YUI().use('node', function(Y) {
var count = 6, // seconds for timer count down
changer = Y.one('.changer'), // just the node to change
counters = Y.all('.fruit .count'); // counter numbers on both fruits
var doChange = function(){
count -= 1; // decrement the seconds count
counters.setContent(count); // update the number of seconds by setting the contents of the node
// when it gets to 0 seconds, make changes to just the node with class "changer"
if(count < 1){
// set the "src" attribute of one image to an orange
Y.one('.changer img').setAttribute('src', '{{{componentAssets}}}/images/orange.png');
// change the contents of one speech bubble
Y.one('.changer .speech').setContent("No, I'm from <em>Florida!</em>");
// change several styles together
fontSize: '150%',
color: '#EA6500',
backgroundColor: '#FFD7AA'
return; // bypass the setTimeout and don't call the function again
setTimeout(doChange, 1000);