lwres_gai_strerror.docbook revision 0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133f
- Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2014-2016 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
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<refentry xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0">
<corpauthor>Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.</corpauthor>
<holder>Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")</holder>
<holder>Internet Software Consortium.</holder>
<refpurpose>print suitable error string</refpurpose>
<funcsynopsisinfo>#include &lt;lwres/netdb.h&gt;</funcsynopsisinfo>
char *
<paramdef>int <parameter>ecode</parameter></paramdef>
returns an error message corresponding to an error code returned by
The following error codes and their meaning are defined in
address family for hostname not supported
temporary failure in name resolution
invalid value for
non-recoverable failure in name resolution
<para><constant>ai_family</constant> not supported
memory allocation failure
no address associated with hostname
hostname or servname not provided, or not known
servname not supported for <constant>ai_socktype</constant>
<para><constant>ai_socktype</constant> not supported
system error returned in errno
The message <errorname>invalid error code</errorname> is returned if
is out of range.
are elements of the
<type>struct addrinfo</type>
used by
<refsection><info><title>SEE ALSO</title></info>