YUI().use('parallel', 'node', function(Y) {
//Create the stack
var stack = new Y.Parallel(),
//Setup our results node
res = Y.one('#results');
//Listen for the click on the button
Y.one('#runner').on('click', function(e) {
//Prevent the link from navigating
//Note that we are starting the test.
res.append('<strong>Running example</strong><br><br>');
for (var i = 1000; i <= 5000; i=i+1000) {
//Adding a timeout with callback for ~1s apart.
Y.later(i, null, stack.add(function() {
//This is called when the timeout is reached.
res.append('Callback fired<br>');
//What to do when all the callbacks are completed.
stack.done(function() {
res.append('<br><strong>All Callbacks Done!</strong>');