svg.h revision 6b15695578f07a3f72c4c9475c1a261a3021472a
#ifndef __SVG_H__
#define __SVG_H__
* Phoebe DOM Implementation.
* This is a C++ approximation of the W3C DOM model, which follows
* fairly closely the specifications in the various .idl files, copies of
* which are provided for reference. Most important is this one:
* Authors:
* Bob Jamison
* Copyright (C) 2005 Bob Jamison
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// For access to DOM2 core
#include "dom.h"
// For access to DOM2 events
#include "events.h"
// For access to those parts from DOM2 CSS OM used by SVG DOM.
#include "css.h"
// For access to those parts from DOM2 Views OM used by SVG DOM.
#include "views.h"
// For access to the SMIL OM used by SVG DOM.
#include "smil.h"
#include "svgtypes.h"
#include <math.h>
//local definitions
## SVGElement
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw (DOMException) = 0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGElement() {}
## SVGDocument
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGDocument() {}
## SVGSVGElement
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
virtual double getPixelUnitToMillimeterX() =0;
virtual double getPixelUnitToMillimeterY() =0;
virtual double getScreenPixelToMillimeterX() =0;
virtual double getScreenPixelToMillimeterY() =0;
virtual bool getUseCurrentView() =0;
virtual double getCurrentScale() =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw( DOMException ) =0;
virtual void unsuspendRedrawAll ( ) =0;
virtual void forceRedraw ( ) =0;
virtual void pauseAnimations ( ) =0;
virtual void unpauseAnimations ( ) =0;
virtual bool animationsPaused ( ) =0;
virtual double getCurrentTime ( ) =0;
const SVGElement *referenceElement ) =0;
const SVGElement *referenceElement ) =0;
virtual void deselectAll ( ) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGSVGElement() {}
## SVGGElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGGElement() {}
## SVGDefsElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGDefsElement() {}
## SVGDescElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGDescElement() {}
## SVGTitleElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGTitleElement() {}
## SVGSymbolElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGSymbolElement() {}
## SVGUseElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGUseElement() {}
## SVGImageElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGImageElement() {}
## SVGSwitchElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGSwitchElement() {}
## GetSVGDocument
throw( DOMException ) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~GetSVGDocument() {}
## SVGStyleElement
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGStyleElement() {}
## SVGPathElement
virtual double getTotalLength ( ) =0;
createSVGPathSegClosePath ( ) =0;
createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs (double x, double y ) =0;
createSVGPathSegMovetoRel (double x, double y ) =0;
createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs (double x, double y ) =0;
createSVGPathSegLinetoRel (double x, double y ) =0;
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs (double x, double y,
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel (double x, double y,
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs (double x, double y,
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel (double x, double y,
createSVGPathSegArcAbs (double x, double y,
bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag ) =0;
createSVGPathSegArcRel (double x, double y, double r1,
bool sweepFlag ) =0;
createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs (double x ) =0;
createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel (double x ) =0;
createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs (double y ) =0;
createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel (double y ) =0;
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs (double x, double y,
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel (double x, double y,
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs (double x, double y ) =0;
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel (double x, double y ) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGPathElement() {}
## SVGRectElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGRectElement() {}
## SVGCircleElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGCircleElement() {}
## SVGEllipseElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGEllipseElement() {}
## SVGLineElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGLineElement() {}
## SVGPolylineElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGPolylineElement() {}
## SVGPolygonElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGPolygonElement() {}
## SVGTextContentElement
* lengthAdjust Types
typedef enum
virtual long getNumberOfChars ( ) =0;
virtual double getComputedTextLength ( ) =0;
throw( DOMException ) =0;
throw( DOMException ) =0;
throw( DOMException ) =0;
throw( DOMException ) =0;
throw( DOMException ) =0;
throw( DOMException ) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGTextContentElement() {}
## SVGTextPositioningElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGTextElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGTextElement() {}
## SVGTSpanElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGTSpanElement() {}
## SVGTRefElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGTRefElement() {}
## SVGTextPathElement
* textPath Method Types
typedef enum
* textPath Spacing Types
typedef enum
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGTextPathElement() {}
## SVGAltGlyphElement
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGAltGlyphElement() {}
## SVGAltGlyphDefElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGAltGlyphDefElement() {}
## SVGAltGlyphItemElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGGlyphRefElement
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGGlyphRefElement() {}
## SVGMarkerElement
* Marker Unit Types
typedef enum
* Marker Orientation Types
typedef enum
virtual void setOrientToAuto ( ) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGMarkerElement() {}
## SVGColorProfileElement
throw (DOMException) =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
virtual unsigned short getRenderingIntent() =0;
throw (DOMException) =0;
//# Non-API methods
## SVGGradientElement
* Spread Method Types
typedef enum
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGGradientElement() {}
## SVGLinearGradientElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGRadialGradientElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGStopElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGStopElement() {}
## SVGPatternElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGPatternElement() {}
## SVGClipPathElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGClipPathElement() {}
## SVGMaskElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGMaskElement() {}
## SVGFilterElement
unsigned long filterResY ) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFilterElement() {}
## SVGFEBlendElement
* Blend Mode Types
typedef enum
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEBlendElement() {}
## SVGFEColorMatrixElement
* Color Matrix Types
typedef enum
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEComponentTransferElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement
* Component Transfer Types
typedef enum
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEFuncRElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEFuncRElement() {}
## SVGFEFuncGElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEFuncGElement() {}
## SVGFEFuncBElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEFuncBElement() {}
## SVGFEFuncAElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEFuncAElement() {}
## SVGFECompositeElement
* Composite Operators
typedef enum
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFECompositeElement() {}
## SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement
* Edge Mode Values
typedef enum
} EdgeModeType;
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEDistantLightElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEPointLightElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFESpotLightElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFESpotLightElement() {}
## SVGFEDisplacementMapElement
* Channel Selectors
typedef enum
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEFloodElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEFloodElement() {}
## SVGFEGaussianBlurElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEImageElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEImageElement() {}
## SVGFEMergeElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEMergeElement() {}
## SVGFEMergeNodeElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEMergeNodeElement() {}
## SVGFEMorphologyElement
* Morphology Operators
typedef enum
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFEOffsetElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFEOffsetElement() {}
## SVGFESpecularLightingElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFETileElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFETileElement() {}
## SVGFETurbulenceElement
* Turbulence Types
typedef enum
* Stitch Options
typedef enum
} StitchOption;
//# Non-API methods
## SVGCursorElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGCursorElement() {}
## SVGAElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGAElement() {}
## SVGViewElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGViewElement() {}
## SVGScriptElement
throw (DOMException) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGScriptElement() {}
## SVGAnimationElement
virtual double getStartTime ( ) =0;
virtual double getCurrentTime ( ) =0;
virtual double getSimpleDuration ( )
throw( DOMException ) =0;
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGAnimationElement() {}
## SVGAnimateElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGAnimateElement() {}
## SVGSetElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGSetElement() {}
## SVGAnimateMotionElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGMPathElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGMPathElement() {}
## SVGAnimateColorElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGAnimateTransformElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFontElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFontElement() {}
## SVGGlyphElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGGlyphElement() {}
## SVGMissingGlyphElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGHKernElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGHKernElement() {}
## SVGVKernElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGVKernElement() {}
## SVGFontFaceElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFontFaceElement() {}
## SVGFontFaceSrcElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFontFaceSrcElement() {}
## SVGFontFaceUriElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGFontFaceUriElement() {}
## SVGFontFaceFormatElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGFontFaceNameElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGDefinitionSrcElement
//# Non-API methods
## SVGMetadataElement
//# Non-API methods
virtual ~SVGMetadataElement() {}
## SVGForeignObjectElement
//# Non-API methods
} //namespace svg
} //namespace dom
} //namespace w3c
} //namespace org
#endif // __SVG_H__
## E N D O F F I L E