
return msg;
bool mBuiltIn : 1;
bool mInvalid : 1;
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::init()
polished = false;
setIcon (QPixmap::fromMimeSource ("global_settings_16px.png"));
/* all pages are initially valid */
valid = true;
buttonOk->setEnabled (true);
warningSpacer->changeSize (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
warningLabel->setHidden (true);
warningPixmap->setHidden (true);
/* disable unselecting items by clicking in the unused area of the list */
new QIListViewSelectionPreserver (this, listView);
/* hide the header and internal columns */
listView->setColumnWidthMode (listView_Id, QListView::Manual);
listView->setColumnWidthMode (listView_Link, QListView::Manual);
listView->hideColumn (listView_Id);
listView->hideColumn (listView_Link);
/* sort by the id column (to have pages in the desired order) */
listView->setSorting (listView_Id);
warningPixmap->setMaximumSize( 16, 16 );
warningPixmap->setPixmap( QMessageBox::standardIcon( QMessageBox::Warning ) );
/* page title font is derived from the system font */
QFont f = font();
f.setBold( true );
f.setPointSize( f.pointSize() + 2 );
titleLabel->setFont( f );
/* setup the what's this label */
QApplication::setGlobalMouseTracking (true);
qApp->installEventFilter (this);
whatsThisTimer = new QTimer (this);
connect (whatsThisTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (updateWhatsThis()));
whatsThisCandidate = NULL;
whatsThisLabel = new QIRichLabel (this, "whatsThisLabel");
VBoxGlobalSettingsDlgLayout->addWidget (whatsThisLabel, 2, 1);
#ifndef DEBUG
/* Enforce rich text format to avoid jumping margins (margins of plain
* text labels seem to be smaller). We don't do it in the DEBUG builds to
* be able to immediately catch badly formatted text (i.e. text that
* contains HTML tags but doesn't start with <qt> so that Qt isn't able to
* recognize it as rich text and draws all tags as is instead of doing
* formatting). We want to catch this text because this is how it will look
* in the whatsthis balloon where we cannot enforce rich text. */
whatsThisLabel->setTextFormat (Qt::RichText);
whatsThisLabel->setMaxHeightMode (true);
whatsThisLabel->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::NoFocus);
whatsThisLabel->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
whatsThisLabel->setBackgroundMode (QLabel::PaletteMidlight);
whatsThisLabel->setFrameShape (QLabel::Box);
whatsThisLabel->setFrameShadow (QLabel::Sunken);
whatsThisLabel->setMargin (7);
whatsThisLabel->setScaledContents (FALSE);
whatsThisLabel->setAlignment (int (QLabel::WordBreak |
QLabel::AlignJustify |
whatsThisLabel->setFixedHeight (whatsThisLabel->frameWidth() * 2 +
6 /* seems that RichText adds some margin */ +
whatsThisLabel->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() * 4);
whatsThisLabel->setMinimumWidth (whatsThisLabel->frameWidth() * 2 +
6 /* seems that RichText adds some margin */ +
whatsThisLabel->fontMetrics().width ('m') * 40);
* create and layout non-standard widgets
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
hkeHostKey = new QIHotKeyEdit (grbKeyboard, "hkeHostKey");
hkeHostKey->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
QWhatsThis::add (hkeHostKey,
tr ("Displays the key used as a Host Key in the VM window. Activate the "
"entry field and press a new Host Key. Note that alphanumeric, "
"cursor movement and editing keys cannot be used as a Host Key."));
layoutHostKey->addWidget (hkeHostKey);
txHostKey->setBuddy (hkeHostKey);
setTabOrder (listView, hkeHostKey);
* setup connections and set validation for pages
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* General page */
/// @todo (dmik) remove
// leVDIFolder->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp (".+"), this));
// leMachineFolder->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp (".+"), this));
wvalGeneral = new QIWidgetValidator (pageGeneral, this);
connect (wvalGeneral, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
this, SLOT (enableOk( const QIWidgetValidator *)));
/* Keyboard page */
wvalKeyboard = new QIWidgetValidator( pageKeyboard, this );
connect (wvalKeyboard, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
this, SLOT (enableOk( const QIWidgetValidator *)));
/* USB page */
/* disable sorting */
lvUSBFilters->setSorting (-1);
/* disable unselecting items by clicking in the unused area of the list */
new QIListViewSelectionPreserver (this, lvUSBFilters);
wstUSBFilters = new QWidgetStack (grbUSBFilters, "wstUSBFilters");
grbUSBFiltersLayout->addWidget (wstUSBFilters);
/* create a default (disabled) filter settings widget at index 0 */
VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings = new VBoxUSBFilterSettings (wstUSBFilters);
settings->setup (VBoxUSBFilterSettings::HostType);
wstUSBFilters->addWidget (settings, 0);
lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (NULL);
/* setup toolbutton icons */
tbAddUSBFilter->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_new_16px.png",
tbAddUSBFilterFrom->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_add_16px.png",
tbRemoveUSBFilter->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_remove_16px.png",
tbUSBFilterUp->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_moveup_16px.png",
tbUSBFilterDown->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_movedown_16px.png",
/* create menu of existing usb-devices */
usbDevicesMenu = new VBoxUSBMenu (this);
connect (usbDevicesMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(menuAddUSBFilterFrom_activated(int)));
mUSBFilterListModified = false;
* set initial values
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* General page */
/* keyboard page */
/* Language page */
lvLanguages->setSorting (0);
QString nlsPath = qApp->applicationDirPath() + gVBoxLangSubDir;
QDir nlsDir (nlsPath);
QStringList files = nlsDir.entryList (QString ("%1*%2")
.arg (gVBoxLangFileBase, gVBoxLangFileExt),
QTranslator translator;
/* add the default language */
new LanguageItem (lvLanguages);
/* add the built-in language */
new LanguageItem (lvLanguages, translator, gVBoxBuiltInLangName, true /* built-in */);
/* add all existing languages */
for (QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++ it)
QString fileName = *it;
QRegExp regExp (QString (gVBoxLangFileBase) + gVBoxLangIDRegExp);
int pos = regExp.search (fileName);
if (pos == -1)
bool loadOk = translator.load (fileName, nlsPath);
if (!loadOk)
new LanguageItem (lvLanguages, translator, regExp.cap (1));
lvLanguages->adjustColumn (0);
* update the Ok button state for pages with validation
* (validityChanged() connected to enableNext() will do the job)
bool VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::event (QEvent *aEvent)
bool result = QWidget::event (aEvent);
if (aEvent->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange)
/* set the first item selected */
listView->setSelected (listView->firstChild(), true);
listView_currentChanged (listView->firstChild());
lvLanguages_currentChanged (lvLanguages->currentItem());
mLanguageChanged = false;
return result;
bool VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::eventFilter (QObject *object, QEvent *event)
if (!object->isWidgetType())
return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event);
QWidget *widget = static_cast <QWidget *> (object);
if (widget->topLevelWidget() != this)
return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event);
switch (event->type())
case QEvent::Enter:
case QEvent::Leave:
if (event->type() == QEvent::Enter)
whatsThisCandidate = widget;
whatsThisCandidate = NULL;
whatsThisTimer->start (100, true /* sshot */);
case QEvent::FocusIn:
updateWhatsThis (true /* gotFocus */);
case QEvent::Show:
if (widget == pageLanguage)
return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event);
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::showEvent (QShowEvent *e)
QDialog::showEvent (e);
/* one may think that QWidget::polish() is the right place to do things
* below, but apparently, by the time when QWidget::polish() is called,
* the widget style & layout are not fully done, at least the minimum
* size hint is not properly calculated. Since this is sometimes necessary,
* we provide our own "polish" implementation. */
if (polished)
polished = true;
/* update geometry for the dynamically added usb-page to ensure proper
* sizeHint calculation by the Qt layout manager */
/* let our toplevel widget calculate its sizeHint properly */
QApplication::sendPostedEvents (0, 0);
/* resize to the miminum possible size */
resize (minimumSize());
VBoxGlobal::centerWidget (this, parentWidget());
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::listView_currentChanged (QListViewItem *item)
Assert (item);
int id = item->text (1).toInt();
Assert (id >= 0);
titleLabel->setText (::path (item));
widgetStack->raiseWidget (id);
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *wval)
Q_UNUSED (wval);
/* detect the overall validity */
bool newValid = true;
QObjectList *l = this->queryList ("QIWidgetValidator");
QObjectListIt it (*l);
QObject *obj;
while ((obj = it.current()) != 0)
newValid &= ((QIWidgetValidator *) obj)->isValid();
delete l;
if (valid != newValid)
valid = newValid;
buttonOk->setEnabled (valid);
if (valid)
warningSpacer->changeSize (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
warningSpacer->changeSize (0, 0);
warningLabel->setHidden (valid);
warningPixmap->setHidden (valid);
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::revalidate (QIWidgetValidator * /*wval*/)
/* do individual validations for pages */
/* currently nothing */
* Reads global settings from the given VBoxGlobalSettings instance
* and from the given CSystemProperties object.
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::getFrom (const CSystemProperties &props,
const VBoxGlobalSettings &gs)
/* default folders */
leVDIFolder->setText (props.GetDefaultVDIFolder());
leMachineFolder->setText (props.GetDefaultMachineFolder());
/* vrdp lib path */
leVRDPLib->setText (props.GetRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary());
/* VT-x/AMD-V */
chbVTX->setChecked (props.GetHWVirtExEnabled());
/* proprietary GUI settings */
hkeHostKey->setKey (gs.hostKey() );
chbAutoCapture->setChecked (gs.autoCapture());
/* usb filters page */
#ifdef DEBUG_dmik
CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost();
CHostUSBDeviceFilterCollection coll = host.GetUSBDeviceFilters();
if (coll.isNull())
/* disable the USB host filters category if the USB is
* not available (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */
QListViewItem *usbItem = listView->findItem ("#usb", listView_Link);
Assert (usbItem);
usbItem->setVisible (false);
/* disable validators if any */
pageUSB->setEnabled (false);
#ifdef DEBUG_dmik
/* Show an error message (if there is any).
* This message box may be suppressed if the user wishes so. */
vboxProblem().cannotAccessUSB (host);
CHostUSBDeviceFilterEnumerator en = coll.Enumerate();
while (en.HasMore())
CHostUSBDeviceFilter hostFilter = en.GetNext();
CUSBDeviceFilter filter = CUnknown (hostFilter);
addUSBFilter (filter, false);
lvUSBFilters->setCurrentItem (lvUSBFilters->firstChild());
lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (lvUSBFilters->firstChild());
/* language properties */
QString langId = gs.languageId();
QListViewItem *item = lvLanguages->findItem (langId, 1);
if (!item)
/* add an item for an invalid language to represent it in the list */
item = new LanguageItem (lvLanguages, langId);
lvLanguages->adjustColumn (0);
Assert (item);
if (item)
lvLanguages->setCurrentItem (item);
lvLanguages->setSelected (item, true);
* Writes global settings to the given VBoxGlobalSettings instance
* and to the given CSystemProperties object.
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::putBackTo (CSystemProperties &props,
VBoxGlobalSettings &gs)
/* default folders */
if (leVDIFolder->isModified())
props.SetDefaultVDIFolder (leVDIFolder->text());
if (props.isOk() && leMachineFolder->isModified())
props.SetDefaultMachineFolder (leMachineFolder->text());
/* vrdp lib path */
if (leVRDPLib->isModified())
props.SetRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary (leVRDPLib->text());
/* VT-x/AMD-V */
props.SetHWVirtExEnabled (chbVTX->isChecked());
if (!props.isOk())
/* proprietary GUI settings */
gs.setHostKey (hkeHostKey->key());
gs.setAutoCapture (chbAutoCapture->isChecked());
/* usb filter page */
* first, remove all old filters (only if the list is changed,
* not only individual properties of filters)
CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost();
if (mUSBFilterListModified)
for (ulong cnt = host.GetUSBDeviceFilters().GetCount(); cnt; -- cnt)
host.RemoveUSBDeviceFilter (0);
/* then add all new filters */
for (QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->firstChild(); item;
item = item->nextSibling())
USBListItem *uli = static_cast <USBListItem *> (item);
VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings =
static_cast <VBoxUSBFilterSettings *>
(wstUSBFilters->widget (uli->mId));
Assert (settings);
COMResult res = settings->putBackToFilter();
if (!res.isOk())
CUSBDeviceFilter filter = settings->filter();
filter.SetActive (uli->isOn());
CHostUSBDeviceFilter insertedFilter = CUnknown (filter);
if (mUSBFilterListModified)
host.InsertUSBDeviceFilter (host.GetUSBDeviceFilters().GetCount(),
mUSBFilterListModified = false;
/* language properties */
QListViewItem *selItem = lvLanguages->selectedItem();
Assert (selItem);
if (mLanguageChanged && selItem)
gs.setLanguageId (selItem->text (1));
VBoxGlobal::loadLanguage (selItem->text (1));
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::updateWhatsThis (bool gotFocus /* = false */)
QString text;
QWidget *widget = NULL;
if (!gotFocus)
if (whatsThisCandidate != NULL && whatsThisCandidate != this)
widget = whatsThisCandidate;
widget = focusData()->focusWidget();
/* if the given widget lacks the whats'this text, look at its parent */
while (widget && widget != this)
text = QWhatsThis::textFor (widget);
if (!text.isEmpty())
widget = widget->parentWidget();
if (text.isEmpty() && !warningString.isEmpty())
text = warningString;
if (text.isEmpty())
text = QWhatsThis::textFor (this);
whatsThisLabel->setText (text);
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::setWarning (const QString &warning)
warningString = warning;
if (!warning.isEmpty())
warningString = QString ("<font color=red>%1</font>").arg (warning);
if (!warningString.isEmpty())
whatsThisLabel->setText (warningString);
updateWhatsThis (true);
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tbResetFolder_clicked()
QToolButton *tb = ::qt_cast <QToolButton *> (sender());
Assert (tb);
QLineEdit *le = 0;
if (tb == tbResetVDIFolder) le = leVDIFolder;
else if (tb == tbResetMachineFolder) le = leMachineFolder;
else if (tb == tbResetVRDPLib) le = leVRDPLib;
Assert (le);
* do this instead of le->setText (QString::null) to cause
* isModified() return true
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tbSelectFolder_clicked()
QToolButton *tb = ::qt_cast <QToolButton *> (sender());
Assert (tb);
QLineEdit *le = 0;
if (tb == tbSelectVDIFolder) le = leVDIFolder;
else if (tb == tbSelectMachineFolder) le = leMachineFolder;
else if (tb == tbSelectVRDPLib) le = leVRDPLib;
Assert (le);
QString initDir = VBoxGlobal::getFirstExistingDir (le->text());
if (initDir.isNull())
initDir = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHomeFolder();
QString path = le == leVRDPLib ?
VBoxGlobal::getOpenFileName (initDir, QString::null, this,
"getFile", QString::null) :
VBoxGlobal::getExistingDirectory (initDir, this);
if (path.isNull())
path = QDir::convertSeparators (path);
/* remove trailing slash if any */
path.remove (QRegExp ("[\\\\/]$"));
* do this instead of le->setText (path) to cause
* isModified() return true
le->insert (path);
// USB Filter stuff
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::addUSBFilter (const CUSBDeviceFilter &aFilter,
bool aIsNew)
QListViewItem *currentItem = aIsNew
? lvUSBFilters->currentItem()
: lvUSBFilters->lastItem();
VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings = new VBoxUSBFilterSettings (wstUSBFilters);
settings->setup (VBoxUSBFilterSettings::HostType);
settings->getFromFilter (aFilter);
USBListItem *item = new USBListItem (lvUSBFilters, currentItem);
item->setOn (aFilter.GetActive());
item->setText (lvUSBFilters_Name, aFilter.GetName());
item->mId = wstUSBFilters->addWidget (settings);
/* fix the tab order so that main dialog's buttons are always the last */
setTabOrder (settings->focusProxy(), buttonHelp);
setTabOrder (buttonHelp, buttonOk);
setTabOrder (buttonOk, buttonCancel);
if (aIsNew)
lvUSBFilters->setSelected (item, true);
lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item);
connect (settings->leUSBFilterName, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
this, SLOT (lvUSBFilters_setCurrentText (const QString &)));
/* setup validation */
QIWidgetValidator *wval = new QIWidgetValidator (settings, settings);
connect (wval, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (QListViewItem *item)
if (item && lvUSBFilters->selectedItem() != item)
lvUSBFilters->setSelected (item, true);
tbRemoveUSBFilter->setEnabled (!!item);
tbUSBFilterUp->setEnabled (!!item && item->itemAbove());
tbUSBFilterDown->setEnabled (!!item && item->itemBelow());
if (item)
USBListItem *uli = static_cast <USBListItem *> (item);
wstUSBFilters->raiseWidget (uli->mId);
/* raise the disabled widget */
wstUSBFilters->raiseWidget (0);
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::lvUSBFilters_setCurrentText (const QString &aText)
QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem();
Assert (item);
item->setText (lvUSBFilters_Name, aText);
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tbAddUSBFilter_clicked()
/* search for the max available filter index */
int maxFilterIndex = 0;
QString usbFilterName = tr ("New Filter %1", "usb");
QRegExp regExp (QString ("^") + usbFilterName.arg ("([0-9]+)") + QString ("$"));
QListViewItemIterator iterator (lvUSBFilters);
while (*iterator)
QString filterName = (*iterator)->text (lvUSBFilters_Name);
int pos = regExp.search (filterName);
if (pos != -1)
maxFilterIndex = regExp.cap (1).toInt() > maxFilterIndex ?
regExp.cap (1).toInt() : maxFilterIndex;
++ iterator;
/* create a new usb filter */
CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost();
CHostUSBDeviceFilter hostFilter = host
.CreateUSBDeviceFilter (usbFilterName.arg (maxFilterIndex + 1));
hostFilter.SetAction (CEnums::USBDeviceFilterHold);
CUSBDeviceFilter filter = CUnknown (hostFilter);
filter.SetActive (true);
addUSBFilter (filter, true);
mUSBFilterListModified = true;
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tbAddUSBFilterFrom_clicked()
usbDevicesMenu->exec (QCursor::pos());
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::menuAddUSBFilterFrom_activated (int aIndex)
CUSBDevice usb = usbDevicesMenu->getUSB (aIndex);
// if null then some other item but a USB device is selected
if (usb.isNull())
CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost();
CHostUSBDeviceFilter hostFilter = host
.CreateUSBDeviceFilter (vboxGlobal().details (usb));
hostFilter.SetAction (CEnums::USBDeviceFilterHold);
CUSBDeviceFilter filter = CUnknown (hostFilter);
filter.SetVendorId (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetVendorId()));
filter.SetProductId (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetProductId()));
filter.SetRevision (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetRevision()));
/* The port property depends on the host computer rather than on the USB
* device itself; for this reason only a few people will want to use it in
* the filter since the same device plugged into a different socket will
* not match the filter in this case. */
#if 0
/// @todo set it anyway if Alt is currently pressed
filter.SetPort (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetPort()));
filter.SetManufacturer (usb.GetManufacturer());
filter.SetProduct (usb.GetProduct());
filter.SetSerialNumber (usb.GetSerialNumber());
filter.SetRemote (usb.GetRemote() ? "yes" : "no");
filter.SetActive (true);
addUSBFilter (filter, true);
mUSBFilterListModified = true;
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tbRemoveUSBFilter_clicked()
QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem();
Assert (item);
USBListItem *uli = static_cast <USBListItem *> (item);
QWidget *settings = wstUSBFilters->widget (uli->mId);
Assert (settings);
wstUSBFilters->removeWidget (settings);
delete settings;
delete item;
lvUSBFilters->setSelected (lvUSBFilters->currentItem(), true);
mUSBFilterListModified = true;
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tbUSBFilterUp_clicked()
QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem();
Assert (item);
QListViewItem *itemAbove = item->itemAbove();
Assert (itemAbove);
itemAbove = itemAbove->itemAbove();
if (!itemAbove)
item->itemAbove()->moveItem (item);
item->moveItem (itemAbove);
lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item);
mUSBFilterListModified = true;
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::tbUSBFilterDown_clicked()
QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem();
Assert (item);
QListViewItem *itemBelow = item->itemBelow();
Assert (itemBelow);
item->moveItem (itemBelow);
lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item);
mUSBFilterListModified = true;
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::lvLanguages_currentChanged (QListViewItem *aItem)
Assert (aItem);
if (!aItem) return;
/* disable labels for the Default language item */
bool enabled = !aItem->text (1).isNull();
tlLangName->setEnabled (enabled);
tlAuthorName->setEnabled (enabled);
tlLangData->setText (aItem->text (2));
tlAuthorData->setText (aItem->text (3));
mLanguageChanged = true;
void VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg::fixLanguageChange()
/* fix for usb page */
#ifdef DEBUG_dmik
CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost();
CHostUSBDeviceFilterCollection coll = host.GetUSBDeviceFilters();
if (coll.isNull())
/* disable the USB host filters category if the USB is
* not available (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */
QListViewItem *usbItem = listView->findItem ("#usb", listView_Link);
Assert (usbItem);
usbItem->setVisible (false);
/* disable validators if any */
pageUSB->setEnabled (false);
#ifdef DEBUG_dmik