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# $Id:,v 1.5 2008/08/19 19:08:21 veiming Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2010-2011 ForgeRock AS
usage=\nUsage: amsessiondb < -a <JMQServerAddressList> || --clusteraddress <JMQServerAddressList> > [ ARGUMENTS ]\n\nARGUMENTS:\n -u <username>, --username <username> default value guest\n\n -w <password>, --password <password> default value guest\n\n -f <filename>, --passwordfile <filename>\n\n -c <cachesize>, --cachesize <cachesize>\n Cache Size in MB, default is 8MB\n\n -b <dbdirectory>, --dbdirectory <dbdirectory>\n Base directory where Database files should be created\n\n -a <JMQServerAddressList>, --clusteraddress <JMQServerAddressList>\n JMQ Cluster/Broker Address List. Ex host1:port[,host2:port,host3:port,..]\n\n -s <numcleanexpiredsessions>, --numcleansessions <numcleanexpiredsessions>\n Number of expired sessions to be deleted for each cleanup interval.\n\n -v, --verbose\n Run in verbose mode. Results sent to standard output.\n\n -i <statsinterval>, --statsInterval <statsinterval>\n Prints the stats to standard output, value is in secs, defalut value 60.\n\n -h, --help\n print Help and exit.\n\n -n, --version\n Output the version of OpenAM currently installed.\n\n -p <updateinterval>, --nodestatusupdateinterval <updateinterval>\n Interval of peer BDB node status update, value is in milli-secs, defalut value 5000.\n\n
amsfopasswd-usage=\nUsage: \n amsfopassword -h | --help\n amsfopassword --passwordfile|-f <filename> --encrypt|-e <password>\n
error-saving-passwd=Error occurred in saving the password to file!
invalid-option=Invalid option!
illegal-args=Illegal argument was given!
initializing=Initializing and connecting to the Message Queue server ...
startsuccess=Successfully started.
totalreq=Total requests processed.
totalread=Total READ requests processed.
totalwrite=Total WRITE requests processed.
totaldelete=Total DELETE requests processed.
totalreadsessioncount=Total GET_SESSION_COUNT requests processed.
nousername=No username specified.
nopasswordfile=No password file specified.
nopwdinfile=No password in file
nocachesize=No cachesize value specified
invalidcachesize=Invalid cachesize value.
nodbdirectory=No dbdirectory specified.
noclusteraddress=No clusteraddress specified.
nonodestatusupdateinterval=No nodestatusupdateinterval specified.
deletedatbase=No deletedatabse value specified.
invalidvalue=Invalid value specified for
readmsgrecv=READ message received.
writemsgrecv=WRITE message received.
deletemsgrecv=DELETE message received.
datemsgrecv=DELETEBYDATE message received.
printingstats=Stats *********************
expsessionsclean= expired sessions cleaned in
version=\nOpenAM 10.1\n\n
getsessioncount=GET_SESSION_COUNT message received.
waitfornodechecking=Checking for peer BDB daemon processes. Please wait ...
notmasterdbnode=Not the master BDB node. No response to GET_SESSION_COUNT message.
brokerdown=Error: Connection to Broker Lost. Broker could be down.
reconnecttobroker=Trying to reconnect to Broker.
reconnectsuccessfull=Successfully reconnected to Broker.
unabletoclosejmq=Unable to close out existing JMQ connections:
reinitjmq=Reinit JMQ due to error
readwithseckey=READ_WITH_SEC_KEY message received.
dbdown=Error: Berkeley DB unavailable. Disconnecting from broker.
reinitdb=Reinit Berkeley DB due to error