dispatch revision 0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133f
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$Id: dispatch,v 1.6 2004/03/05 05:04:46 marka Exp $
UDP receive:
* General flow:
* If I/O result == CANCELED, free the buffer and notify everyone as
* the various queues drain.
* If I/O is error (not canceled and not success) log it, free the buffer,
* and restart.
* If query:
* if no listeners: free the buffer, restart.
* if listener: allocate event, fill in details.
* If cannot allocate, free buffer, restart.
* if rq event queue is not empty, queue. else, send.
* restart.
* If response:
* Allocate event, fill in details.
* If cannot allocate, free buffer, restart.
* find target. If not found, free buffer, restart.
* if event queue is not empty, queue. else, send.
* restart.
UDP restart:
* If too many recv()'s are already running, just return.
* If noone is attached to us, just return.
* Allocate a new buffer to receive into.
* If no more buffers:
* If there are buffers handed out: wait for one to come back.
* If there are no buffers handed out:
* If there are responses attached to us, just return.
* If there are queries only, send one an error event.
* start recv() on socket. If this fails:
* Free buffer.
* Set dispatch state to "shutting down" and why to "socket error"
* Start failsafe shutdown.
Adding a response:
* If shutting down, return error.
* Allocate an unique messageid and return it. If none can be allocated,
* return that.
* Allocate a new structure and fill it in. If no memory, return that.
* Insert into the correct linked list.
* If the receiver is not running, try to start it.
Adding a request:
* If shutting down, return error.
* Allocate new structure and fill it in. If no memory, return that.
* Insert it into the linked list.
* If the incoming query packet queue is not empty, pull an item off and
* send that event to this task.
* If the receiver is not running, try to start it.
Detaching a response:
* decrement dispatch reference count by one. If zero, remember to kill it
* later.
* unlink the response from the hashed list.
* Free any buffers and events attached to the response structure.
* Free the response structure.
* If an event is also being returned, jump to "internal event free" below.
* If the ref count became zero above, destroy this dispatch fully, and return.
* If the receiver is not running, try to start it.
Detaching a request:
* decrement dispatch ref count by one. If zero, remember to kill it later.
* unlink from the request list.
* Free the response structure.
* If an event is also being returned, jump to "internal event free" below.
* If the ref count became zero above, destroy the dispatch fully, and return.
* If the receiver is not running, try to start it.
Internal event free (from library space):
* If it is the failsafe event, send it to the next response/request on the
* dispatcher, and return.
* Free buffer.
* Free event.
Returning an event (from application space):
* If it is the failsafe event, die.
* Free associated buffer.
* Free event.
* If response: do next response on this response's queue, if any.
* If request: do next request on this dispatcher's queue, if any.
* If the receiver is not running, try to start it.