var doCopy = function () {
// Create set4 with an object property 'obj'
var set4 = {
obj: {}
// Create a shallow copy of set4
var copy = Y.merge(set4);
// Add a property to the copy inside of the 'obj' property
copy.obj.addedToCopy = true;
Y.log('After modifying the copy: ');
// The result object is not the same as the original, but
var msg = ('"copy" should NOT be equal to the "original" (false expected): ' + (copy === set4));
// objects in the result object will reference the same object in
// the input object.
msg += '<br><br>copy.obj.addedToCopy should be equal to original.obj.addedToCopy (true expected): ' +
(copy.obj.addedToCopy === set4.obj.addedToCopy);
Y.on('click', doCopy, '#demo_btn2');