style-test.cpp revision 6b15695578f07a3f72c4c9475c1a261a3021472a
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include "utest/utest.h"
#include "streq.h"
#include "strneq.h"
#include "style.h"
/// Dummy functions to keep linker happy
int sp_main_gui (int, char const**) { return 0; }
int sp_main_console (int, char const**) { return 0; }
/* Extracted mechanically from
* tidy -wrap 999 < types.html 2> /dev/null |
* egrep '(prop|color-keyword)-value' |
* sed 's,<td><span class="prop-value">, {",;s/<td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(/", {/;s%).*%}},@%;s%</span></td>%%' |
* tr -d \\n |
* tr @ \\n
static struct {
char const *color_keyword;
struct {unsigned r; unsigned g; unsigned b; } rgb;
} const color_keywords[] = {
{"aliceblue", {240, 248, 255}},
{"antiquewhite", {250, 235, 215}},
{"aqua", { 0, 255, 255}},
{"aquamarine", {127, 255, 212}},
{"azure", {240, 255, 255}},
{"beige", {245, 245, 220}},
{"bisque", {255, 228, 196}},
{"black", { 0, 0, 0}},
{"blanchedalmond", {255, 235, 205}},
{"blue", { 0, 0, 255}},
{"blueviolet", {138, 43, 226}},
{"brown", {165, 42, 42}},
{"burlywood", {222, 184, 135}},
{"cadetblue", { 95, 158, 160}},
{"chartreuse", {127, 255, 0}},
{"chocolate", {210, 105, 30}},
{"coral", {255, 127, 80}},
{"cornflowerblue", {100, 149, 237}},
{"cornsilk", {255, 248, 220}},
{"crimson", {220, 20, 60}},
{"cyan", { 0, 255, 255}},
{"darkblue", { 0, 0, 139}},
{"darkcyan", { 0, 139, 139}},
{"darkgoldenrod", {184, 134, 11}},
{"darkgray", {169, 169, 169}},
{"darkgreen", { 0, 100, 0}},
{"darkgrey", {169, 169, 169}},
{"darkkhaki", {189, 183, 107}},
{"darkmagenta", {139, 0, 139}},
{"darkolivegreen", { 85, 107, 47}},
{"darkorange", {255, 140, 0}},
{"darkorchid", {153, 50, 204}},
{"darkred", {139, 0, 0}},
{"darksalmon", {233, 150, 122}},
{"darkseagreen", {143, 188, 143}},
{"darkslateblue", { 72, 61, 139}},
{"darkslategray", { 47, 79, 79}},
{"darkslategrey", { 47, 79, 79}},
{"darkturquoise", { 0, 206, 209}},
{"darkviolet", {148, 0, 211}},
{"deeppink", {255, 20, 147}},
{"deepskyblue", { 0, 191, 255}},
{"dimgray", {105, 105, 105}},
{"dimgrey", {105, 105, 105}},
{"dodgerblue", { 30, 144, 255}},
{"firebrick", {178, 34, 34}},
{"floralwhite", {255, 250, 240}},
{"forestgreen", { 34, 139, 34}},
{"fuchsia", {255, 0, 255}},
{"gainsboro", {220, 220, 220}},
{"ghostwhite", {248, 248, 255}},
{"gold", {255, 215, 0}},
{"goldenrod", {218, 165, 32}},
{"gray", {128, 128, 128}},
{"grey", {128, 128, 128}},
{"green", { 0, 128, 0}},
{"greenyellow", {173, 255, 47}},
{"honeydew", {240, 255, 240}},
{"hotpink", {255, 105, 180}},
{"indianred", {205, 92, 92}},
{"indigo", { 75, 0, 130}},
{"ivory", {255, 255, 240}},
{"khaki", {240, 230, 140}},
{"lavender", {230, 230, 250}},
{"lavenderblush", {255, 240, 245}},
{"lawngreen", {124, 252, 0}},
{"lemonchiffon", {255, 250, 205}},
{"lightblue", {173, 216, 230}},
{"lightcoral", {240, 128, 128}},
{"lightcyan", {224, 255, 255}},
{"lightgoldenrodyellow", {250, 250, 210}},
{"lightgray", {211, 211, 211}},
{"lightgreen", {144, 238, 144}},
{"lightgrey", {211, 211, 211}},
{"lightpink", {255, 182, 193}},
{"lightsalmon", {255, 160, 122}},
{"lightseagreen", { 32, 178, 170}},
{"lightskyblue", {135, 206, 250}},
{"lightslategray", {119, 136, 153}},
{"lightslategrey", {119, 136, 153}},
{"lightsteelblue", {176, 196, 222}},
{"lightyellow", {255, 255, 224}},
{"lime", { 0, 255, 0}},
{"limegreen", { 50, 205, 50}},
{"linen", {250, 240, 230}},
{"magenta", {255, 0, 255}},
{"maroon", {128, 0, 0}},
{"mediumaquamarine", {102, 205, 170}},
{"mediumblue", { 0, 0, 205}},
{"mediumorchid", {186, 85, 211}},
{"mediumpurple", {147, 112, 219}},
{"mediumseagreen", { 60, 179, 113}},
{"mediumslateblue", {123, 104, 238}},
{"mediumspringgreen", { 0, 250, 154}},
{"mediumturquoise", { 72, 209, 204}},
{"mediumvioletred", {199, 21, 133}},
{"midnightblue", { 25, 25, 112}},
{"mintcream", {245, 255, 250}},
{"mistyrose", {255, 228, 225}},
{"moccasin", {255, 228, 181}},
{"navajowhite", {255, 222, 173}},
{"navy", { 0, 0, 128}},
{"oldlace", {253, 245, 230}},
{"olive", {128, 128, 0}},
{"olivedrab", {107, 142, 35}},
{"orange", {255, 165, 0}},
{"orangered", {255, 69, 0}},
{"orchid", {218, 112, 214}},
{"palegoldenrod", {238, 232, 170}},
{"palegreen", {152, 251, 152}},
{"paleturquoise", {175, 238, 238}},
{"palevioletred", {219, 112, 147}},
{"papayawhip", {255, 239, 213}},
{"peachpuff", {255, 218, 185}},
{"peru", {205, 133, 63}},
{"pink", {255, 192, 203}},
{"plum", {221, 160, 221}},
{"powderblue", {176, 224, 230}},
{"purple", {128, 0, 128}},
{"red", {255, 0, 0}},
{"rosybrown", {188, 143, 143}},
{"royalblue", { 65, 105, 225}},
{"saddlebrown", {139, 69, 19}},
{"salmon", {250, 128, 114}},
{"sandybrown", {244, 164, 96}},
{"seagreen", { 46, 139, 87}},
{"seashell", {255, 245, 238}},
{"sienna", {160, 82, 45}},
{"silver", {192, 192, 192}},
{"skyblue", {135, 206, 235}},
{"slateblue", {106, 90, 205}},
{"slategray", {112, 128, 144}},
{"slategrey", {112, 128, 144}},
{"snow", {255, 250, 250}},
{"springgreen", { 0, 255, 127}},
{"steelblue", { 70, 130, 180}},
{"tan", {210, 180, 140}},
{"teal", { 0, 128, 128}},
{"thistle", {216, 191, 216}},
{"tomato", {255, 99, 71}},
{"turquoise", { 64, 224, 208}},
{"violet", {238, 130, 238}},
{"wheat", {245, 222, 179}},
{"white", {255, 255, 255}},
{"whitesmoke", {245, 245, 245}},
{"yellow", {255, 255, 0}},
{"yellowgreen", {154, 205, 50}},
{NULL, {0, 0, 0}}
static char const *const display_vals[] = {
"inline", "block", "list-item", "run-in", "compact", "marker", "table", "inline-table",
"table-row-group", "table-header-group", "table-footer-group", "table-row",
"table-column-group", "table-column", "table-cell", "table-caption", "none", NULL
static char const *const font_stretch_vals[] = {
static char const *const font_style_vals[] = {"normal", "italic", "oblique", NULL};
static char const *const font_variant_vals[] = {"normal", "small-caps", NULL};
static char const *const font_weight_vals[] = {"normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter",
"100", "200", "300", "400", "500",
"600", "700", "800", "900", NULL};
static char const *const normal_val[] = {"normal", NULL};
static char const *const none_val[] = {"none", NULL};
static char const *const linecap_vals[] = {"butt", "round", "square", NULL};
static char const *const linejoin_vals[] = {"miter", "round", "bevel", NULL};
static char const *const text_anchor_vals[] = {"start", "middle", "end", NULL};
static char const *const visibility_vals[] = {"visible", "hidden", "collapse", NULL};
static char const *const writing_mode_vals[] = {"lr-tb", "rl-tb", "tb-rl", /*"lr", "rl", "tb",*/ NULL};
/* TODO: Inkscape correctly accepts lr,rl,tb, but reports them as lr-tb etc.
Either change inkscape or write custom test. */
static char const *const fill_rule_vals[] = {"nonzero", "evenodd", NULL};
static char const *const paint_enum_vals[] = {"none", "currentColor", NULL};
static gchar *
merge_then_write_string(gchar const *const str, guint const flags)
SPStyle *const style = sp_style_new();
sp_style_merge_from_style_string(style, str);
gchar *const ret = sp_style_write_string(style, flags);
return ret;
static void
enum_val(char const prop[], char const *const vals[])
for (unsigned i = 0; vals[i]; ++i) {
char *prop_eq_val = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", prop, vals[i]);
gchar *ifset_str = merge_then_write_string(prop_eq_val, SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(ifset_str, prop_eq_val));
static void
color_val(char const prop[], char const *const dummy_vals[])
assert(dummy_vals == NULL);
char const *const extra_vals[] = {"#0000ff", NULL};
enum_val(prop, extra_vals);
#if 0
char const *color_vals[G_N_ELEMENTS(color_keywords) + G_N_ELEMENTS(extra_vals)];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(extra_vals); ++i) {
color_vals[i] = extra_vals[i];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(color_keywords); ++i) {
color_vals[G_N_ELEMENTS(extra_vals) + i] = color_keywords[i].color_keyword;
enum_val(prop, color_vals);
/* todo: other color stuff (rgb(), #123) */
static void
paint_val(char const prop[], char const *const dummy_vals[])
/* Ref: */
assert(dummy_vals == NULL);
color_val(prop, NULL);
enum_val(prop, paint_enum_vals);
/* todo: uri, `<uri> none' etc. */
static void
number_val(char const prop[], double const min, double const max, double const eps)
assert(min <= max);
/* TODO */
double const propns[] = {0., .5, .25, .125,
(1.0 / (1 << 7)),
(1.0 / (1 << 8)),
(1.0 / (1 << 15)),
(1.0 / (1 << 23)),
(1.0 / (1 << 24)),
(1.0 / (1 << 25)),
(1.0 / (1 << 26)),
1e-5, 0.13, 1/7., 2/3., 10/11., 1.0};
size_t const prop_len = std::strlen(prop);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(propns); ++i) {
double const propn = propns[i];
double const val = ( propn == 0
? min
: ( propn == 1
? max
: min + (propns[i] * (max - min)) ) );
char val_str[35];
g_ascii_formatd(val_str, sizeof(val_str), "%.17f", val);
char *prop_eq_val = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", prop, val_str);
gchar *ifset_str = merge_then_write_string(prop_eq_val, SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(strneq(ifset_str, prop_eq_val, prop_len + 1));
char *endptr;
double const found_val = g_strtod(ifset_str + prop_len + 1, &endptr);
UTEST_ASSERT(*endptr == '\0');
if (fabs(val) < 1.) {
UTEST_ASSERT(std::fabs(found_val - val) < eps);
} else {
UTEST_ASSERT(std::fabs(found_val / val - 1.) < eps);
static void
miterlimit_val(char const prop[], char const *const dummy_vals[])
// Ref:
assert(dummy_vals == NULL);
number_val(prop, 1., 20., 2e-7);
#if 0
static char const *const miterlimit_vals[] = {
"1", "1.0", "1.5", "2", "4", "8", "1e1", NULL
// bad values: <1, percentages, strings (none etc.).
static void
font_family_val(char const prop[], char const *const dummy_vals[])
assert(dummy_vals == NULL);
static char const *const generic_font_family_vals[] = {"serif", "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace", NULL};
enum_val(prop, generic_font_family_vals);
/* todo: unrecognized fonts, comma-separated lists. */
* "unitful length" is used for font-size, which we always write with an explicit unit (typically
* `px') for better CSS interoperability.
static void
unitful_length_val(char const prop[], char const *const dummy_vals[])
/* todo */
assert(dummy_vals == NULL);
static void
length_val(char const prop[], char const *const dummy_vals[])
assert(dummy_vals == NULL);
number_val(prop, 0., 6., 1e-7);
unitful_length_val(prop, dummy_vals);
/* todo: exponential notation. See for
where exponential notation is/isn't allowed. */
static void
length_or_enum_val(char const prop[], char const *const vals[])
length_val(prop, NULL);
enum_val(prop, vals);
static void
opacity_val(char const prop[], char const *const dummy_vals[])
assert(dummy_vals == NULL);
number_val(prop, 0., 1., 1.0 / (1 << 24));
/* todo: exponential notation */
static void
uri_or_enum_val(char const prop[], char const *const vals[])
enum_val(prop, vals);
/* todo: uri's */
static void
suppress_warning_log_handler(gchar const *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags /*log_level*/,
gchar const *message,
gpointer /*user_data*/)
/* todo: We could strncpy message to a static buffer for later testing with
* UTEST_ASSERT(streq(prev_message, exp_message)). */
static void
test_mul24(unsigned const a24, unsigned const b24)
assert(a24 <= SP_SCALE24_MAX);
assert(b24 <= SP_SCALE24_MAX);
unsigned const manual_prod24 = SP_SCALE24_FROM_FLOAT(SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(a24) *
unsigned const prod24 = SP_SCALE24_MUL(a24, b24);
UTEST_ASSERT_SHOW(prod24 == manual_prod24,
("MUL gives 0x%06x=%g, whereas explicit conversions give 0x%06x=%g;\n"
"multiplicands: 0x%06x * 0x%06x (i.e. %g * %g)",
prod24, SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(prod24),
manual_prod24, SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(manual_prod24),
a24, b24, SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(a24), SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(b24)));
static void
UTEST_ASSERT(SP_SCALE24_MAX < SP_SCALE24_MAX + 1); // i.e. no overflow.
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) {
unsigned const i24 = SP_SCALE24_MAX * i / 10;
for (unsigned j = 0; j <= 10; ++j) {
unsigned const j24 = SP_SCALE24_MAX * j / 10;
test_mul24(i24, j24);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
unsigned const a24 = rand() % (SP_SCALE24_MAX + 1);
unsigned const b24 = rand() % (SP_SCALE24_MAX + 1);
test_mul24(a24, b24);
static void
SPStyle &parent = *sp_style_new();
SPStyle &child = *sp_style_new();
unsigned const either = 2;
struct {
bool parent_set;
bool parent_inherit;
float parent_float_val;
bool child_set;
bool child_inherit;
float child_float_val;
unsigned exp_set;
unsigned exp_inherit;
double exp_float_val;
} const cases[] = {
{false, false, 1.0, false, false, 1.0, false, false, 1.0},
{false, false, 1.0, true, true, 1.0, false, false, 1.0},
{false, false, 1.0, true, false, 1.0, false, false, 1.0},
{false, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.5, true, false, 0.5},
{false, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.0},
{true, true, 1.0, false, false, 1.0, true, true, 1.0},
{true, true, 0.7, false, false, 1.0, true, true, 0.7},
{true, true, 0.0, false, false, 1.0, true, true, 0.0},
{true, true, 1.0, true, true, 1.0, true, true, 1.0},
/* child computed value isn't required to be up-to-date, so test what happens when it
* isn't up-to-date. */
{true, true, 1.0, true, true, 0.7, true, true, 1.0},
{true, true, 0.6, true, true, 0.3, true, false, 0.36},
{true, true, 0.0, true, true, 0.0, true, true, 0.0},
{true, true, 0.0, true, true, 0.9, true, true, 0.0},
/* parent inherit, child set to number */
{true, true, 1.0, true, false, 1.0, true, true, 1.0},
{true, true, 1.0, true, false, 0.8, true, false, 0.8},
{true, true, 1.0, true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.0},
{true, true, 0.9, true, false, 1.0, true, true, 0.9},
{true, true, 0.9, true, false, 0.8, true, false, 0.72},
{true, true, 0.9, true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.0},
{true, true, 0.0, true, false, 1.0, true, true, 0.0},
{true, true, 0.0, true, false, 0.6, true, either, 0.0},
{true, true, 0.0, true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.0},
/* parent set to number. */
{true, false, 1.0, false, false, 1.0, either, false, 1.0},
{true, false, 0.3, false, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.3},
{true, false, 0.3, false, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.3},
{true, false, 0.0, false, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.0},
{true, false, 1.0, true, true, 1.0, either, false, 1.0},
{true, false, 1.0, true, true, 0.8, either, false, 1.0},
{true, false, 0.8, true, true, 0.8, true, false, 0.64},
{true, false, 0.8, true, true, 0.5, true, false, 0.64},
{true, false, 0.0, true, true, 0.0, true, false, 0.0},
{true, false, 0.0, true, true, 0.4, true, false, 0.0},
{true, false, 1.0, true, false, 1.0, either, false, 1.0},
{true, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.4, true, false, 0.4},
{true, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.0},
{true, false, 0.7, true, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.7},
{true, false, 0.7, true, false, 0.4, true, false, 0.28},
{true, false, 0.7, true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.0},
{true, false, 0.0, true, false, 1.0, true, false, 0.0},
{true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.6, true, false, 0.0},
{true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.0, true, false, 0.0}
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_dying_parent: opacity") {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(cases); ++i) {
parent.opacity.set = cases[i].parent_set;
parent.opacity.inherit = cases[i].parent_inherit;
parent.opacity.value = SP_SCALE24_FROM_FLOAT(cases[i].parent_float_val);
unsigned const parent24 = parent.opacity.value;
child.opacity.set = cases[i].child_set;
child.opacity.inherit = cases[i].child_inherit;
child.opacity.value = SP_SCALE24_FROM_FLOAT(cases[i].child_float_val);
unsigned const child24 = child.opacity.value;
sp_style_merge_from_dying_parent(&child, &parent);
if (cases[i].exp_set != either) {
UTEST_ASSERT(child.opacity.set == cases[i].exp_set);
if (cases[i].exp_inherit != either) {
UTEST_ASSERT(child.opacity.inherit == cases[i].exp_inherit);
unsigned const exp24 = SP_SCALE24_FROM_FLOAT(cases[i].exp_float_val);
UTEST_ASSERT_SHOW(child.opacity.value == exp24,
("i=%u, expected 0x%06x=%g but found 0x%06x=%g; "
"parent 0x%06x=%g, child 0x%06x=%g",
i, exp24, cases[i].exp_float_val,
child.opacity.value, SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(child.opacity.value),
parent24, SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(parent24),
child24, SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(child24)));
static bool
struct {
char const *property;
char const *ink_dfl;
char const *spec_dfl;
void (*tst_fn)(char const[], char const *const[]);
char const *const *tst_fn_arg;
bool can_explicitly_inherit;
} const props[] = {
{"color", "#000000", "#000000", color_val, NULL, true},
// initial value "depends on user agent"
{"display", "inline", "inline", enum_val, display_vals, true},
{"fill", "#000000", "black", paint_val, NULL, true},
{"fill-opacity", "1", "1", opacity_val, NULL, true},
{"fill-rule", "nonzero", "nonzero", enum_val, fill_rule_vals, true},
{"font-family", "Bitstream Vera Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans", font_family_val, NULL, true},
// initial value depends on user agent
{"font-size", "medium", "medium", unitful_length_val, NULL, true},
// TODO: abs, rel, pcnt.
{"font-stretch", "normal", "normal", enum_val, font_stretch_vals, true},
{"font-style", "normal", "normal", enum_val, font_style_vals, true},
{"font-variant", "normal", "normal", enum_val, font_variant_vals, true},
{"font-weight", "normal", "normal", enum_val, font_weight_vals, true},
{"letter-spacing", "normal", "normal", length_or_enum_val, normal_val, true},
{"marker", "none", "none", uri_or_enum_val, none_val, true},
{"marker-end", "none", "none", uri_or_enum_val, none_val, true},
{"marker-mid", "none", "none", uri_or_enum_val, none_val, true},
{"marker-start", "none", "none", uri_or_enum_val, none_val, true},
{"opacity", "1", "1", opacity_val, NULL, true},
{"stroke", "none", "none", paint_val, NULL, true},
{"stroke-dasharray", "none", "none", enum_val, none_val, true},
// TODO:
//{"stroke-dashoffset", "0", "0", length_val, NULL, true},
// fixme: dashoffset currently fails a number of tests, but the relevant code
// is being worked on for something else at the time of writing, so I'm
// delaying fixing it. It should be changed to SPILength.
{"stroke-linecap", "butt", "butt", enum_val, linecap_vals, true},
{"stroke-linejoin", "miter", "miter", enum_val, linejoin_vals, true},
{"stroke-miterlimit", "4", "4", miterlimit_val, NULL, true},
{"stroke-opacity", "1", "1", opacity_val, NULL, true},
{"stroke-width", "1", "1", length_val, NULL, true},
{"text-anchor", "start", "start", enum_val, text_anchor_vals, true},
{"visibility", "visible", "visible", enum_val, visibility_vals, true},
{"writing-mode", "lr-tb", "lr-tb", enum_val, writing_mode_vals, true}
char const str0_all_exp[] =
"font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans";
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_new, sp_style_write_string") {
SPStyle *style = sp_style_new();
gchar *str0_all = sp_style_write_string(style, SP_STYLE_FLAG_ALWAYS);
gchar *str0_set = sp_style_write_string(style, SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(*str0_set == '\0');
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(str0_all, str0_all_exp));
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(whitespace, ifset") {
gchar *str0_set = merge_then_write_string(" \t \t\t", SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(*str0_set == '\0');
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(whitespace, always") {
gchar *str0_all = merge_then_write_string(" \t \t\t", SP_STYLE_FLAG_ALWAYS);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(str0_all, str0_all_exp));
/* Some tests for invalid style strings. We temporarily suppress all g_warning's. (The
current code uses g_warning instead of proper SVG error handling.) */
guint const log_handler_id = g_log_set_handler(NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,
suppress_warning_log_handler, NULL);
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(\"fill:\", ifset)") {
gchar *str0_set = merge_then_write_string("fill:", SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(*str0_set == '\0');
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(\"font-family:\", always)") {
gchar *str0_all = merge_then_write_string("font-family:", SP_STYLE_FLAG_ALWAYS);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(str0_all, str0_all_exp));
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(\"fill: \", ifset)") {
gchar *str0_set = merge_then_write_string("fill: ", SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(*str0_set == '\0');
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(\"font-family: \", always)") {
gchar *str0_all = merge_then_write_string("font-family: ", SP_STYLE_FLAG_ALWAYS);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(str0_all, str0_all_exp));
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(\":none\", ifset)") {
gchar *str0_set = merge_then_write_string(":none", SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(*str0_set == '\0');
g_log_remove_handler(NULL, log_handler_id);
/* The following tests involve invalid style, but aren't expected to trigger
g_log calls. */
/* invalid color setting */
char const *bad[] = {"#4321", "currentColor", "#87654321", "#42", "aquam"};
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(bad); ++i) {
gchar *tst_name = g_strdup_printf("invalid color setting: %s", bad[i]);
gchar *style_str = g_strdup_printf("color:%s;color:#123;color:%s",
bad[i], bad[i]);
UTEST_TEST(tst_name) {
gchar *str0_set = merge_then_write_string(style_str, SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(str0_set, "color:#112233"));
/* End of invalid style string examples. */
#if 1 /* previously failed because of dashoffset:0 vs dashoffset:0.00000000 */
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(default): ifset") {
gchar *ifset_str = merge_then_write_string(str0_all_exp, SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(ifset_str, str0_all_exp));
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string(default): always") {
gchar *ifset_str = merge_then_write_string(str0_all_exp, SP_STYLE_FLAG_ALWAYS);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(ifset_str, str0_all_exp));
UTEST_TEST("sp_style_merge_from_style_string") {
/* Try setting default values, check that the all string is unaffected
but that the ifset string is affected. */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(props); ++i) {
char *prop_eq_val = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", props[i].property, props[i].spec_dfl);
char *exp_set_str = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", props[i].property, props[i].ink_dfl);
gchar *str0_all = merge_then_write_string(prop_eq_val, SP_STYLE_FLAG_ALWAYS);
gchar *str0_set = merge_then_write_string(prop_eq_val, SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(str0_all, str0_all_exp));
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(str0_set, exp_set_str));
/* Check that explicit `inherit' is correctly preserved by write(ifset). */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(props); ++i) {
if (!props[i].can_explicitly_inherit) {
char *prop_eq_val = g_strdup_printf("%s:inherit", props[i].property);
gchar *ifset_str = merge_then_write_string(prop_eq_val, SP_STYLE_FLAG_IFSET);
UTEST_ASSERT(streq(ifset_str, prop_eq_val));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(props); ++i) {
props[i].tst_fn(props[i].property, props[i].tst_fn_arg);
return utest_end();
int main()
return ( test_style()
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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