4401. [misc] Change LICENSE to MPL 2.0.
update copyright notice
2349. [func] Provide incremental re-signing support for secure dynamic zones. [RT #1091] back out incorrect branch rt1091 and apply correct branch rt1091a.
1516. [func] Roll the DNSSEC types to RRSIG, NSEC and DNSKEY.
convert bit-string labels to nibbles.
1402. [cleanup] A6 has been moved to experimental and is no longer fully supported. developer: jinmei reviewer: marka
developer: jinmei reviewer: marka 1368. [func] remove support for bitstring labels.
copyright update
Add a signed record. The SIG doesn't verify (verification isn't even attempted), but getrrsetbyname returns it.
Add regressions which test for the bugs fixed in changes 516, 517, and 518
Trailing whitespace trimmed. Perhaps running "perl util/spacewhack.pl in your own CVS tree will help minimize CVS conflicts. Maybe not. Blame Graff for getting me to trim all trailing whitespace.
word wrap copyright notice at column 70
Remove multiple A records, since it makes testing far more complicated.
add RCS id string
bitstring label test, better reverse name lookup names
Add lwresd test