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String strDisabled = SystemProperties.get("ssoadm.disabled", "true");
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(strDisabled)) {
} else {
try {
SSOTokenManager manager = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
SSOToken ssoToken = manager.createSSOToken(request);
String adminUserDN = "";
AMIdentity adminUserId = null;
// This will give you the 'amAdmin' user dn
String adminUser = SystemProperties.get(
if (adminUser != null) {
adminUserDN = DNUtils.normalizeDN(adminUser);
// This will give you the 'amAdmin' Identity
adminUserId = new AMIdentity(ssoToken, adminUser,
IdType.USER, "/", null);
// This will be your incoming user/token.
AMIdentity user = new AMIdentity(ssoToken);
ssoToken.getPrincipal().getName()))) &&
(!user.equals(adminUserId))) {
WebCLIHelper helper = new WebCLIHelper(request,
"ssoadm", request.getContextPath() + "/ssoadm.jsp");
out.println(helper.getHTML(request, ssoToken));
Object[] param = {"0"};
CLIConstants.JSP_EXIT_CODE_TAG, param));
} catch (SSOException e) {
} catch (CLIException e) {
Object[] param = {Integer.toString(e.getExitCode())};
CLIConstants.JSP_EXIT_CODE_TAG, param));