lwres_test.c revision 0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133f
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2015, 2016 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
/* $Id: lwres_test.c,v 1.31 2007/06/19 23:46:59 tbox Exp $ */
#include <config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <isc/mem.h>
#include <isc/netaddr.h>
#include <isc/print.h>
#include <isc/util.h>
#include <lwres/lwres.h>
#define USE_ISC_MEM
static inline void
CHECK(int val, const char *msg) {
if (val != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s returned %d\n", msg, val);
static void
hexdump(const char *msg, void *base, size_t len) {
unsigned char *p;
unsigned int cnt;
p = base;
cnt = 0;
printf("*** %s (%lu bytes @ %p)\n", msg, (unsigned long)len, base);
while (cnt < len) {
if (cnt % 16 == 0)
printf("%p: ", p);
else if (cnt % 8 == 0)
printf(" |");
printf(" %02x", *p++);
if (cnt % 16 == 0)
if (cnt % 16 != 0)
static const char *TESTSTRING = "This is a test. This is only a test. !!!";
static lwres_context_t *ctx;
static void
test_noop(void) {
int ret;
lwres_lwpacket_t pkt, pkt2;
lwres_nooprequest_t nooprequest, *nooprequest2;
lwres_noopresponse_t noopresponse, *noopresponse2;
lwres_buffer_t b;
pkt.pktflags = 0;
pkt.serial = 0x11223344;
pkt.recvlength = 0x55667788;
pkt.result = 0;
nooprequest.datalength = strlen(TESTSTRING);
/* XXXDCL maybe "nooprequest.data" should be const. */
DE_CONST(TESTSTRING, nooprequest.data);
ret = lwres_nooprequest_render(ctx, &nooprequest, &pkt, &b);
CHECK(ret, "lwres_nooprequest_render");
hexdump("rendered noop request", b.base, b.used);
* Now, parse it into a new structure.
ret = lwres_lwpacket_parseheader(&b, &pkt2);
CHECK(ret, "lwres_lwpacket_parseheader");
hexdump("parsed pkt2", &pkt2, sizeof(pkt2));
nooprequest2 = NULL;
ret = lwres_nooprequest_parse(ctx, &b, &pkt2, &nooprequest2);
CHECK(ret, "lwres_nooprequest_parse");
assert(nooprequest.datalength == nooprequest2->datalength);
assert(memcmp(nooprequest.data, nooprequest2->data,
nooprequest.datalength) == 0);
lwres_nooprequest_free(ctx, &nooprequest2);
lwres_context_freemem(ctx, b.base, b.length);
b.base = NULL;
b.length = 0;
pkt.pktflags = 0;
pkt.serial = 0x11223344;
pkt.recvlength = 0x55667788;
pkt.result = 0xdeadbeef;
noopresponse.datalength = strlen(TESTSTRING);
/* XXXDCL maybe "noopresponse.data" should be const. */
DE_CONST(TESTSTRING, noopresponse.data);
ret = lwres_noopresponse_render(ctx, &noopresponse, &pkt, &b);
CHECK(ret, "lwres_noopresponse_render");
hexdump("rendered noop response", b.base, b.used);
* Now, parse it into a new structure.
ret = lwres_lwpacket_parseheader(&b, &pkt2);
CHECK(ret, "lwres_lwpacket_parseheader");
hexdump("parsed pkt2", &pkt2, sizeof(pkt2));
noopresponse2 = NULL;
ret = lwres_noopresponse_parse(ctx, &b, &pkt2, &noopresponse2);
CHECK(ret, "lwres_noopresponse_parse");
assert(noopresponse.datalength == noopresponse2->datalength);
assert(memcmp(noopresponse.data, noopresponse2->data,
noopresponse.datalength) == 0);
lwres_noopresponse_free(ctx, &noopresponse2);
lwres_context_freemem(ctx, b.base, b.length);
b.base = NULL;
b.length = 0;
static void
test_gabn(const char *target) {
lwres_gabnresponse_t *res;
lwres_addr_t *addr;
int ret;
unsigned int i;
char outbuf[64];
res = NULL;
ret = lwres_getaddrsbyname(ctx, target,
printf("gabn %s ret == %d\n", target, ret);
if (ret != 0) {
if (res != NULL)
lwres_gabnresponse_free(ctx, &res);
printf("Returned real name: (%u, %s)\n",
res->realnamelen, res->realname);
printf("%u aliases:\n", res->naliases);
for (i = 0; i < res->naliases; i++)
printf("\t(%u, %s)\n", res->aliaslen[i], res->aliases[i]);
printf("%u addresses:\n", res->naddrs);
addr = LWRES_LIST_HEAD(res->addrs);
for (i = 0; i < res->naddrs; i++) {
INSIST(addr != NULL);
if (addr->family == LWRES_ADDRTYPE_V4)
(void)inet_ntop(AF_INET, addr->address,
outbuf, sizeof(outbuf));
(void)inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr->address,
outbuf, sizeof(outbuf));
printf("\tAddr len %u family %08x %s\n",
addr->length, addr->family, outbuf);
addr = LWRES_LIST_NEXT(addr, link);
lwres_gabnresponse_free(ctx, &res);
static void
test_gnba(const char *target, lwres_uint32_t af) {
lwres_gnbaresponse_t *res;
int ret;
unsigned int i;
unsigned char addrbuf[16];
unsigned int len;
if (af == LWRES_ADDRTYPE_V4) {
len = 4;
ret = inet_pton(AF_INET, target, addrbuf);
assert(ret == 1);
} else {
len = 16;
ret = inet_pton(AF_INET6, target, addrbuf);
assert(ret == 1);
res = NULL;
ret = lwres_getnamebyaddr(ctx, af, len, addrbuf, &res);
printf("gnba %s ret == %d\n", target, ret);
assert(ret == 0);
assert(res != NULL);
printf("Returned real name: (%u, %s)\n",
res->realnamelen, res->realname);
printf("%u aliases:\n", res->naliases);
for (i = 0; i < res->naliases; i++)
printf("\t(%u, %s)\n", res->aliaslen[i], res->aliases[i]);
lwres_gnbaresponse_free(ctx, &res);
#ifdef USE_ISC_MEM
* Wrappers around our memory management stuff, for the lwres functions.
static void *
mem_alloc(void *arg, size_t size) {
return (isc_mem_get(arg, size));
static void
mem_free(void *arg, void *mem, size_t size) {
isc_mem_put(arg, mem, size);
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int ret;
#ifdef USE_ISC_MEM
isc_mem_t *mem;
isc_result_t result;
#ifdef USE_ISC_MEM
mem = NULL;
result = isc_mem_create(0, 0, &mem);
ctx = NULL;
#ifdef USE_ISC_MEM
ret = lwres_context_create(&ctx, mem, mem_alloc, mem_free, 0);
ret = lwres_context_create(&ctx, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
CHECK(ret, "lwres_context_create");
ret = lwres_conf_parse(ctx, "/etc/resolv.conf");
CHECK(ret, "lwres_conf_parse");
lwres_conf_print(ctx, stdout);
* The following comments about tests all assume your search path is
* nominum.com isc.org flame.org
* and ndots is the default of 1.
test_gabn("alias-05.test"); /* exact, then search. */
test_gabn("notthereatall.flame.org"); /* exact, then search (!found)*/
test_gabn("shell"); /* search (found in nominum.com), then exact */
test_gabn("kechara"); /* search (found in flame.org), then exact */
test_gabn("lkasdjlaksjdlkasjdlkasjdlkasjd"); /* search, exact(!found)*/
test_gnba("", LWRES_ADDRTYPE_V4);
test_gnba("", LWRES_ADDRTYPE_V4);
test_gnba("3ffe:8050:201:1860:42::1", LWRES_ADDRTYPE_V6);
#ifdef USE_ISC_MEM
isc_mem_stats(mem, stdout);
return (0);