Documentation. Replace old menu items in the Tips and Basic tutorials.
Documentation. Fix for bug #1317140 (supported generic font names in trunk have changed (Sans -> sans-serif, Serif -> serif)).
Documentation. Tracing, Tips and Calligraphy tutorials update (partially translated).
Tutorials. Global tutorials update (see Bug #169020, Bug #672423 and Bug #438307).
Minor tips tutorial update
Calligraphy and tips tutorial update
Tutorials: Bitstream fonts replaced with sans and serif
Tutorials. New Farsi tutos. Tutorials are now optimized with Scour.
Basic (ja only), tips and advanced tutorials update (SVG files).
Tutorials update
Regenerated all tutorials from inkscape-doc primarily to add new tutorials translated into Polish, but also those where some translations existed. Hopefuly not messed around too much.
re-generated tutorials with updated calligraphy and advanced in english, as well as added de translation for tips
get the CORRECT Sodipodi namespace in there
moving trunk for module inkscape