CTSPersistentStore.java revision b334b83b7ac2d9a8c60d935cad0365506f13333b
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 ForgeRock, Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information:
* "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
package com.sun.identity.sm.ldap;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.exceptions.StoreException;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.SessionService;
import com.sun.identity.common.GeneralTaskRunnable;
import com.sun.identity.common.ShutdownListener;
import com.sun.identity.common.ShutdownManager;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.configuration.SystemPropertiesManager;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.LDAPConnection;
import com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.LDAPException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSEntry;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.api.CoreTokenConstants;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.api.fields.CoreTokenField;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.api.fields.CoreTokenFieldTypes;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.api.tokens.Token;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.exceptions.CoreTokenException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.exceptions.DeleteFailedException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.impl.CoreTokenLDAPAdapter;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.impl.QueryBuilder;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.impl.QueryFilter;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.utils.LDAPDataConversion;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.utils.blob.TokenBlobStrategy;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.utils.blob.TokenStrategyFailedException;
import com.sun.identity.tools.objects.MapFormat;
import org.forgerock.openam.guice.InjectorHolder;
import org.forgerock.openam.sm.DataLayerConnectionFactory;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Attribute;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Entry;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Filter;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.forgerock.openam.session.ha.i18n.AmsessionstoreMessages.*;
* Core Token Service Persistent Store is responsible for the storage and retrieval of
* Tokens from the persistent store.
* The Core Token Service is exposed through a series of CRUDL operations which use TokenAdapters
* to convert from objects to be stored in the Core Token Service, to the Token format required
* for generic storage.
* The Core Token Service is responsible for the storage mechanism behind the Session fail-over
* feature.
* Persistence is currently provided by LDAP.
* @see com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.adapters.TokenAdapter
* @see Token
* @author steve
* @author jeff.schenk@forgerock.com
* @author jason.lemay@forgerock.com
* @author robert.wapshott@forgerock.com
public class CTSPersistentStore extends GeneralTaskRunnable {
private static Debug DEBUG;
// Singleton Instance
private static volatile CTSPersistentStore instance = null;
private static Thread storeThread;
private CoreTokenLDAPAdapter adapter = null;
private final CoreTokenConfig coreTokenConfig;
private final LDAPDataConversion dataConversion;
private final TokenBlobStrategy strategy;
private final DataLayerConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
* Globals private Constants, so not to pollute entire product.
private static final String OBJECTCLASS = "objectClass";
private static final String ANY_OBJECTCLASS_FILTER = "(" + OBJECTCLASS + Constants.EQUALS + Constants.ASTERISK + ")";
* Shared SM Data Layer Accessor.
private static volatile CTSDataLayer CTSDataLayer;
* Service Globals
private static volatile boolean shutdown = false;
private final static String ID = "CTSPersistentStore";
private final Object LOCK = new Object();
* Configuration Definitions
static public final String OAUTH2 = "oauth2";
private static final String FAMRECORDS_NAMING = "ou=famrecords";
private static final String OAUTH2TOKENS_NAMING = "ou=" + OAUTH2 + "tokens";
* Define Global DN and Container Constants
// Our default Top Level Root Suffix.
// This is resolved during Initialization process.
private static final String BASE_ROOT_DN_NAME = "BASE_ROOT";
private static String BASE_ROOT_DN;
// Our default for TOKEN_ROOT_SUFFIX = ou=tokens
private static final String TOKEN_ROOT_SUFFIX =
// Our default for TOKEN_ROOT = ou=tokens,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org
private static final String TOKEN_ROOT = TOKEN_ROOT_SUFFIX +
Constants.COMMA + "{" + BASE_ROOT_DN_NAME + "}";
// Our default for TOKEN_SESSION_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX = ou=openam-session
private static final String TOKEN_SESSION_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX =
// Our default for TOKEN_SAML2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX = ou=openam-saml2
private static final String TOKEN_SAML2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX =
// Our default for TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX = ou-openam-oauth2
private static final String TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX =
* Define Session DN Constants
private static final String SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN =
* Define SAML2 DN Constants
private static final String SAML2_HA_BASE_DN =
* Define OAUTH2 DN Constants
private static final String OAUTH2_HA_BASE_DN =
* Private restricted to preserve Singleton Instantiation.
public CTSPersistentStore(CoreTokenConfig coreTokenConfig, LDAPDataConversion dataConversion,
DataLayerConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TokenBlobStrategy strategy) {
this.coreTokenConfig = coreTokenConfig;
this.dataConversion = dataConversion;
this.strategy = strategy;
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
this.DEBUG = SessionService.sessionDebug;
* Provide Service Instance Access to our Singleton
* @return CTSPersistentStore Singleton Instance.
public static final CTSPersistentStore getInstance() {
synchronized (CTSPersistentStore.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new CTSPersistentStore(
// Proceed With Initialization of Service.
try {
// Initialize the Initial Singleton Service Instance.
} catch (StoreException se) {
DEBUG.error("CTS Persistent Store Initialization Failed: " + se.getMessage());
DEBUG.error("CTS Persistent Store requests will be Ignored, until this condition is resolved!");
} // End of synchronized block.
// Return Instance.
return instance;
* Perform Initialization
private synchronized static void initialize()
throws StoreException {
// Initialize this Service
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Initializing Configuration for the OpenAM Session Repository using Implementation Class: " +
// *******************************
// Set up Shutdown Thread Hook.
ShutdownManager shutdownManager = ShutdownManager.getInstance();
if (shutdownManager.acquireValidLock()) {
try {
shutdownManager.addShutdownListener(new ShutdownListener() {
public void shutdown() {
} finally {
// *************************************************************
// Obtain our Directory Connection and ensure we can access our
// Internal Directory Connection or use an External Source as
// per configuration.
// ******************************************
// Start our AM Repository Store Thread.
storeThread = new Thread(instance);
// Finish Initialization
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Successful Configuration Initialization for the OpenAM Session Repository using Implementation Class: " +
* Prepare our BackEnd Persistence Store.
* @throws StoreException - Exception thrown if Error condition exists.
private synchronized static void prepareCTSPersistenceStore() throws StoreException {
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.prepareCTSPersistenceStore: ";
DEBUG.message(messageTag + "Attempting to Prepare BackEnd Persistence Store for CTS Services.");
try {
CTSDataLayer = CTSDataLayer.getSharedSMDataLayerAccessor();
if (CTSDataLayer == null) {
throw new StoreException("Unable to obtain BackEnd Persistence Store for CTS Services.");
} catch (Exception e) {
DEBUG.error("Exception Occurred during attempt to access shared SM Data Layer!", e);
throw new StoreException(e);
// Obtain our Root DN to use as out Base DN.
BASE_ROOT_DN = SMSEntry.getRootSuffix();
if ((BASE_ROOT_DN == null) || (BASE_ROOT_DN.isEmpty())) {
throw new StoreException("Unable to obtain Base Root DN from SMSEntry.getRootSuffix() method call!");
// Show Informational Message.
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message(messageTag + "Successfully Prepared BackEnd Persistent Store for CTS Services.");
* Provides an instance of the CoreTokenAdapter the first time this function is called.
* Otherwise returns the same instance for all subsequent calls.
* @return Non null instance of the CoreTokenAdapter.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the connection to the LDAP database could not be established.
private CoreTokenLDAPAdapter getAdapter() {
if (adapter == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (adapter == null) {
LDAPDataConversion conversion = new LDAPDataConversion();
CoreTokenConstants constants = new CoreTokenConstants(SMSEntry.getRootSuffix());
adapter = new CoreTokenLDAPAdapter(connectionFactory, conversion, constants);
return adapter;
* Create a Token in the persistent store. If the Token already exists in the store then this
* function will throw a CoreTokenException. Instead it is recommended to use the update function.
* @see CTSPersistentStore#update(com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.api.tokens.Token)
* @param token Non null Token to create.
* @throws CoreTokenException If there was a non-recoverable error during the operation or if
* the Token already exists in the store.
public void create(Token token) throws CoreTokenException {
try {
} catch (TokenStrategyFailedException e) {
throw new CoreTokenException("Failed to perform Token Blob strategy.", e);
* Read a Token from the persistent store.
* @param tokenId The non null Token Id that the Token was created with.
* @return Null if there was no matching Token. Otherwise a fully populated Token will be returned.
* @throws CoreTokenException If there was a non-recoverable error during the operation.
public Token read(String tokenId) throws CoreTokenException {
Token token = getAdapter().read(tokenId);
try {
} catch (TokenStrategyFailedException e) {
throw new CoreTokenException("Failed to reverse Token Blob strategy.", e);
return token;
* Update an existing Token in the store. If the Token does not exist in the store then a
* Token is created. If the Token did exist in the store then it is updated.
* Not all fields on the Token can be updated, see the Token class for more details.
* @see Token
* @param token Non null Token to update.
* @throws CoreTokenException If there was a non-recoverable error during the operation.
public void update(Token token) throws CoreTokenException {
try {
} catch (TokenStrategyFailedException e) {
throw new CoreTokenException("Failed to perform Token Blob strategy.", e);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
CoreTokenConstants.DEBUG_HEADER +
"Update: {0} updated",
* Delete the Token from the store.
* @param token Non null Token to be deleted from the store.
* @throws CoreTokenException If there was a non-recoverable error during the operation.
public void delete(Token token) throws CoreTokenException {
* Delete the Token from the store based on its id.
* Note: It is often more efficient to delete the token based on the Id if you already
* have this information, rather than reading the Token first before removing it.
* @param tokenId The non null Token Id of the token to remove.
* @throws CoreTokenException If there was a non-recoverable error during the operation.
public void delete(String tokenId) throws DeleteFailedException {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
CoreTokenConstants.DEBUG_HEADER +
"Delete: {0} deleted",
* Delete a collection of Tokens from the Token Store using a filter to narrow down the
* Tokens to be deleted.
* Note: This operation is linear in its execution time so the more Tokens being deleted, the
* longer it will take.
* @param query Non null filters which will be combined logically using AND.
* @return total number of tokens deleted by query.
* @throws DeleteFailedException If the delete failed for any reason.
public int delete(Map<CoreTokenField, Object> query) throws DeleteFailedException {
QueryFilter.QueryFilterBuilder queryFilter = getAdapter().buildFilter().and();
for (Map.Entry<CoreTokenField, Object> entry : query.entrySet()) {
CoreTokenField key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
queryFilter = queryFilter.attribute(key, value);
QueryBuilder builder = getAdapter()
Collection<Entry> entries;
try {
entries = builder.executeRawResults();
for (Entry entry : entries) {
Attribute attribute = entry.getAttribute(CoreTokenField.TOKEN_ID.toString());
String tokenId = attribute.firstValueAsString();
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
CoreTokenConstants.DEBUG_HEADER +
"Delete: {0} deleted",
} catch (CoreTokenException e) {
throw new DeleteFailedException(builder, e);
return entries.size();
* Perform a query based on a collection of queryable parameters.
* The query will be an AND query where each matching Token must match on all query parameters
* provided.
* @param query A mapping of CoreTokenField keys to values.
* @return A non null, but possibly empty collection of Tokens.
* @throws CoreTokenException If there was a non-recoverable error during the operation.
public Collection<Token> list(Map<CoreTokenField, Object> query) throws CoreTokenException {
// Verify all types are safe to cast.
QueryBuilder builder = getAdapter().query();
QueryFilter.QueryFilterBuilder filterBuilder = getAdapter().buildFilter().and();
for (Map.Entry<CoreTokenField, Object> entry : query.entrySet()) {
CoreTokenField key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
filterBuilder = filterBuilder.attribute(key, value);
Collection<Token> tokens = builder.withFilter(filterBuilder.build()).execute();
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
CoreTokenConstants.DEBUG_HEADER +
"List: {0} Tokens listed",
return tokens;
* Performs a list operation against the Core Token Service with a predefined filter. This
* allows more complex filters to be constructed and is intended to be used with the
* QueryFilter fluent class.
* @see QueryFilter
* @param filter A non null OpenDJ LDAP Filter to use to control the results returned.
* @return A non null, but possible empty collection of Tokens.
* @throws CoreTokenException If there was an unrecoverable error.
public Collection<Token> list(Filter filter) throws CoreTokenException {
Collection<Token> tokens = getAdapter().query().withFilter(filter).execute();
return tokens;
* Handles the decrypting of tokens when needed.
* @param tokens A non null collection of Tokens.
* @return A new collection of Tokens with their byte contents decrypted if necessary.
private void decryptTokens(Collection<Token> tokens) throws CoreTokenException {
for (Token token : tokens) {
try {
} catch (TokenStrategyFailedException e) {
throw new CoreTokenException("Failed to reverse Token Blob strategy.", e);
* Perform Service Shutdown.
public void shutdown() {
* Internal Service Shutdown Process.
protected static void internalShutdown() {
shutdown = true;
* Service Thread Run Process Loop.
public void run() {
synchronized (LOCK) {
while (!shutdown) {
try {
boolean more = deleteExpired();
// Trigger a rerun of the loop if it is clear there are more to delete.
if (more) {
// Wait for next tick or interrupt.
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// very important, when Exception thrown, Interrupt is actually cleared.
// Need to ensure all child loop iterations get killed.
} catch (CoreTokenException e) {
DEBUG.warning(DB_STR_EX.get().toString(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
DEBUG.warning(DB_STR_EX.get().toString(), e);
* Default Service Method, used to satisfy GeneralTaskRunnable extending.
* @param obj
* @return
public boolean addElement(Object obj) {
return false;
* Default Service Method, used to satisfy GeneralTaskRunnable extending.
* @param obj
* @return
public boolean removeElement(Object obj) {
return false;
* Default Service Method, used to satisfy GeneralTaskRunnable extending.
* @return
public boolean isEmpty() {
return true;
* Return Service Run Period.
* @return long current run period.
public long getRunPeriod() {
return coreTokenConfig.getRunPeriod();
* Returns the expiration information of all sessions belonging to a user.
* The returned value will be a Map (sid->expiration_time).
* @param uuid User's universal unique ID.
* @return Map of all Session for the user
* @throws Exception if there is any problem with accessing the session
* repository.
public Map<String, Long> getTokensByUUID(String uuid) throws CoreTokenException {
Collection<Entry> entries;
Filter filter = getAdapter().buildFilter().and().userId(uuid).build();
entries = getAdapter().query()
.returnTheseAttributes(CoreTokenField.TOKEN_ID, CoreTokenField.EXPIRY_DATE)
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
CoreTokenConstants.DEBUG_HEADER +
"Querying Sessions by User Id. Found {0} Sessions.\n" +
"UUID: {1}",
Map<String, Long> sessions = new HashMap<String, Long>();
for (Entry entry : entries) {
String sessionId = entry.getAttribute(CoreTokenField.TOKEN_ID.toString()).firstValueAsString();
String dateString = entry.getAttribute(CoreTokenField.EXPIRY_DATE.toString()).firstValueAsString();
Calendar timestamp = dataConversion.fromLDAPDate(dateString);
long epochedSeconds = dataConversion.toEpochedSeconds(timestamp);
sessions.put(sessionId, epochedSeconds);
return sessions;
* Protected Common Helper Method to Obtain an LDAP Connection
* from the SMDataLayer Pool.
* @return LDAPConnection - Obtained Directory Connection from Pool.
* @throws StoreException
protected LDAPConnection getDirectoryConnection() throws StoreException {
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = CTSDataLayer.getConnection();
if (ldapConnection == null) {
throw new StoreException("CTSPersistenceStore.prepareCTSPersistenceStore: Unable to Obtain Directory Connection!");
// Return Obtain Connection from Pool.
return ldapConnection;
* Protected Common Helper Method for external parallel layer components @see CTSDataUtils
* @param ldapConnection
* @throws StoreException
protected void releaseDirectoryConnection(LDAPConnection ldapConnection, LDAPException lastLDAPException) throws StoreException {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
protected static String getAnyObjectclassFilter() {
protected static String getBASE_ROOT_DN() {
return getFormattedDNString(BASE_ROOT_DN, null, null);
protected static String getTokenRoot() {
return getFormattedDNString(TOKEN_ROOT, null, null);
protected static String getTokenSessionHaRootDn() {
return getFormattedDNString(TOKEN_SESSION_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX + "," + TOKEN_ROOT, null, null);
protected static String getTokenSaml2HaRootDn() {
return getFormattedDNString(TOKEN_SAML2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX + "," + TOKEN_ROOT, null, null);
protected static String getTokenOauth2HaRootDn() {
return getFormattedDNString(TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX + "," + TOKEN_ROOT, null, null);
protected static String getSessionFailoverHaBaseDn() {
return getFormattedDNString(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN, null, null);
protected static String getSaml2HaBaseDn() {
return getFormattedDNString(SAML2_HA_BASE_DN, null, null);
protected static String getOauth2HaBaseDn() {
return getFormattedDNString(OAUTH2_HA_BASE_DN, null, null);
* Helper method to correctly format a String with a name,value pair.
* This uses the include Open Source @see MapFormat Source.
* @param template
* @param name - Can be Null.
* @param value
* @return String of Formatted Template with DN Names resolved.
private static String getFormattedDNString(String template, String name, String value) {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put(BASE_ROOT_DN_NAME, BASE_ROOT_DN); // Always Resolve our Base Root DN with any Template.
if ((name != null) && (!name.isEmpty())) {
map.put(name, value);
return MapFormat.format(template, map);
* Delete all Expired Sessions, within Default Limits.
* @return True if there are more tokens to delete.
* @throws CoreTokenException If there was a problem performing the delete.
private boolean deleteExpired() throws CoreTokenException {
Calendar nowTimestamp = Calendar.getInstance();
Filter filter = getAdapter().buildFilter().and().beforeDate(nowTimestamp).build();
Collection<Entry> entries = getAdapter().query()
for (Entry entry : entries) {
Attribute attribute = entry.getAttribute(CoreTokenField.TOKEN_ID.toString());
String tokenId = attribute.firstValueAsString();
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
CoreTokenConstants.DEBUG_HEADER +
"Delete Expired: {0} expired tokens deleted",
return entries.size() == coreTokenConfig.getExpiredSessionsSearchLimit();