HGCMThread.cpp revision c58f1213e628a545081c70e26c6b67a841cff880
/** @file
* HGCM (Host-Guest Communication Manager):
* HGCMThread - Host-Guest Communication Manager Threads
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#include "Logging.h"
#include "HGCMThread.h"
#include <VBox/err.h>
#include <iprt/semaphore.h>
#include <iprt/thread.h>
#include <iprt/string.h>
/* HGCM uses worker threads, which process messages from other threads.
* A message consists of the message header and message specific data.
* Message header is opaque for callers, but message data is defined
* and used by them.
* Messages are distinguished by message identifier and worker thread
* they are allocated for.
* Messages are allocated for a worker thread and belong to
* the thread. A worker thread holds the queue of messages.
* The calling thread creates a message, specifying which worker thread
* the message is created for, then, optionally, initializes message
* specific data and, also optionally, references the message.
* Message then is posted or sent to worker thread by inserting
* it to the worker thread message queue and referencing the message.
* Worker thread then again may fetch next message.
* Upon processing the message the worker thread dereferences it.
* Dereferencing also automatically deletes message from the thread
* queue and frees memory allocated for the message, if no more
* references left. If there are references, the message remains
* in the queue.
/* Version of HGCM message header */
/* Thread is initializing. */
#define HGCMMSG_TF_INITIALIZING (0x00000001)
/* Thread must be terminated. */
#define HGCMMSG_TF_TERMINATE (0x00000002)
/* Thread has been terminated. */
#define HGCMMSG_TF_TERMINATED (0x00000004)
/** @todo consider use of RTReq */
static DECLCALLBACK(int) hgcmWorkerThreadFunc (RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser);
class HGCMThread: public HGCMObject
friend DECLCALLBACK(int) hgcmWorkerThreadFunc (RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser);
/* Worker thread function. */
/* A user supplied thread parameter. */
void *m_pvUser;
/* The thread runtime handle. */
RTTHREAD m_thread;
/* Event the thread waits for, signalled when a message
* to process is posted to the thread.
/* A caller thread waits for completion of a SENT message on this event. */
/* Critical section for accessing the thread data, mostly for message queues. */
RTCRITSECT m_critsect;
/* thread state/operation flags */
uint32_t m_fu32ThreadFlags;
/* Message queue variables. Messages are inserted at tail of message
* queue. They are consumed by worker thread sequentially. If a message was
* consumed, it is removed from message queue.
/* Head of message queue. */
HGCMMsgCore *m_pMsgInputQueueHead;
/* Message which another message will be inserted after. */
HGCMMsgCore *m_pMsgInputQueueTail;
/* Head of messages being processed queue. */
HGCMMsgCore *m_pMsgInProcessHead;
/* Message which another message will be inserted after. */
HGCMMsgCore *m_pMsgInProcessTail;
/* Head of free message structures list. */
HGCMMsgCore *m_pFreeHead;
/* Tail of free message structures list. */
HGCMMsgCore *m_pFreeTail;
inline int Enter (void);
inline void Leave (void);
HGCMMsgCore *FetchFreeListHead (void);
virtual ~HGCMThread (void);
HGCMThread ();
int WaitForTermination (void);
int Initialize (HGCMTHREADHANDLE handle, const char *pszThreadName, PFNHGCMTHREAD pfnThread, void *pvUser);
int MsgAlloc (HGCMMSGHANDLE *pHandle, uint32_t u32MsgId, PFNHGCMNEWMSGALLOC pfnNewMessage);
int MsgGet (HGCMMsgCore **ppMsg);
int MsgPost (HGCMMsgCore *pMsg, PHGCMMSGCALLBACK pfnCallback, bool bWait);
void MsgComplete (HGCMMsgCore *pMsg, int32_t result);
* HGCMMsgCore implementation.
#define HGCM_MSG_F_PROCESSED (0x00000001)
#define HGCM_MSG_F_WAIT (0x00000002)
#define HGCM_MSG_F_IN_PROCESS (0x00000004)
void HGCMMsgCore::InitializeCore (uint32_t u32MsgId, HGCMTHREADHANDLE hThread)
m_u32Version = HGCMMSG_VERSION;
m_u32Msg = u32MsgId;
m_pfnCallback = NULL;
m_pNext = NULL;
m_pPrev = NULL;
m_fu32Flags = 0;
m_rcSend = VINF_SUCCESS;
m_pThread = (HGCMThread *)hgcmObjReference (hThread, HGCMOBJ_THREAD);
AssertRelease (m_pThread);
/* virtual */ HGCMMsgCore::~HGCMMsgCore ()
if (m_pThread)
hgcmObjDereference (m_pThread);
m_pThread = NULL;
* HGCMThread implementation.
static DECLCALLBACK(int) hgcmWorkerThreadFunc (RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
HGCMThread *pThread = (HGCMThread *)pvUser;
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmWorkerThreadFunc: starting HGCM thread %p\n", pThread));
pThread->m_thread = ThreadSelf;
pThread->m_fu32ThreadFlags &= ~HGCMMSG_TF_INITIALIZING;
rc = RTThreadUserSignal (ThreadSelf);
AssertRC (rc);
pThread->m_pfnThread (pThread->Handle (), pThread->m_pvUser);
pThread->m_fu32ThreadFlags |= HGCMMSG_TF_TERMINATED;
hgcmObjDeleteHandle (pThread->Handle ());
pThread->m_thread = NIL_RTTHREAD;
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmWorkerThreadFunc: completed HGCM thread %p\n", pThread));
return rc;
HGCMThread::HGCMThread ()
m_pfnThread (NULL),
m_pvUser (NULL),
m_thread (NIL_RTTHREAD),
m_eventThread (0),
m_eventSend (0),
m_fu32ThreadFlags (0),
m_pMsgInputQueueHead (NULL),
m_pMsgInputQueueTail (NULL),
m_pMsgInProcessHead (NULL),
m_pMsgInProcessTail (NULL),
m_pFreeHead (NULL),
m_pFreeTail (NULL),
m_handle (0)
memset (&m_critsect, 0, sizeof (m_critsect));
HGCMThread::~HGCMThread ()
* Free resources allocated for the thread.
Assert(m_fu32ThreadFlags & HGCMMSG_TF_TERMINATED);
if (RTCritSectIsInitialized (&m_critsect))
RTCritSectDelete (&m_critsect);
if (m_eventSend)
RTSemEventMultiDestroy (m_eventSend);
if (m_eventThread)
RTSemEventMultiDestroy (m_eventThread);
int HGCMThread::WaitForTermination (void)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
if (m_thread != NIL_RTTHREAD)
rc = RTThreadWait (m_thread, 5000, NULL);
LogFlowFunc(("rc = %Rrc\n", rc));
return rc;
int HGCMThread::Initialize (HGCMTHREADHANDLE handle, const char *pszThreadName, PFNHGCMTHREAD pfnThread, void *pvUser)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
rc = RTSemEventMultiCreate (&m_eventThread);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = RTSemEventMultiCreate (&m_eventSend);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = RTCritSectInit (&m_critsect);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
m_pfnThread = pfnThread;
m_pvUser = pvUser;
m_handle = handle;
RTTHREAD thread;
rc = RTThreadCreate (&thread, hgcmWorkerThreadFunc, this, 0, /* default stack size; some service may need quite a bit */
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
/* Wait until the thread is ready. */
rc = RTThreadUserWait (thread, 30000);
AssertRC (rc);
Assert (!(m_fu32ThreadFlags & HGCMMSG_TF_INITIALIZING) || RT_FAILURE (rc));
m_thread = NIL_RTTHREAD;
Log(("hgcmThreadCreate: FAILURE: Can't start worker thread.\n"));
Log(("hgcmThreadCreate: FAILURE: Can't init a critical section for a hgcm worker thread.\n"));
memset (&m_critsect, 0, sizeof (m_critsect));
Log(("hgcmThreadCreate: FAILURE: Can't create an event semaphore for a sent messages.\n"));
m_eventSend = 0;
Log(("hgcmThreadCreate: FAILURE: Can't create an event semaphore for a hgcm worker thread.\n"));
m_eventThread = 0;
return rc;
inline int HGCMThread::Enter (void)
int rc = RTCritSectEnter (&m_critsect);
if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
Log(("HGCMThread::MsgPost: FAILURE: could not obtain worker thread mutex, rc = %Rrc!!!\n", rc));
#endif /* LOG_ENABLED */
return rc;
inline void HGCMThread::Leave (void)
RTCritSectLeave (&m_critsect);
int HGCMThread::MsgAlloc (HGCMMSGHANDLE *pHandle, uint32_t u32MsgId, PFNHGCMNEWMSGALLOC pfnNewMessage)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
HGCMMsgCore *pmsg = NULL;
bool fFromFreeList = false;
if (!pmsg && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
/* We have to allocate a new memory block. */
pmsg = pfnNewMessage (u32MsgId);
if (pmsg == NULL)
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
/* Initialize just allocated message core */
pmsg->InitializeCore (u32MsgId, m_handle);
/* and the message specific data. */
pmsg->Initialize ();
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgAlloc: allocated message %p\n", pmsg));
/** Get handle of the message. The message will be also referenced
* until the handle is deleted.
*pHandle = hgcmObjGenerateHandle (pmsg);
if (fFromFreeList)
/* Message was referenced in the free list, now dereference it. */
pmsg->Dereference ();
return rc;
int HGCMThread::MsgPost (HGCMMsgCore *pMsg, PHGCMMSGCALLBACK pfnCallback, bool fWait)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgPost: thread = %p, pMsg = %p, pfnCallback = %p\n", this, pMsg, pfnCallback));
rc = Enter ();
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
pMsg->m_pfnCallback = pfnCallback;
/* Insert the message to the queue tail. */
pMsg->m_pNext = NULL;
pMsg->m_pPrev = m_pMsgInputQueueTail;
if (m_pMsgInputQueueTail)
m_pMsgInputQueueTail->m_pNext = pMsg;
m_pMsgInputQueueHead = pMsg;
m_pMsgInputQueueTail = pMsg;
Leave ();
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgPost: going to inform the thread %p about message, fWait = %d\n", this, fWait));
if (fWait)
pMsg->m_fu32Flags |= HGCM_MSG_F_WAIT;
/* Inform the worker thread that there is a message. */
RTSemEventMultiSignal (m_eventThread);
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgPost: event signalled\n"));
if (fWait)
while ((pMsg->m_fu32Flags & HGCM_MSG_F_PROCESSED) == 0)
RTSemEventMultiWait (m_eventSend, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
RTSemEventMultiReset (m_eventSend);
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgPost: wait completed flags = %08X\n", pMsg->m_fu32Flags));
rc = pMsg->m_rcSend;
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgPost: rc = %Rrc\n", rc));
return rc;
int HGCMThread::MsgGet (HGCMMsgCore **ppMsg)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgGet: thread = %p, ppMsg = %p\n", this, ppMsg));
for (;;)
if (m_fu32ThreadFlags & HGCMMSG_TF_TERMINATE)
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgGet: m_pMsgInputQueueHead = %p\n", m_pMsgInputQueueHead));
if (m_pMsgInputQueueHead)
/* Move the message to the m_pMsgInProcessHead list */
rc = Enter ();
if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
HGCMMsgCore *pMsg = m_pMsgInputQueueHead;
/* Remove the message from the head of Queue list. */
Assert (m_pMsgInputQueueHead->m_pPrev == NULL);
if (m_pMsgInputQueueHead->m_pNext)
m_pMsgInputQueueHead = m_pMsgInputQueueHead->m_pNext;
m_pMsgInputQueueHead->m_pPrev = NULL;
Assert (m_pMsgInputQueueHead == m_pMsgInputQueueTail);
m_pMsgInputQueueHead = NULL;
m_pMsgInputQueueTail = NULL;
/* Insert the message to the tail of the m_pMsgInProcessHead list. */
pMsg->m_pNext = NULL;
pMsg->m_pPrev = m_pMsgInProcessTail;
if (m_pMsgInProcessTail)
m_pMsgInProcessTail->m_pNext = pMsg;
m_pMsgInProcessHead = pMsg;
m_pMsgInProcessTail = pMsg;
pMsg->m_fu32Flags |= HGCM_MSG_F_IN_PROCESS;
Leave ();
/* Return the message to the caller. */
*ppMsg = pMsg;
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgGet: got message %p\n", *ppMsg));
/* Wait for an event. */
RTSemEventMultiWait (m_eventThread, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
RTSemEventMultiReset (m_eventThread);
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgGet: *ppMsg = %p, return rc = %Rrc\n", *ppMsg, rc));
return rc;
void HGCMThread::MsgComplete (HGCMMsgCore *pMsg, int32_t result)
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgComplete: thread = %p, pMsg = %p\n", this, pMsg));
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
AssertRelease(pMsg->m_pThread == this);
AssertReleaseMsg((pMsg->m_fu32Flags & HGCM_MSG_F_IN_PROCESS) != 0, ("%p %x\n", pMsg, pMsg->m_fu32Flags));
if (pMsg->m_pfnCallback)
/** @todo call callback with error code in MsgPost in case of errors */
pMsg->m_pfnCallback (result, pMsg);
LogFlow(("HGCMThread::MsgComplete: callback executed. pMsg = %p, thread = %p\n", pMsg, this));
/* Message processing has been completed. */
rc = Enter ();
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
/* Remove the message from the InProcess queue. */
if (pMsg->m_pNext)
pMsg->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pMsg->m_pPrev;
m_pMsgInProcessTail = pMsg->m_pPrev;
if (pMsg->m_pPrev)
pMsg->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pMsg->m_pNext;
m_pMsgInProcessHead = pMsg->m_pNext;
pMsg->m_pNext = NULL;
pMsg->m_pPrev = NULL;
bool fWaited = ((pMsg->m_fu32Flags & HGCM_MSG_F_WAIT) != 0);
/* The message is now completed. */
pMsg->m_fu32Flags &= ~HGCM_MSG_F_IN_PROCESS;
pMsg->m_fu32Flags &= ~HGCM_MSG_F_WAIT;
pMsg->m_fu32Flags |= HGCM_MSG_F_PROCESSED;
hgcmObjDeleteHandle (pMsg->Handle ());
Leave ();
if (fWaited)
/* If message is being waited, then it is referenced by the waiter and the pointer
* if valid even after hgcmObjDeleteHandle.
pMsg->m_rcSend = result;
/* Wake up all waiters. so they can decide if their message has been processed. */
RTSemEventMultiSignal (m_eventSend);
* Thread API. Public interface.
int hgcmThreadCreate (HGCMTHREADHANDLE *pHandle, const char *pszThreadName, PFNHGCMTHREAD pfnThread, void *pvUser)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
/* Allocate memory for a new thread object. */
HGCMThread *pThread = new HGCMThread ();
if (pThread)
/* Put just created object to pool and obtain handle for it. */
handle = hgcmObjGenerateHandle (pThread);
/* Initialize the object. */
rc = pThread->Initialize (handle, pszThreadName, pfnThread, pvUser);
Log(("hgcmThreadCreate: FAILURE: Can't allocate memory for a hgcm worker thread.\n"));
if (RT_SUCCESS (rc))
*pHandle = handle;
Log(("hgcmThreadCreate: FAILURE: rc = %Rrc.\n", rc));
if (handle != 0)
/* Delete allocated handle, this will also free the object memory. */
hgcmObjDeleteHandle (handle);
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmThreadCreate: rc = %Rrc\n", rc));
return rc;
int hgcmThreadWait (HGCMTHREADHANDLE hThread)
LogFlowFunc(("0x%08X\n", hThread));
HGCMThread *pThread = (HGCMThread *)hgcmObjReference (hThread, HGCMOBJ_THREAD);
if (pThread)
rc = pThread->WaitForTermination ();
hgcmObjDereference (pThread);
LogFlowFunc(("rc = %Rrc\n", rc));
return rc;
int hgcmMsgAlloc (HGCMTHREADHANDLE hThread, HGCMMSGHANDLE *pHandle, uint32_t u32MsgId, PFNHGCMNEWMSGALLOC pfnNewMessage)
LogFlow(("hgcmMsgAlloc: thread handle = 0x%08X, pHandle = %p, sizeof (HGCMMsgCore) = %d\n", hThread, pHandle, sizeof (HGCMMsgCore)));
if (!pHandle)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
HGCMThread *pThread = (HGCMThread *)hgcmObjReference (hThread, HGCMOBJ_THREAD);
if (!pThread)
rc = pThread->MsgAlloc (pHandle, u32MsgId, pfnNewMessage);
hgcmObjDereference (pThread);
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgAlloc: handle 0x%08X, rc = %Rrc\n", *pHandle, rc));
return rc;
static int hgcmMsgPostInternal (HGCMMSGHANDLE hMsg, PHGCMMSGCALLBACK pfnCallback, bool fWait)
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgPostInternal: hMsg = 0x%08X, pfnCallback = %p, fWait = %d\n", hMsg, pfnCallback, fWait));
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
HGCMMsgCore *pMsg = (HGCMMsgCore *)hgcmObjReference (hMsg, HGCMOBJ_MSG);
if (!pMsg)
rc = pMsg->Thread()->MsgPost (pMsg, pfnCallback, fWait);
hgcmObjDereference (pMsg);
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgPostInternal: hMsg 0x%08X, rc = %Rrc\n", hMsg, rc));
return rc;
/* Post message to worker thread with a flag indication if this is a Send or Post.
* @thread any
int hgcmMsgPost (HGCMMSGHANDLE hMsg, PHGCMMSGCALLBACK pfnCallback)
int rc = hgcmMsgPostInternal (hMsg, pfnCallback, false);
if (RT_SUCCESS (rc))
return rc;
/* Send message to worker thread. Sending thread will block until message is processed.
* @thread any
int hgcmMsgSend (HGCMMSGHANDLE hMsg)
return hgcmMsgPostInternal (hMsg, NULL, true);
int hgcmMsgGet (HGCMTHREADHANDLE hThread, HGCMMsgCore **ppMsg)
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgGet: hThread = 0x%08X, ppMsg = %p\n", hThread, ppMsg));
if (!hThread || !ppMsg)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
HGCMThread *pThread = (HGCMThread *)hgcmObjReference (hThread, HGCMOBJ_THREAD);
if (!pThread)
rc = pThread->MsgGet (ppMsg);
hgcmObjDereference (pThread);
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgGet: *ppMsg = %p, rc = %Rrc\n", *ppMsg, rc));
return rc;
void hgcmMsgComplete (HGCMMsgCore *pMsg, int32_t u32Result)
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgComplete: pMsg = %p\n", pMsg));
if (!pMsg)
pMsg->Thread()->MsgComplete (pMsg, u32Result);
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmMsgComplete: pMsg = %p, rc = void\n", pMsg));
int hgcmThreadInit (void)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
/** @todo error processing. */
rc = hgcmObjInit ();
LogFlow(("MAIN::hgcmThreadInit: rc = %Rrc\n", rc));
return rc;
void hgcmThreadUninit (void)
hgcmObjUninit ();