pkcs11-keygen.docbook revision 0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133f
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<refentry xmlns="" version="5.0" xml:id="man.pkcs11-keygen">
<corpauthor>Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.</corpauthor>
<refpurpose>generate keys on a PKCS#11 device</refpurpose>
<holder>Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")</holder>
<cmdsynopsis sepchar=" ">
<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat">-a <replaceable class="parameter">algorithm</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-b <replaceable class="parameter">keysize</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-e</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-i <replaceable class="parameter">id</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-m <replaceable class="parameter">module</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-P</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-p <replaceable class="parameter">PIN</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-q</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-S</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat"><option>-s <replaceable class="parameter">slot</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat">label</arg>
<command>pkcs11-keygen</command> causes a PKCS#11 device to generate
a new key pair with the given <option>label</option> (which must be
unique) and with <option>keysize</option> bits of prime.
<term>-a <replaceable class="parameter">algorithm</replaceable></term>
Specify the key algorithm class: Supported classes are RSA,
DSA, DH, and ECC. In addition to these strings, the
<option>algorithm</option> can be specified as a DNSSEC
signing algorithm that will be used with this key; for
example, NSEC3RSASHA1 maps to RSA, and ECDSAP256SHA256 maps
to ECC. The default class is "RSA".
<term>-b <replaceable class="parameter">keysize</replaceable></term>
Create the key pair with <option>keysize</option> bits of
prime. For ECC keys, the only valid values are 256 and 384,
and the default is 256.
For RSA keys only, use a large exponent.
<term>-i <replaceable class="parameter">id</replaceable></term>
Create key objects with id. The id is either
an unsigned short 2 byte or an unsigned long 4 byte number.
<term>-m <replaceable class="parameter">module</replaceable></term>
Specify the PKCS#11 provider module. This must be the full
path to a shared library object implementing the PKCS#11 API
for the device.
Set the new private key to be non-sensitive and extractable.
The allows the private key data to be read from the PKCS#11
device. The default is for private keys to be sensitive and
<term>-p <replaceable class="parameter">PIN</replaceable></term>
Specify the PIN for the device. If no PIN is provided on
the command line, <command>pkcs11-keygen</command> will
prompt for it.
Quiet mode: suppress unnecessary output.
For Diffie-Hellman (DH) keys only, use a special prime of
768, 1024 or 1536 bit size and base (aka generator) 2.
If not specified, bit size will default to 1024.
<term>-s <replaceable class="parameter">slot</replaceable></term>
Open the session with the given PKCS#11 slot. The default is
slot 0.
<refsection><info><title>SEE ALSO</title></info>