HOW-ADB-WORKS.txt revision 0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133f
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$Id: HOW-ADB-WORKS.txt,v 1.2 2004/03/05 05:04:50 marka Exp $
Recently, several groups have expressed concern over potential
denial of service attacks within BIND 9, specifically within the ADB
(address database.) This document hopes to provide a more clear
picture of how the ADB works, and what sort of attacks are less likely
due to its use.
We will describe two scenarios, one with two CPUs (and therefore two
worker threads in BIND 9) and one with a single CPU (and therefore one
worker thread.) The two CPU scenario scales to N CPUs.
The ADB acts as a cache for nameserver lookups. If BIND 9 wishes to
contact host, it looks this name up in the ADB. It
will either return a set of addresses (if known) or return a result
indicating a callback will occur when the data is found.
ADB query, data not found, no fetches pending
The name is hashed to find the "bucket" the name exists in. Each
bucket is a linked list of names. There are 1009 buckets in the ADB.
Once the bucket is found, it is locked.
The linked list is searched to see if any addresses are known for the
name. If no information is found, a new fetch is started to find the
addresses for this name.
The bucket is unlocked.
At some point, a callback occurs. The end result is either a set of
addresses for this name, or failure.
NOTE: The bucket is NOT locked while the fetch is in progress.
ADB query, no data found, fetches pending
The name is hashed to find the "bucket" the name exists in. Each
bucket is a linked list of names. There are 1009 buckets in the ADB.
Once the bucket is found, it is locked.
The linked list is searched to see if any addresses are known for the
name. If an in-progress fetch is found, we schedule a callback when
the fetch completes. This means ONE fetch is in progress for any
specific name.
The bucket is unlocked.
At some point, a callback occurs. The end result is either a set of
addresses for this name, or failure.
NOTE: The bucket is NOT locked while the fetch is in progress.
ADB query, addresses found
The name is hashed to find the "bucket" the name exists in. Each
bucket is a linked list of names. There are 1009 buckets in the ADB.
Once the bucket is found, it is locked.
The linked list is searched. Since addresses are found, they are
copied (referenced, actually) for the caller.
The bucket is unlocked.
NOTE: The bucket is NOT locked while the addresses are used by the
For any single ADB lookup, at most one bucket is locked. If there are
10 worker threads, at most 10 buckets will be locked, and at most 9
CPUs will be waiting for a lock if they all happen to want the same
bucket. The wait time is fairly small, however, since it consists of:
a lock
linked list search
perhaps starting a fetch
perhaps copying addresses
an unlock
When BIND 9 is told to use two worker threads, each runs independently
of one another until shared data needs to be accessed. One place this
occurs is in the ADB.
If both worker threads are trying to look up the same name (or two
names that hash to the same ADB bucket) one will have to wait for the
ADB lookup to complete. Note that the lock is NOT held while the
actual DNS fetch for the data is performed.
If they are looking up different names (that hash to different
buckets) each runs independently.
This reduces the two CPU case to (at worse) a single CPU performance.
One CPU means one worker thread in operation, so there is no lock
As described above, a N-CPU configuration will at worse fall back to a
one-CPU scenario while trying to access the same ADB bucket. However,
while the packet is decoded, data is retrieved from authority or cache
data, and while the result is encoded into wire format and transmitted
to the caller, no ADB locks are held, and other CPUs are free to use
At worse, all the CPUs but one will be blocking on an ADB lock.
However, the time it takes to search authority and cache, decode and
encode a DNS packet is likely larger than the time taken in the ADB
lock, so the worse case is unlikely to occur in practice.
Also, note that one the data is cached for a given query, the ADB is
not even used until that cache data expires.