nsec.c revision 0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133f
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2003-2005, 2007-2009, 2011-2016 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
/* $Id$ */
/*! \file */
#include <config.h>
#include <isc/log.h>
#include <isc/string.h>
#include <isc/util.h>
#include <dns/db.h>
#include <dns/nsec.h>
#include <dns/rdata.h>
#include <dns/rdatalist.h>
#include <dns/rdataset.h>
#include <dns/rdatasetiter.h>
#include <dns/rdatastruct.h>
#include <dns/result.h>
#include <dst/dst.h>
#define RETERR(x) do { \
result = (x); \
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) \
goto failure; \
} while (0)
dns_nsec_setbit(unsigned char *array, unsigned int type, unsigned int bit) {
unsigned int shift, mask;
shift = 7 - (type % 8);
mask = 1 << shift;
if (bit != 0)
array[type / 8] |= mask;
array[type / 8] &= (~mask & 0xFF);
dns_nsec_isset(const unsigned char *array, unsigned int type) {
unsigned int byte, shift, mask;
byte = array[type / 8];
shift = 7 - (type % 8);
mask = 1 << shift;
return (ISC_TF(byte & mask));
unsigned int
dns_nsec_compressbitmap(unsigned char *map, const unsigned char *raw,
unsigned int max_type)
unsigned char *start = map;
unsigned int window;
int octet;
if (raw == NULL)
return (0);
for (window = 0; window < 256; window++) {
if (window * 256 > max_type)
for (octet = 31; octet >= 0; octet--)
if (*(raw + octet) != 0)
if (octet < 0) {
raw += 32;
*map++ = window;
*map++ = octet + 1;
* Note: potential overlapping move.
memmove(map, raw, octet + 1);
map += octet + 1;
raw += 32;
return (unsigned int)(map - start);
dns_nsec_buildrdata(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version,
dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *target,
unsigned char *buffer, dns_rdata_t *rdata)
isc_result_t result;
dns_rdataset_t rdataset;
isc_region_t r;
unsigned int i;
unsigned char *nsec_bits, *bm;
unsigned int max_type;
dns_rdatasetiter_t *rdsiter;
memset(buffer, 0, DNS_NSEC_BUFFERSIZE);
dns_name_toregion(target, &r);
memmove(buffer, r.base, r.length);
r.base = buffer;
* Use the end of the space for a raw bitmap leaving enough
* space for the window identifiers and length octets.
bm = r.base + r.length + 512;
nsec_bits = r.base + r.length;
dns_nsec_setbit(bm, dns_rdatatype_rrsig, 1);
dns_nsec_setbit(bm, dns_rdatatype_nsec, 1);
max_type = dns_rdatatype_nsec;
rdsiter = NULL;
result = dns_db_allrdatasets(db, node, version, 0, &rdsiter);
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
return (result);
for (result = dns_rdatasetiter_first(rdsiter);
result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
result = dns_rdatasetiter_next(rdsiter))
dns_rdatasetiter_current(rdsiter, &rdataset);
if (rdataset.type != dns_rdatatype_nsec &&
rdataset.type != dns_rdatatype_nsec3 &&
rdataset.type != dns_rdatatype_rrsig) {
if (rdataset.type > max_type)
max_type = rdataset.type;
dns_nsec_setbit(bm, rdataset.type, 1);
* At zone cuts, deny the existence of glue in the parent zone.
if (dns_nsec_isset(bm, dns_rdatatype_ns) &&
! dns_nsec_isset(bm, dns_rdatatype_soa)) {
for (i = 0; i <= max_type; i++) {
if (dns_nsec_isset(bm, i) &&
! dns_rdatatype_iszonecutauth((dns_rdatatype_t)i))
dns_nsec_setbit(bm, i, 0);
if (result != ISC_R_NOMORE)
return (result);
nsec_bits += dns_nsec_compressbitmap(nsec_bits, bm, max_type);
r.length = (unsigned int)(nsec_bits - r.base);
return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
dns_nsec_build(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node,
dns_name_t *target, dns_ttl_t ttl)
isc_result_t result;
dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
unsigned char data[DNS_NSEC_BUFFERSIZE];
dns_rdatalist_t rdatalist;
dns_rdataset_t rdataset;
RETERR(dns_nsec_buildrdata(db, version, node, target, data, &rdata));
rdatalist.rdclass = dns_db_class(db);
rdatalist.type = dns_rdatatype_nsec;
rdatalist.ttl = ttl;
ISC_LIST_APPEND(rdatalist.rdata, &rdata, link);
RETERR(dns_rdatalist_tordataset(&rdatalist, &rdataset));
result = dns_db_addrdataset(db, node, version, 0, &rdataset,
0, NULL);
if (result == DNS_R_UNCHANGED)
result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&rdataset))
return (result);
dns_nsec_typepresent(dns_rdata_t *nsec, dns_rdatatype_t type) {
dns_rdata_nsec_t nsecstruct;
isc_result_t result;
isc_boolean_t present;
unsigned int i, len, window;
REQUIRE(nsec != NULL);
REQUIRE(nsec->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec);
/* This should never fail */
result = dns_rdata_tostruct(nsec, &nsecstruct, NULL);
present = ISC_FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < nsecstruct.len; i += len) {
INSIST(i + 2 <= nsecstruct.len);
window = nsecstruct.typebits[i];
len = nsecstruct.typebits[i + 1];
INSIST(len > 0 && len <= 32);
i += 2;
INSIST(i + len <= nsecstruct.len);
if (window * 256 > type)
if ((window + 1) * 256 <= type)
if (type < (window * 256) + len * 8)
present = ISC_TF(dns_nsec_isset(&nsecstruct.typebits[i],
type % 256));
return (present);
dns_nsec_nseconly(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version,
isc_boolean_t *answer)
dns_dbnode_t *node = NULL;
dns_rdataset_t rdataset;
dns_rdata_dnskey_t dnskey;
isc_result_t result;
REQUIRE(answer != NULL);
result = dns_db_getoriginnode(db, &node);
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
return (result);
result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version, dns_rdatatype_dnskey,
0, 0, &rdataset, NULL);
dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND)
*answer = ISC_FALSE;
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
return (result);
for (result = dns_rdataset_first(&rdataset);
result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
result = dns_rdataset_next(&rdataset)) {
dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
dns_rdataset_current(&rdataset, &rdata);
result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &dnskey, NULL);
if (dnskey.algorithm == DST_ALG_RSAMD5 ||
dnskey.algorithm == DST_ALG_RSASHA1 ||
dnskey.algorithm == DST_ALG_DSA ||
dnskey.algorithm == DST_ALG_ECC)
if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
*answer = ISC_TRUE;
if (result == ISC_R_NOMORE) {
*answer = ISC_FALSE;
result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
return (result);
* Return ISC_R_SUCCESS if we can determine that the name doesn't exist
* or we can determine whether there is data or not at the name.
* If the name does not exist return the wildcard name.
* Return ISC_R_IGNORE when the NSEC is not the appropriate one.
dns_nsec_noexistnodata(dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_name_t *name,
dns_name_t *nsecname, dns_rdataset_t *nsecset,
isc_boolean_t *exists, isc_boolean_t *data,
dns_name_t *wild, dns_nseclog_t logit, void *arg)
int order;
dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
isc_result_t result;
dns_namereln_t relation;
unsigned int olabels, nlabels, labels;
dns_rdata_nsec_t nsec;
isc_boolean_t atparent;
isc_boolean_t ns;
isc_boolean_t soa;
REQUIRE(exists != NULL);
REQUIRE(data != NULL);
REQUIRE(nsecset != NULL &&
nsecset->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec);
result = dns_rdataset_first(nsecset);
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "failure processing NSEC set");
return (result);
dns_rdataset_current(nsecset, &rdata);
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "looking for relevant NSEC");
relation = dns_name_fullcompare(name, nsecname, &order, &olabels);
if (order < 0) {
* The name is not within the NSEC range.
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
"NSEC does not cover name, before NSEC");
return (ISC_R_IGNORE);
if (order == 0) {
* The names are the same. If we are validating "."
* then atparent should not be set as there is no parent.
atparent = (olabels != 1) && dns_rdatatype_atparent(type);
ns = dns_nsec_typepresent(&rdata, dns_rdatatype_ns);
soa = dns_nsec_typepresent(&rdata, dns_rdatatype_soa);
if (ns && !soa) {
if (!atparent) {
* This NSEC record is from somewhere higher in
* the DNS, and at the parent of a delegation.
* It can not be legitimately used here.
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
"ignoring parent nsec");
return (ISC_R_IGNORE);
} else if (atparent && ns && soa) {
* This NSEC record is from the child.
* It can not be legitimately used here.
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
"ignoring child nsec");
return (ISC_R_IGNORE);
if (type == dns_rdatatype_cname || type == dns_rdatatype_nxt ||
type == dns_rdatatype_nsec || type == dns_rdatatype_key ||
!dns_nsec_typepresent(&rdata, dns_rdatatype_cname)) {
*exists = ISC_TRUE;
*data = dns_nsec_typepresent(&rdata, type);
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
"nsec proves name exists (owner) data=%d",
return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "NSEC proves CNAME exists");
return (ISC_R_IGNORE);
if (relation == dns_namereln_subdomain &&
dns_nsec_typepresent(&rdata, dns_rdatatype_ns) &&
!dns_nsec_typepresent(&rdata, dns_rdatatype_soa))
* This NSEC record is from somewhere higher in
* the DNS, and at the parent of a delegation.
* It can not be legitimately used here.
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "ignoring parent nsec");
return (ISC_R_IGNORE);
result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &nsec, NULL);
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
return (result);
relation = dns_name_fullcompare(&nsec.next, name, &order, &nlabels);
if (order == 0) {
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
"ignoring nsec matches next name");
return (ISC_R_IGNORE);
if (order < 0 && !dns_name_issubdomain(nsecname, &nsec.next)) {
* The name is not within the NSEC range.
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
"ignoring nsec because name is past end of range");
return (ISC_R_IGNORE);
if (order > 0 && relation == dns_namereln_subdomain) {
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
"nsec proves name exist (empty)");
*exists = ISC_TRUE;
*data = ISC_FALSE;
return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
if (wild != NULL) {
dns_name_t common;
dns_name_init(&common, NULL);
if (olabels > nlabels) {
labels = dns_name_countlabels(nsecname);
dns_name_getlabelsequence(nsecname, labels - olabels,
olabels, &common);
} else {
labels = dns_name_countlabels(&nsec.next);
dns_name_getlabelsequence(&nsec.next, labels - nlabels,
nlabels, &common);
result = dns_name_concatenate(dns_wildcardname, &common,
wild, NULL);
if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
"failure generating wildcard name");
return (result);
(*logit)(arg, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "nsec range ok");
*exists = ISC_FALSE;
return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);