header (C) fixes
IPRT,Drivers: Committed a modified version of the diff_linux_guest_host patch. This mangles the IPRT symbols in kernel space on linux and later other platforms.
HostDrivers/linux: fix module unload sequence
PCI: Linux driver
linux: added unload to makefile
Linux Installer/Additions: attempt to properly register the host/guest kernel modules at DKMS and use the setup function of the service script to compile the modules instead of doing this separately in the installer scripts
Automated rebranding to Oracle copyright/license strings via filemuncher
Linux host kernel modules: copy Modules.symvers to vboxnetadp as well
linux kernel modules: prevent some superflous output during build
#2954: Dynamic add/remove for virtual adapters. Moved all adapter-related code to vboxnetadp.ko
Target "load": Avoid misleading ERROR messages from rmmod by only removing a module when it is actually in the kernel. Be verbose about that.
OSE header fix
specify the absolute path to insmod/rmmod (Fedora, sigh ...)
additional targets
Linux drivers: try to hack around the DKMS problem with module dependencies