README revision 0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133f
Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2016 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
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License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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The data data files in this directory are sample GeoIP databases,
generated from the corresponding CSV files. Thanks to MaxMind, Inc.
for assistance with producing these files.
Unless otherwise noted, the databases only support IPv4:
GeoIP.dat: Country (IPv4)
GeoIPv6.dat: Country (IPv6)
GeoIPCity.dat: City (IPv4)
GeoIPCityv6.dat: City (IPv6)
GeoIPRegion.dat: Region
GeoIPOrg.dat: Organization
GeoIPDoain.dat: Domain Name
GeoIPASNum.dat: AS Number
GeoIPNetSpeed.dat: Net Speed
GeoIP.dat can also be egenerated using the open source 'geoip-csv-to-dat'
utility (also known in some packages as "geoip-generator"):
$ geoip-csv-to-dat -i "BIND9 geoip test data v1" -o GeoIP.dat << EOF
"","","171245570","171245570","US","United States"
"","","171245571","171245571","GB","United Kingdom"
"","","171245575","171245575","EH","Western Sahara"