svgimpl.cpp revision 6b15695578f07a3f72c4c9475c1a261a3021472a
* Phoebe DOM Implementation.
* This is a C++ approximation of the W3C DOM model, which follows
* fairly closely the specifications in the various .idl files, copies of
* which are provided for reference. Most important is this one:
* Authors:
* Bob Jamison
* Copyright (C) 2005 Bob Jamison
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "svgimpl.h"
namespace org
namespace w3c
namespace dom
namespace svg
## SVGElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGDocumentImpl
//# Overload some createXXX() methods from DocumentImpl,
//# To create our SVG-DOM types
Element *SVGDocumentImpl::createElement(const DOMString& tagName)
SVGElementImpl *impl = new SVGElementImpl(this, tagName);
return impl;
Element *SVGDocumentImpl::createElementNS(const DOMString& namespaceURI,
const DOMString& qualifiedName)
SVGElementImpl *elem = new SVGElementImpl(this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
return elem;
//# Non-API methods
## SVGSVGElementImpl
unsigned long SVGSVGElementImpl::suspendRedraw(unsigned long max_wait_milliseconds )
return 0L;
void SVGSVGElementImpl::unsuspendRedraw(unsigned long suspend_handle_id )
throw ( DOMException )
void SVGSVGElementImpl::unsuspendRedrawAll( )
void SVGSVGElementImpl::forceRedraw( )
void SVGSVGElementImpl::pauseAnimations( )
void SVGSVGElementImpl::unpauseAnimations( )
bool SVGSVGElementImpl::animationsPaused( )
return false;
NodeList SVGSVGElementImpl::getIntersectionList(const SVGRect &rect,
const SVGElement *referenceElement )
NodeList list;
return list;
NodeList SVGSVGElementImpl::getEnclosureList(const SVGRect &rect,
const SVGElement *referenceElement )
NodeList list;
return list;
bool SVGSVGElementImpl::checkIntersection(const SVGElement *element,
const SVGRect &rect )
return false;
bool SVGSVGElementImpl::checkEnclosure(const SVGElement *element,
const SVGRect &rect )
return false;
void SVGSVGElementImpl::deselectAll( )
Element *SVGSVGElementImpl::getElementById(const DOMString& elementId )
return NULL;
//# Non-API methods
## SVGGElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGDefsElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGDescElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGTitleElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGSymbolElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGUseElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGImageElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGSwitchElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## GetSVGDocumentImpl
SVGDocument *GetSVGDocumentImpl::getSVGDocument( )
throw ( DOMException )
return NULL;
//# Non-API methods
## SVGStyleElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGPathElementImpl
SVGAnimatedNumber SVGPathElementImpl::getPathLength()
SVGAnimatedNumber ret;
return ret;
double SVGPathElementImpl::getTotalLength( )
return 0.0;
SVGPoint SVGPathElementImpl::getPointAtLength(double distance )
SVGPoint ret;
return ret;
unsigned long SVGPathElementImpl::getPathSegAtLength(double distance )
return 0L;
//# Non-API methods
## SVGRectElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGCircleElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGEllipseElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGLineElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGPolylineElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGPolygonElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGTextContentElementImpl
SVGAnimatedLength SVGTextContentElementImpl::getTextLength()
SVGAnimatedLength ret;
return ret;
SVGAnimatedEnumeration SVGTextContentElementImpl::getLengthAdjust()
SVGAnimatedEnumeration ret;
return ret;
long SVGTextContentElementImpl::getNumberOfChars( )
return 0L;
double SVGTextContentElementImpl::getComputedTextLength( )
return 0.0;
double SVGTextContentElementImpl::getSubStringLength(unsigned long charnum, unsigned long nchars )
throw ( DOMException )
return 0.0;
SVGPoint SVGTextContentElementImpl::getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long charnum )
throw ( DOMException )
SVGPoint ret;
return ret;
SVGPoint SVGTextContentElementImpl::getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long charnum )
throw ( DOMException )
SVGPoint ret;
return ret;
SVGRect SVGTextContentElementImpl::getExtentOfChar(unsigned long charnum )
throw ( DOMException )
SVGRect ret;
return ret;
double SVGTextContentElementImpl::getRotationOfChar(unsigned long charnum )
throw ( DOMException )
return 0.0;
long SVGTextContentElementImpl::getCharNumAtPosition(const SVGPoint &point )
return 0L;
void SVGTextContentElementImpl::selectSubString(unsigned long charnum,
unsigned long nchars )
throw ( DOMException )
//# Non-API methods
## SVGTextPositioningElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGTextElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGTSpanElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGTRefElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGTextPathElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAltGlyphElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAltGlyphDefElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAltGlyphItemElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGGlyphRefElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGMarkerElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGColorProfileElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGGradientElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGLinearGradientElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGRadialGradientElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGStopElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGPatternElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGClipPathElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGMaskElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFilterElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEBlendElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEFuncRElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEFuncGElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEFuncBElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEFuncAElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFECompositeElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEConvolveMatrixElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEDiffuseLightingElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEDistantLightElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEPointLightElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFESpotLightElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEDisplacementMapElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEFloodElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEImageElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEMergeElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEMorphologyElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEOffsetElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFESpecularLightingElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFETileElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGCursorElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGViewElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGScriptElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAnimationElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAnimateElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGSetElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAnimateMotionElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGMPathElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAnimateColorElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFontElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGGlyphElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGMissingGlyphElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGHKernElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGVKernElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFontFaceElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFontFaceSrcElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFontFaceUriElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFontFaceFormatElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFontFaceNameElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGDefinitionSrcElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGMetadataElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
## SVGForeignObjectElementImpl
//# Non-API methods
} //namespace svg
} //namespace dom
} //namespace w3c
} //namespace org
## E N D O F F I L E