AbstractDockIconPreview.cpp revision e64031e20c39650a7bc902a3e1aba613b9415dee
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* Qt GUI - Realtime Dock Icon Preview
* Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
/* VBox includes */
#include "AbstractDockIconPreview.h"
#include "VBoxConsoleWnd.h"
#include "VBoxFrameBuffer.h"
AbstractDockIconPreview::AbstractDockIconPreview (VBoxConsoleWnd * /* aMainWnd */, const QPixmap& /* aOverlayImage */)
void AbstractDockIconPreview::updateDockPreview (VBoxFrameBuffer *aFrameBuffer)
CGColorSpaceRef cs = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
Assert (cs);
/* Create the image copy of the framebuffer */
CGDataProviderRef dp = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (aFrameBuffer, aFrameBuffer->address(), aFrameBuffer->bitsPerPixel() / 8 * aFrameBuffer->width() * aFrameBuffer->height(), NULL);
Assert (dp);
CGImageRef ir = CGImageCreate (aFrameBuffer->width(), aFrameBuffer->height(), 8, 32, aFrameBuffer->bytesPerLine(), cs,
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host, dp, 0, false,
Assert (ir);
/* Update the dock preview icon */
updateDockPreview (ir);
/* Release the temp data and image */
CGImageRelease (ir);
CGDataProviderRelease (dp);
CGColorSpaceRelease (cs);
AbstractDockIconPreviewHelper::AbstractDockIconPreviewHelper (VBoxConsoleWnd *aMainWnd, const QPixmap& aOverlayImage)
: mMainWnd (aMainWnd)
, mDockIconRect (CGRectMake (0, 0, 128, 128))
, mDockMonitor (NULL)
, mDockMonitorGlossy (NULL)
, mUpdateRect (CGRectMake (0, 0, 0, 0))
, mMonitorRect (CGRectMake (0, 0, 0, 0))
mOverlayImage = ::darwinToCGImageRef (&aOverlayImage);
Assert (mOverlayImage);
mStatePaused = ::darwinToCGImageRef ("state_paused_16px.png");
Assert (mStatePaused);
mStateSaving = ::darwinToCGImageRef ("state_saving_16px.png");
Assert (mStateSaving);
mStateRestoring = ::darwinToCGImageRef ("state_restoring_16px.png");
Assert (mStateRestoring);
CGImageRelease (mOverlayImage);
if (mDockMonitor)
CGImageRelease (mDockMonitor);
if (mDockMonitorGlossy)
CGImageRelease (mDockMonitorGlossy);
CGImageRelease (mStatePaused);
CGImageRelease (mStateSaving);
CGImageRelease (mStateRestoring);
void AbstractDockIconPreviewHelper::initPreviewImages()
if (!mDockMonitor)
mDockMonitor = ::darwinToCGImageRef ("monitor.png");
Assert (mDockMonitor);
/* Center it on the dock icon context */
mMonitorRect = centerRect (CGRectMake (0, 0,
CGImageGetWidth (mDockMonitor),
CGImageGetWidth (mDockMonitor)));
if (!mDockMonitorGlossy)
mDockMonitorGlossy = ::darwinToCGImageRef ("monitor_glossy.png");
Assert (mDockMonitorGlossy);
/* This depends on the content of monitor.png */
mUpdateRect = CGRectMake (mMonitorRect.origin.x + 7 + 1,
mMonitorRect.origin.y + 8 + 1,
118 - 7 - 2,
103 - 8 - 2);
CGImageRef AbstractDockIconPreviewHelper::stateImage() const
CGImageRef img;
if ( mMainWnd->machineState() == KMachineState_Paused
|| mMainWnd->machineState() == KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM)
img = mStatePaused;
else if ( mMainWnd->machineState() == KMachineState_Restoring
|| mMainWnd->machineState() == KMachineState_TeleportingIn)
img = mStateRestoring;
else if ( mMainWnd->machineState() == KMachineState_Saving
|| mMainWnd->machineState() == KMachineState_LiveSnapshotting)
img = mStateSaving;
img = NULL;
return img;
void AbstractDockIconPreviewHelper::drawOverlayIcons (CGContextRef aContext)
CGRect overlayRect = CGRectMake (0, 0, 0, 0);
/* The overlay image at bottom/right */
if (mOverlayImage)
overlayRect = CGRectMake (mDockIconRect.size.width - CGImageGetWidth (mOverlayImage),
mDockIconRect.size.height - CGImageGetHeight (mOverlayImage),
CGImageGetWidth (mOverlayImage),
CGImageGetHeight (mOverlayImage));
CGContextDrawImage (aContext, flipRect (overlayRect), mOverlayImage);
CGImageRef sImage = stateImage();
/* The state image at bottom/right */
if (sImage)
CGRect stateRect = CGRectMake (overlayRect.origin.x - CGImageGetWidth (sImage) / 2.0,
overlayRect.origin.y - CGImageGetHeight (sImage) / 2.0,
CGImageGetWidth (sImage),
CGImageGetHeight (sImage));
CGContextDrawImage (aContext, flipRect (stateRect), sImage);