OPENAM-6347 Automatically logout XUI "users" to login page, admins still use session expiry dialog
AME-8895: Disable logging of AM_ACCESS_ATTEMPT by default
AME-8908 Ignore X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header by default
OPENAM-7109 Enable FileUploader.jsp upload size to be configurable
AME-7754 CR-7755 CR-7713 CR-7719 Implement UMA Label endpoints
AME-7527/AME-7649/AME-7650 CR-7588 Send Email to RO on Pending request creation and Rqp on Pending request approval
OPENAM-3266(CR-7187): Enable users to set heartbeat timeout via advanced setting org.forgerock.openam.ldap.heartbeat.timeout
Fix for OPENAM-5925, review FR-689
AME-5791 CR-6098 UMA Audit external store config
AME-5670 CR-6083 Configurable external resource set store
OPENAM-5311 CR-5815 Allow to set default timelimit for LDAP operations
AME-5055 CR-5040 Allow Referrals to be enabled or disabled from Policy Configuration page and server info endpoint to report status through "referralsEnabled" attribute.
AME-5055, CR-5040: Add a new property to to (potentially) enable or disable access to referrals in the UI.
AME-3540 CR-4952 Disable CoreTokenResource endpoint by default
OPENAM-3604 CR-4627 OIDC Generate registration access tokens
AME-4028 CR-4168 The service management layer has been refactored to support independent timeouts depending on the type of connection required.
Backport of OPENAM-4253 to 11.0.x
Fix for OPENAM-4253, review FR-301.
AME-3573 CR-3927 CR-3928 CR-3929 CR-3930 CR-3931 CR-3932 CR-3792 The CTS implementation has been updated to perform all operations asynchronously.
OPENAM-3159: Difference in case between results of identity/json/attributes REST API between first and subsequent calls (backport to 11.0.x)
OPENAM-3604: CR-3609: OIDC: Allow open dynamic client registration (without access token)
Fix for OPENAM-3989 - review: CR-3574 ResourceLookup changes: * instead of always using cache, we are now using an advanced property to determine if the lookup results should be cached * using ConcurrentHashMap instead of Hashtable * now only XMLs are looked up from classpath * Cached filenames are no longer verified before returning them to prevent extra lookups
Fix for OPENAM-3918 - review: FR-164
OPENAM-3959: auth chain miscalculates auth level (CR-3492)
OPENAM-3159: CR-3223: Difference in case between results of identity/json/attributes REST API between first and subsequent calls
OPENAM-1109: AdminTokenAction doesn't clear invalid SSOToken (CR411)
CR-2430 OpenAM-3033 added the heartbeat value to the CTS.
OPENAM-3053 CR-2405 After upgrade the CTS Tab no longer throws an unchecked exception.
AME-2166 CR-2348 The CTS now supports storing Tokens under a separate Root Suffix or in an external Directory store. AME-2291 CR-2319 The CTS expired tokens deletion feature was too slow, this has now been improved.
AME-2160 CR-2161 A story focussed on reducing the Session size when persisted in the CTS.
Fix for OPENAM-2370 - reviewed by Sam Adding this missing property, so the replaypasswd property is now valid.
Fix for OPENAM-1517, review CR-933.
Fix for OPENAM-751, review CR-1239.
Fix for OPENAM-1280 - review: CR-831
Fix for AME-202 - review: CR-802