Makefile_insert revision 6b15695578f07a3f72c4c9475c1a261a3021472a
## fragment sourced by src/
# Miscellaneous unsystematized and temporary helper utilities
# libspchelp - canvas utilities, specific canvas items
rm -f helper/libspchelp.a $(helper_libspchelp_a_OBJECTS)
helper/unit-menu.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
helper_libspchelp_a_SOURCES = \
# TODO: Check that the generated sp-marshal.h is the same as before.
glib-genmarshal --prefix=sp_marshal --header $(srcdir)/helper/sp-marshal.list > helper/tmp.$$$$ \
&& mv helper/tmp.$$$$ helper/sp-marshal.h
( echo '#include "helper/sp-marshal.h"' && \
glib-genmarshal --prefix=sp_marshal --body $(srcdir)/helper/sp-marshal.list ) \
> helper/tmp.$$$$ \
&& mv helper/tmp.$$$$ helper/sp-marshal.cpp
helper/sp-marshal.cpp helper/sp-marshal.h: Makefile
helper_units_test_SOURCES = helper/units-test.cpp
helper_units_test_LDADD = helper/libspchelp.a -lglib-2.0